Comments : 101

Hi there. If you remember about two weeks ago I posted a poll/survey about my blog and shop. I eagerly anticipated seeing what you had to say. What I did not anticipate was that almost 1100 of you would chime in…what a wonderful response that was!? I was so thrilled to hear from so many of you and your kind words honestly touched my heart more than words can convey. You totally validate what I do and more important why I do it. So I was eager to share with you the results of the poll, a lot of it not? surprising but a few things absolutely were.

I was so happy that I featured, at the end,? a place for you to write and share your thoughts/suggestions, whatever you had to say. It was so incredibly enlightening!? To thank you all for participating I am offering up a wonderful giveaway from my online shop (details at bottom).


  • 83% are between 45-55+ and 16$ are between 18-45 years old
  • 50% of you have been reading my blog for 1-2 years, the rest were evenly distributed between being new to 1 year
  • 64% of read my blog every single time I post (thank you)!
  • 40 % say when they read my current post, they then click to either an old post of mine or go to my online shop 20% click to another blog in my blog list
  • When asked why you read my blog, 82% say they love my style and love that I make my blog personal and 17% said they love blue and white and pretty pictures
  • 74% found me through web browsing or another blog and 7% found me through Pinterest (74 people)
  • 41% read 1-5 blogs a week and 31% reads? 6-10 blogs a week
  • 43% say they like when I post on beauty/fashion but can take it or leave it while 38% love it and want more and 19% said they would prefer I stay true to interior design
  • 55% say they want to see more of my home and love it and 41% say they like it when I feature it
  • 65% say they love my long posts and my many pictures (thank you) and only 7% said they wish the posts were shorter
  • It was a dead even tie about my contests 50% of you love them and 50% of you could do without them….(484 vs. 482)
  • 72% of you have recommended my blog to someone (many thanks for that)!
  • 65% say they ready religiously but do not leave comments, 28% rarely leave a comment, 5% leave a comment half the time and 1% always tries to leave one (so fascinating)
  • 94% are readers but not fellow bloggers
  • 6% who participated were bloggers (65 people who responded were bloggers)


One thing I found most interesting is that the vast majority do not leave comments, so for any bloggers who get frustrated over this, it doesn’t mean people are not reading and very much enjoying what you are posting, but clearly most do not comment.

The blank section where I asked you about anything I could do to enrich/enhance your experience….was filled with nearly 400 comments. I read every single one and was thoroughly entertained by them.? Nearly all were unbelievably flattering and heart warming, a few offered constructive criticism and thankfully even fewer were a little “tougher” (1-2 comments)? so I really appreciate everyone taking the time to participate and hearing what you have to say keeps me going:)

It meant the world and as I am about to expand my shop and integrate my shop and blog (promise its going to be great) your feedback is super important to me! I wish I could share all almost 400 comments? but I promise you, that each and every one of them is treasured and I have taken it all in.

rp_jeanneunnamed-193x300.jpgGiveaway details….


Now onto the giveaway! To show my thanks to you for participating……one lucky winner is going to win a pair of custom silver/pewter napkin ring (your choice of styles)? from my online shop. These sell for $56 on my shop but sell for double every where else.

Maybe this will be the start to a collection, which is what many do. I have started a few people that I know and love with a collection and every time a birthday or special occasion rolls around I give them another napkin ring to add to their collection. They are very special and like jewelry for the table!

Leave a comment on this post to be eligible, if you want a second chance, leave me a comment on Facebook by clicking here. I will announce a winner on Saturday morning.

6689934 2171842? 28837628868091 6844261 4820712 4911620 3041545Thanks as always for stopping in and to all who participated in my poll….cannot tell how you how much I appreciate you taking the time! Enjoy your day……


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I love the napkin rings and would love to start a collection! Love, love, love your style (and your shop!)

What a wonderful way to start my collection. A great giveaway! I have been eyeing these napkin rings for a long time. Hope I win. Thanks.

Interesting feedback and happy it will help you Tina be even better…is that possible? I would love to win a pair of the napkin rings. I bought 8 from you this past Christmas to give to my sister and I cannot tell you how much she loves them! She uses them all the time so I would love to have my own collection!!

