Comments : 40

Hello and happy late afternoon….we are having the most spectacular fall weather, loving it! It’s just enough for a light sweater or jacket, perfecto:) If you are like me and love blue and white, then you my friends, have indeed come to the right place!

 I announced the other day the start of my “Blue and white love” contest. This is one contest I am crazy excited about having and I promise to find a glitch free poll to upload when the time comes to make voting easy!! The rules are simple and I hope to any of my fellow blue and white lovers that you will consider sending in your pictures. Today is a perfect excuse to share some more blue and white love….does it ever get old? I say no! I have already gotten in some pretty amazing pictures…….

It is classic, timeless, always elegant and literally works inside, outside in any style home. I have seen it look amazing in more transitional homes as well as it does in very traditional ones. It is just a sure thing. So take a look at some blue and white love that I have been enjoying in many shapes, forms and ways………

 Gorgeous blue and white wall,  J Wilson Fuqua

 My own secretary holding an oversized blue and white planter…..
 My own dining room table always has room for one more ginger jar:)
My own back patio…..where blue and white reigns supreme!

 Love this striking center hall table…..picture perfect!
 I love seeing a blue and white collection on a center hall table…perfection! J Wilson Fuqua
Gorgeous fall vignette, courtesy of Yvonne Stone Gable
 Stunning table scape by queen of elegance, Carolyne Roehme
I kind of need these, Mandarina
How pretty is this! Pierre Deux creates  a picture perfect blue and white bedroom, dreamy!
 Blue and white against the rich blue wall is really something!
 Love this picture…so serene, and a perfect spot for a blue and white collection!
 Talk about a way to wake up every morning…who needs coffee!! House Beautiful
 Rich soft yellows with blue and white are exquisite….
 Bright blues against white make for a dramatic effect
Love the effect of cheery sunny yellow against blue and white porcelain
My own breakfast room setting (and no we never eat like this lol)
 Gorgeous vignette on a center island, Classic Casual Home
Love creams mixed in with blue and white….so timelessly elegant. Asmara

Love this bedroom….cozy and so beautiful! Glam Pad
Bring it on!
 What better way than to be greeted upon entering a home than by a vignette of blue and white! J Wilson Fuqua
 My own vignette on a black French console
 The holidays are a brilliant time to display blue and white with holiday greenery
 Beautiful blue and white papered interior doors of this armoire make this so striking
Gorgeous table setting….white and blue and white flowers go together so beautifully!
Some of my most favorite blue and white goodies!
My motto is there is no such thing as too many blue and white pillows:)
Oh my word…blue and white is sooo beautiful. It is one thing that  always leaves me happy, and I seem to have my blue and white radar on 24/7.  Just love it! How about you? How do you like to use blue and white? So, onto the contest details…..
My contest theme for November is not surprisingly “Blue and white love“. You know what that means..send in your pictures of your blue and white anything…however you love to display it or use it in your home, your favorite vignette, a beautifully displayed ginger jar, your plate collection, your blue and white nails, your pet wearing a blue and white something….whatever it may be.

Max. 2 pictures per entrant, please in subject line of email put “Blue and white love”. I will collect pictures up until Nov. 1st . The contest will run on Nov. 4th for 2 days. Thanks in advance and I cannot wait to start receiving your pictures…I  know they will be fabulous!

Email me your pictures to [email protected].

The lucky winner will be getting something that is blue and white and fabulous!

Thanks for stopping in. Be sure to check back on Thursday,  I have some stupendous steals and deals to announce and new gorgeous fall colors for the Annabel Ingall totes..lots of good stuff! Enjoy your day:)

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I love the beautiful blue and white, it is always current and always so lovely, love to mix colors with the blue and white and let it act as a neutral…thanks for the pretty post…Phyllis

Fantastic settings and decoration ideas, thanks so much for yet another beautiful post. Fun contest too, looking forward to seeing everone’s entries!

