Comments : 34

Hello there,? did everyone have a wonderful Labor Day weekend? It was great to get away for a few days. I feel totally refreshed! And I need it for the busy week ahead.? Today I will be in NYC for the day for the first round of furniture deliveries and window treatment installations for the job I am doing, it is going to be exciting!

OK, onto this post. Let me clarify first and foremost that I do? love summer. I really do and this is why………

I enjoy not having to adhere to a real schedule of sorts,and what a luxury to not have to wake up at a certain time, relish taking weekend trips, and road trips and big trips, heading to the beach and eating lobster rolls and fish tacos to my hearts content. Can’t get enough of farm stands and the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, not having to bundle up in oodles of layers, summer is great for my skin and who doesn’t look better with a little bit of a golden glow?

But having said all that, and let’s face it, that’s a whole lot of good…I still have to say fall is by far my most favorite season of all.

This fall will however be bittersweet. I will for the first time in 27 years not be partaking in any of the back to school activities, will be not be caught up in that unmistakable pre school flurry that descends upon every Staples and CVS mid to late August, there will be no back to school clothes shopping and certainly no need to start going through calendars and marking important dates for all the major happenings that mark the beginning of? a new school year. Our youngest son has left the nest for college…..

No worries, this is not turning into one of those sappy, melancholy posts that will have you sniffling at your computer (that will come next week lol) …no it’s just a visual reminder as to why I love fall so very much!

It has me anticipating that first crisp morning when the air has a slightly cool breeze and a little bite to it that is palpable the minute you walk outside,? when the leaves are just starting to turn their melody of colors, maybe it’s cool enough to light that first fire, you can hear a distant? whistle signaling that opening night football has begun,? and you see battalions of bright yellows school buses rounding every corner,? a sure sign that fall has arrived……








autumn candy apples


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And in case you need a reminder of all of the many amazing things to do in the fall, here is a handy little bucket list….(all except the Ugg boots because I do not wear them lol)


Need to see more fall? Then click here to see my The Fabulosity of Fall board over at Pinterest.

?I need no reminders, I love it all…from the fabulous weather weather to chunky sweaters and apple picking,? to lighting a fire and comfort foods, nature is at it’s most beautiful and it looks like a beautiful painting that has come to life for us all to enjoy…..Cheers to fall!


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Good morning, dear Tina. My favorite season is fall as well! I knew we were simpatico. The Mister and I got caught in Target yesterday in the midst of back to school mayhem. Made me a bit melancholy. I got over it when I enjoyed my glass of wine in a quiet house. Love all the gorgeous photos! Great inspiration. Hope you have a wonderful busy week.

I love fall too, Tina. The crisp, cool air is a welcome reprieve after a hot and humid summer. Football games, sweater weather and leaves changing are just a few of my favorite things. Enjoy your day!

Enjoy your time now. I would be sad too once the the back to school shopping ends. sniff sniff. I am so ready for fall and this post makes me want to go out and buy a pumpkin scented candle after I get off of work 😉

Great post, and yes fall is my favorite season, although one can argue California doesn’t have four seasons! Starbucks has brought back their pumpkin spice latte a little early this year! Care for a cup? Have a great day!

Do you have the recipe for the apple tart photo that you showed? It’s beautiful and looks delicious.

I love summer most as we are a big water family (beach, pool, water sports) but must say as I get older I appreciate the beauty of fall and nothing beats fall hiking with dogs, Riley and Rico who don’t get as hot. I love the pictures you chose, they are so beautiful.
With kids who play fall sports, fall is a busy season for us but I agree with you, there is something really magical about it especially up in the Northeast.

Tina, thank you for the gorgeous Fall eye candy…I’m pinning away! It’s by far my favorite season…wish we could have it year-round!

Fall seems to be creeping in quickly this year. I love the colour of the leaves, but feel so sad when I have to put the garden to bed for the winter. Still a bit of time left to enjoy the garden changes before we have to pack it up.