Love the dog and pheasant set! Can just imagine these on my table when we do a game dinner in the Fall πŸ™‚

Thank you so much for offering the napkin rings as a giveaway. They are so charming and adorable! I love all of the animals, especially the dogs.

I was just introduced to your blog a couple of days ago through your specal time with Phyllis. I am so excited to spend quality time soaking in the feminine beauty of this new discovery. Thank you for sharing the inner beauty that comes through. Can you see my smile?

Read results of the survey. Thanks for posting them. I read your blog and get inspired. Yes I also love the napkin rings and your online shop. Love my tall candelabras. I know you went out of your way to help me with them and appreciate it.

OMG I love these and would love to start a collection! What a great giveaway! You are so talented and yet always sharing with us. Thanks for all you do!

Hello Tina. The napkin rings are precious and I hope someone will be the lucky winner. I don’t entertain much anymore since I’ve downsized ( and I mean downsized to 1200 sq. ft.) so I would be interested if you had more decorating tips and/or photos of small homes. I consider my new home to be my little jewel box and would love to see more homes like this. I enjoy reading your posts because it’s as if I’m reading a letter from a friend. Blessings!

Thank you for sharing! Your home is beautiful and it inspires me to to make my home beautiful too! I can’t wait to see what you have to share next!

I love anything decorative with animals and flowers as it appears you do as well, the napkin rings are just lovely! I. do enjoy reading about your home and seeing what your shop has to offer. Wonderful posts!

Hi Tina: I read everyday and never left a comment.. didn’t realize it was even important! So here is my comment– I look forward to your posts! it is a boost to my day and a chance to relax and enjoy the beauty in life! I like all the things you offer in your store especially the blue and white and consider the purchases from there some of the prettiest things in my collection! we southern girls know a good thing when we see it! Julie

Thank you for your beautiful blog! And thank you for a chance at starting a gorgeous and entertaining collection. I could totally see these around our table! And wouldn’t they be a delectable heirloom to pass along! Xo Marlis

I found your results interesting too and this from me one who LOVES your blog but never comments so here I am! I love your taste and your style but mostly how your warm and giving personality shines through. You are always so willing to help and I have a beautiful blue and white vignette on my mantle thanks to you!
These napkin rings are amazing, such little jewels. I would love to win and start a collection. Thank you.

This would be a start to a wonderful collection. Thank you for the opportunity to win these beauties!

I don’t think I did the survey — can’t remember. I always enjoy your content, whether it is fashion or interiors. You not only live in an enchanted home, but to an outsider, you live what appears to be an enchanted life. While I understand that you work very hard, many of the things you show on your blog are things that most of your readers only dream about, and I think that could be the reason that a lot of your readers do not comment. I actually saw a discussion about your kitchen on another blog some months ago (no I can’t remember which one), where most of the readers were quite young, just starting out and obviously on a tight budget. None of them could relate to actually having that sort of high end kitchen or lifestyle, and they were not shy about saying so. Possibly what is quotidian for you actually intimidates some of your readers, so they do not comment. This is only my theory, I could be wrong.

I took the survey and found the results interesting. So glad I found you. Its an awesome blog and love every post, but I must admit I do not comment on every post. I will continue to read and enter your giveaways. Would love to win your table bling πŸ™‚

These whimsical and finely detailed rings are some of my favourite items in your shop! They a little fantasy to the table. I’d love to start a collection!
Thanks so much for allowing me the opportunity to win!

Thank you for sharing your poll results-there were very interesting. I love reading your blog and am one that reads every post. Thank you!

I am new to The Enchanted Home but I am loving it! I used to have a shop called The Enchanted Cottage so when I saw your name I knew it would be for me. One of the best blogs I have seen so far!

Tina I have always wished for a set of these fabulous napkin rings!! Fingers are crossed !

The Arts by Karena

Hi Tina, so interesting about the blog, and I hope you know how valuable you are to us out here in blog land. You have a true talent and I am so glad you decided to share it with us! love the napkin rings (love everything you do), hope to win. Cindy

I am one of the readers that rarely leaves a comment and click on older posts to see what I’ve missed! I do enjoy reading your posts.It’s like my escape for the day seeing all the beautiful pictures, ideas for entertaining and especially love the pictures of your home – inside and out!! It’s sensory overload!! You have lovely items in your shop. The napkin rings are adorable! I am a cat lover so I really love the one with the cat painting!