Your contests really get your readers inspired and we’re ashamed to say that our blue and white has been traded for brass and lucite! πŸ™ We’ll have to dig up some pictures of our old house to submit.
C + C

Hi Tina, I am a big fan of the blue and white club…and my growing collection is proof! You are a big part of helping reignite my love for it again so thank you. Now i am unstoppable πŸ™‚
This post is so beautiful, your pictures are my favorites, you really have “a knack” for creating such beauty with blue and white. Those sandals are really cute too. I will be sending you a few pictures later tonight.


Such beautiful examples of blue and white…I like the photos from your home the best! Sadly, not a lot of blue and white in my house, but this inspired me to consider redoing a room in blue and white. My posts tomorrow and Thursday will be filled with blue and white travel photos, though. πŸ™‚

Have a great night! xoxo

Stunning images in a rhapsody of BLUE and WHITE! I am a B&W girl and a couple of posts back I shared a W&B transferware tablescape..full Blue and Wall plates as well. I’m very inspired, thanks so much! Hugs,

TIna, you know I love my blue and white! And your collection is so gorgeous. You know I’ll be sending you some photos – but so hard to pick just two!!! Happy Tuesday! XOXO

be still my heart! only 2 photos?? It will take me some time to find my favorites. Love this inspiration and cannot wait to see everyones photos. xo, ebh

So many beautiful images. I pinned at least 10, your homes blue and whites are my favorites. I do have a small blue and white bathroom so will ask my son to take pictures to send in, I am the worlds worst photographer!
I love your collection and am the proud owner of two of your ginger jars. This is a post worth saving and revisiting for ideas.

These are all so stunning. The Pink pagoda had a link up recently with some other stunning display of blue and white. Gorgeous colour combo.

You have stolen my heart, Tina….you know how I love blue, especially of the aqua sort…and you slipped in something here for EVERYONE, including a little more shabby blues and gray. But give me chandeliers any day and fireplaces, and I’m happy. You are fabulous because you speak to a special part of everyone of us. Thank you.AND I can breathe now because my husband found out yesterday that he IS NOT laid off. So….exposed beams, HERE I COME! tteeehehehehe

Much love, Anita

Tina…Scrolled through this post 4 times. Great photos – my favorites are the ones of your gorgeous home. We sold our house and in the midst of making an offer on a house that was built in the 1800’s. YIKES!! If we have any $ left, I am doing my shopping in your gorgeous shop. Have a wonderful week.

Hi sweetie!

Oh, I have being missing you!!! I am sorry I haven’t been here for a while, but as you already know, I was really busy these couple of days… back to normal now! πŸ™‚

What a beautiful post, Tina! And I am really excited for this contest… I can imagine how many beauty we’ll see around here!

Have a wonderful day, my friend.


Luciane at

Tina, You do an amazing job of grouping the Ginger Jars and styling them in your home. They look stunning just about anywhere.. counters, tables, and LOVE the black French console!! The greens and yellows look so pretty with the porcelain. So much fun and I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with! Enjoy your day:)

Dear Tina sooo many gorgeous images and ideas of putting blue and white together.
How long have I loved blue and white…when I was a young bride my Mother helped me work on a navy blue and white cross-stitched quilt! I always knew what I loved and also a pair of sleek ankle pants in navy and white poplin, I loved!
Now pottery continues the tradition!

2013 Designer Series

2013 Designer Series

Tina if anyone is qualified to hold a blue and white contest, its you. I consider you the queen! I will be sending in pictures soon (just waiting to put the finishing touches) on my room. So many incredible shots here, and of course your home are my favorites, you have such a talent, have you ever thought of publishing a book on blue and white? It seems to be more popular than ever. Enjoyed this very much, cannot wait to see what your readers send in.

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Blue and White has a Place Everywhere…..the Colors of Enchantment! <3 your blog.

Such incredible blue and white eye candy!! I especially love the pictures of your beautiful home, Tina!! So gorgeous!!!

The Glam Pad

I’m swooning. This is the most perfect post for the Blue & White Bash. I love what you do, how you design and style your own vignettes.
And, I don’t know any women who doesn’t love blue/white porcelain/pottery etc. so we all get a huge thrill seeing all the different ways one can incorporate it into your rooms. xo’s

I knew you would curate tons of blue and white goodness for us this Monday. Love your back patio! I concur with your motto that you can never have too many b&w pillows! πŸ™‚

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