I always feel like a new person in the fall ~ but like you, mine have all flown the coop so we just enjoy the gentle reminders around us and enjoy their children’s school days with them~

thank you for the beautiful Fall pictures. I grew up on the east coast, but have spent most of my life here in California. I miss racking the leaves, and picking the crisps McIntosh apples from our neighbors tree. It is a wonderful season

What a beautiful post!! I also think fall is my favorite season there is a different smell in the air that I love. Now we just need to find a way to skip the cold and flu season, the season where I am so bundled up I feel like Ralphie and his little brother, ( Christmas Story) where I can’t get out of my driveway and pack on the pounds from a lack of exercise and warm heavy meals. LOL

Such a fun Bucket List! The change in season is always welcome particularly in our case. It’s been a long, warm summer and I am ready to have the house nearing the final stages of building and a kitchen to prepare some stove top meals. I like the smell and feel of the air right now as the seasons begin to change. I do miss the kids being here and all the school prep but I still find myself looking forward to getting back into a routine again.

Have fun with the project in NY! How exciting!

There is no doubt Fall is in the air in Texas too. Absolutely, it’s my favorite time for so many reasons, but I love the lead up to the holidays especially. And we can actually enjoy being outdoors! Love all these inspirational pics, Tina.
& U 2 !!

Hi Tina…so many beautiful images…I’m hoping we have a fall this year…we never really got one last year..I’m going to have to pin some of these…Thanks for helping me out with my blog…I’m back posting!

Tina, Autumn is always my favorite time of year. Here in Kansas City we will still have many hot and humid days head; however the time is perfect to start getting those fall sweaters and cords out, add in several mums or fall foliage, and those glorious autumn scents of apple cider, vanilla and ginger, etc!

The Arts by Karena

BRAVO TO FALL!! and it cannot come soon enough. every september we go through extreme hot spells leaving us longing ever more. yea to sweaters!
great images tina to set the mood and do love your header

Tina, it is hot here in Alabama, but that did not keep me from unpacking my fall decorations today. Enjoyed placing them in the house and setting a new tone for the fall weather to come. Enjoyed the wonderful pictures and Pintrest board. Happy Fall!

Good evening dear Tina! No, it’s not too early to be talking fall. School started for me last week and though it’s warm, it’s time to put away summer fun! These images you share are the best. I wish you a great and safe trip into the city where you will be doing what YOU LOVE! Hugs, Anita

I am more in the “hold on to summer” camp. But, believe me, your images are swaying me. I’d love to pull up a seat at that gorgeously set table in the woods.. so inciting. What always makes me fall in love with fall is the first sniff of a wood burning fire on a crisp evening.

Beautiful photos. In fact, one of them brought tears to my eyes. Now living in the south US, I so miss fall in Michigan. Thanks for the trip down memory lane?..

Oh, such a gorgeous fall post! You know I can’t wait.
I do not like summer, although the other three seasons are fine with me, but winter is my favorite. Puts a skip in my step!
Glad that you have some nice tame away.

Hi Tina…I hope your install in the city went well yesterday! I was thinking of you because it was SO hot! Your photos are gorgeous, but I must say I want to squeeze every drop of sunshine out of summer before I begin to embrace fall! Hope your week is going well! xoxo

Wow?.oh, Wow, Tina!!! The blog looks amazing! I can’t wait to explore more.

I just love your take on Fall. I love it, too, now that I get to enjoy it East Coast style. Texas in the fall is just?.cooler, then cold. Not anything like the beauty it is up here. Every photo has me dreaming about all we need to enjoy in the coming months. And, that checklist?.printing it out!

Hope your youngest is settling in at college and that you are adjusting to the quieter house. I know you miss him! Just dive into all those great Fall activities!!!

xoxo Elizabeth

Thank you, Tina, for the beautiful fall pics! I am a lover of pastels – I love the summer hazy colors of the muted blues, pinks, minty greens, butter yellows…. I grew up in the Midwest, currently live in Nevada, but my birthday is a Fall birthday. It was always hit or miss up North whether it would be 50’s and rainy or an Indian Summer birthday of 72 degrees and sunny. I’m loving the 80’s in the desert by the time my birthday comes around. I agree – Fall is still a really beautiful season in the states that have 4 seasons. I can appreciate the beauty through photos and on TV.

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