Good Morning Tina, I couldn’t wait to finish my morning walk today and sit down with a cold glass of water and my laptop. I start off with The Enchanted Home every time. What a perfect way to spend the morning!
I enjoyed reading the results of the survey, I know it was helpful to you. I have admired the napkin rings for some time now and would love to start my own collection. Thank you for the opportunity to maybe win a pair.

Hi Tina such interesting results, I did participate and was happy to. I am a huge fan of your blog, style and home. I like you, am very blessed to live in a beautiful home and lead a charmed life (not without hardships just like everyone else though) but appreciate your friendly and warm ways, you are a definite sharer and I love that, you allow everyone to feel like they are a part of your world and I believe that is a gift.
The giveaway is amazing, those are just the cutest rings I have ever seen.

These are so beautiful, Thank you so much for offering this giveaway. I enjoy your blog, it is a lovely escape for me during my day. You have inspired me with the beauty you create. Thank you.

I love, love the napkin rings. Each tells such a story and brings a smile. I love trying to bring the Southern way of life to the western part of our country. My friends would love the horse. I love then all. Your blog encourages me

Hello Tina, What a special tradition of starting a collection for someone. Great idea….and have so many people in mind to start this with. Thanks for the opportunity and for your blog. Gives me great escape!

My dear Tina

As you know, I absolutely love, love your blog and I have never looked back since that day a year or so ago that I walked down the magical path to your Enchanted Home

Thank you so very much for all that you so generously and graciously, give and share with us. You make me very happy, and I know that I will speak for many others who feel the same…

So, raising a glass to you from across the pond and around the world, three cheers for Tina!!

Sending love xx

Thanks for the gift of your blog. You are an amazing and inspiring woman! You got me excited about my home again. I would love to win the darling rings too. Thanks Tina.

I also am a devoted reader who rarely leaves comments. But I thoroughly enjoy your blog. I would love to win the napkin rings. I’ve had my eye on them fir quite a while! Thank you for the generous giveaway.

Love these napkin rings and I’ve yet to start a collection .. Things are on hold until the house is finished. We are permit-ready and so the party will start soon;) Can’t wait to see how the new blog design/store looks! Enjoy your day Tina!

Love your blog, and look forward to reading it every time you post. I started my napkin ring collection this past year and would love to add another one to it. I

Love your blog – love the napkin rings – love your style! Just discovered your site today and can’t wait to see more.

Thanks for sharing the results of your survey. I am not a blogger but I found the results interesting, wondering who else reads blogs beside me. I rarely comment because I just want to enjoy the posts and not generating pressure on my self to write a creative well thought response. Your new format is beginning to grow on me and I like the simplified survey format, too.

Interesting results from your survey. So happy you have so many followers. Love your shop and your blog!

With this giveaway, I betcha the number of people commenting goes up! Would love to win but even if I don’t, I will continue following your blog and drooling over your lovely home.

I have always admired the napkin rings, so whimsical thanks for the opportunity to win, in what hopes to be the start of a collection!

Such interesting results. I really don’t comment often but it doesn’t mean I do not enjoy your pictures and words immensely! I only follow a few blogs, yours is one I will not miss, it is a keeper. Thank you for the sharing and teaching that you do. I have learned so much from you Tina.
The napkin rings are incredible. what a wonderful prize someone will get and what a nice way to start a collection of them.

I don’t think I have ever left a comment. Usually there were too many hoops to jump through to do so.
Testing to see if this works. πŸ™‚

Thanks for sharing your poll results?.interesting, especially about people commenting. I love the whimsical napkin rings and thank you for the giveaway!

Good morning Tina. I get so excited when I see my mail from “the enchanted home@ and open if up immediately with such excitement, wonder and anticipation. I love your feminine touch and you are an inspiration to us. It is nice to know there us people out there that shares your passion. I love your napkin rings and can’t wait to have my own set. Thanks for thinking about us… Have an enchanted, blessed and fruitful day. Thanks. Tessa

It was my pleasure to participate in your survey. Those napkin rings are just darling and something I would not find here.

Huh, I’m totally shocked that half didn’t like the giveaways. Who doesn’t like free stuff?? Sometimes it’s some thing I won’t really use, so I scroll past, but I’m still happy someone else will get it! This was a very interesting read!

I love your blog and read it every time you post, it’s one of my favorites even though I don’t comment. I never realized how important commenting is to bloggers. The napkin rings are so beautiful and would make a wonderful collection. I would love to be the lucky winner.

I rarely comment on blogs because I didn’t realize bloggers relied so much on comments from readers. I see so many silly or negative comments that I remember my grandfather’s advice, that it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re an idiot, than to open your mouth and confirm the suspicion. All that said, I love this blog and your shop! Many thanks for all.

Oh my I just love the napkin rings! Very few people use them any longer but I always set my table with napkin rings. Those are just too cute. Thanks for the giveaway and keep on blogging! Victoria

I have been thinking about starting a collection for ages, oh, and they would all be Golden Retrievers, how fun, for my sweet Emma Catherine.

All the napkin rings are great! They would make a table setting special. I especially love the dog and pheasant.

Started a collection with my mom…would love to order some!!! Like all your readers(fans) I too love your blogs and sense of style!!!how do I go about getting on your online store?…

I always enjoy getting emails in my mailbox from The Enchanted Home.
I have a small collection of napkin rings like these with animals on them…
Would love to add to it!

Hi Tina,
would love those napkin rings!!! they are so great looking to set a table with…..good luck with graduation with your son….oh my god how I cried at my sons graduation from BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY last year….only good wishes for you and your family…

I won two napkin rings from you a year ago and I love them but I have to ad to them, yet I want someone else to have the chance to win so I wont enter. I will put another 6 on my wish list to buy very soon!!

Tina…. so glad you published the results. Very very interesting. It’s always nice to get comments, but I’m not nearly as hung up on them as I was. Actually, I would say the comments that I get are mostly from bloggers. 50% don’t like the give aways? That’s a shocker! Hope you’re having a fabulous week.

Oh! These are so adorable and will make any table setting fabulous!! Love your style and “eat up” the creativity and beauty – keep up the good work:)

Oh lordy! Sign me up! I have ordered some of these napkin rings from you and can always use MORE!

I have started a collection and get compliments every time they are used. Would LOVE to add to my collection. Thanks so much.

I absolutely love The Enchanted Home. All your posts and pictures are so inspiring! Keep up the great work.
I love the napkin rings you posted. I have a small collection of these when I discovered them awhile ago at an Antique and collections show. I would love to have more to add to my collection. They are such a conversation starter. I love all the various themes.
Thank you for inspiring all of your readers!
Karin Hunt

I love your blog Tina. I look forward to reading it every day. I also love blue & white everything and try to use it as much as possible in my home. I love the napkin rings. I would like to start a collection of them and this giveaway certain would be the beginning of this collection. I love them, all of them.

I loved seeing the answers to your questionnaire. Thank you for taking the time to post the results. I have to say I’m not surprised at most of the answers. We love your content!! Thank you for the amazing giveaway. Your custom napkin rings are gorgeous.

Hi Tina!
I think the results were really fascinating, from a blogger’s perspective! And, I guess you’ve figured out….I”m in your 1%! πŸ™‚ I know you’re in mine and for that I am grateful!

xoxo Elizabeth

Tina, I received some of your napkin rings as a gift and I love them! But even better, my guests noticed and commented on how much they liked them. Thank you for finding these and bringing the hard-to-find items to your store. Adding two more to my collection would allow me to invite two more friends to dinner!

I have made a small purchase from your Steals and Deals after finding you on Pinterest and now I read your blog, visit your shop (longingly) and click through to your links often. I didn’t do the survey, but am 46 and not a blogger if that helps!

Love reading this blog. If I have to choose, which one I have time for, I always choose yours. This is a great giveaway. Would love to start a collection of the fun napkin rings.

How adorable are these. I love the dog in the tub! These would be precious for an outdoor tea party with my girls and their friends.

Like all the items in your shop, the napkin rings are lovely too. Your blog adds a touch if beauty to my day!

I love the napkin ring holders and have my fingers crossed that I win. I am so glad you are pleased with your poll results. Take good care of your knee, Sharon

Great blog and wonderful giveaway. I have been reading your blog forever and look forward to it everyday. Thank you! Oh, and I would love to win the napkin ring holders!! Karen

I love your blog and your love of blue and white. My love started way back as a small child, when my mother painted my room pink and I wanted it blue. When my parents built their new home I got my blue room, and to this day I still have a blue bedroom in my home.this is a love I have had for 60 years. I use a lot of blue and white from my blue and white kitchen to my blue and white plates, lamps ,blue and white toile sofa etc. When I enter a shop my eyes go directly to any thing blue and white. This is a love affair that will never end.My husband said he has noticed when I am looking at any thing blue an white I have the sweetest and most contented look on my face. If someone asks me if I am feeling blue,I say yes but in a very good way!

Silver to be treasured . If I am so lucky to be chosen as a winner , I will be an on line shopper for more of these darlings !
Your decorating ideas are so exquisite …
Thank you for taking lovely photos to share with all and thank you for offering the resources that I may purchase such loveliness !

I am sitting on an isolated stretch of beach in Cape May , NJ .
The day is perfect … The “blue and white” theme very much alive – the blue sky , fluffy white clouds, breaking waves and the pale neutral of the soft beach sand … decorating inspiration at it’s best !

Dear Tina,

I love these pewter napkin rings and I would love to start a collection. Thanks so much for sharing your blue and white Pinterest board. Love it!
Trudi R.

I love, love, love your decorating style with blue & white and because I am a newcomer to your blog, I have spent many an hour, reading, dreaming, and pinning from your posts. The napkin ring giveaway is such a generous gift! I’m keeping my fingers, toes, (and sometimes even my eyes) crossed hoping to see my name on the winner’s list on Saturday!! Thank you for sharing your time and talents with so many people. It is such a beautiful act of friendship! Have a blessed day!

oops! I got so excited about getting a chance to win the giveaway, that I misspelled my own name!!!

I, also love anything blue and white. Linens, china,rugs,vases, and of course flowers. Enjoy your blog but my favorite part is when she share your day to day life in photos. Thanks for your frequent posts

Hi, Tina!

I recently discovered your site thanks to my sister-in-law, and I was hooked immediately! She and I both purchased several sets of your current promotion plates, which should arrive in two days–yay! I thought your survey results were really interesting, as she and I are in our early 30s and fall in with the 16%. I just want you to know you do an incredible job with this site–stunning photos combined with great ideas make for instant inspiration. My sister-in-law and I send each other posts from your site often to swoon over! Can’t wait to see what you have in store tomorrow!

Haley Owens
Fort Worth, Texas


Thank you for sharing your world with all of us. Your blog is like an adventure for my mind and I am definitely enjoying the journey!

Good morning Tina,
I absolutely love your blog and eagerly await new posts and pictures which I must say never disappoint. I am relatively new to your blog but even in the short time I’ve had access to both your ideas as well as advice my home has definitely benefited from your influence. I’m super excited to see these napkin rings-I actually am in desperate need of them and could they be any more perfect? One actually looks exactly like my dog-who I’m sure would be the ring everyone fights for on our dining table-just like the little dog in Monopoly;-), and the horse napkin rings are well, perfect as well-I might need to add to the collection immediately if I’m lucky enough to be chosen! But if not best of luck to all and thanks again Tina for such a wonderful site that I can return to time and again for that moment of -“ahhhhh quiet time for myself”…..even though it usually is only a few minutes long…….

Love your blog! And yes, I participated in you survey and also find the results very interesting! I collect napkin rings! These would fit in perfectly with my collection!!

Thanks Tina for another great contest. Would love to see the napkin rings on my table!

Carol Ann N.

Love the napkin rings. My afternoon break is a quite spot, a cup of tea and your blog!

I have a dear friend who has an extensive collection of the napkin rings and they are always such great conversation starters! I would love to start a collection of my own!

First of all , nice name! πŸ™‚ would love to start a napkin ring collection! Loved your stats, I rarely leave a comment , even though I read your blog nearly every day ! Really never though bloggers really read comments. The few times I have left comments with questions st other blogs I never heard back! So I don’t know if these two questions were on your survey and I missed it! Would live to know if any of your readers have school aged kids and how many collect blue and white? Love your blog! Tina

I absolutely love your blog and find many
of your post’s to be exactly what I’m looking for. Does one offer guest writers to write
content for you? I wouldn’t mind producing a post or elaborating on some
of the subjects you write about here. Again, awesome site!

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