Comments : 366


Hi and happy late Monday morning! Believe it or not its snowing……again. So much for that mild winter we were all boasting about just a few weeks ago. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend….that was an exciting game last night. Though I personally had no real preference in who won, it was nice to see a nice guy like Peyton Manning win what might be his last Superbowl.

Anyway so appreciated the immense input from last weeks poll on my shop…this week the poll is about my blog. Please take a couple of minutes and I promise it literally takes no more than 2 minutes to complete. It is totally anonymous and as with the one on my shop, your input and insight are incredibly helpful for me to be the best I can be as my blog continues to evolve.

To thank you I am offering a little giveaway, one lucky winner will win this wonderful figurine ginger jar from my exclusive line of porcelains.


Just take the poll, leave me a comment on this post and you are in the drawing! A winner will be selected on Thursday.

If you missed my Seven on Sunday yesterday, click here

Thanks for stopping in, wishing everyone a wonderful day and great start to your week:) Until next time…..



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I took the survey , I appreciate you asking our thoughts. I look forward to your blog every day! Chock full of great ideas, thoughts and beauty!

Interesting to think about what I love best in answering the questions about your wonderful blog!

I also took the survey. I look foward to new posts everyday. Just can’t help myself, haha

An insightful survey. I love reading your blog and whatever you do please do not reduce the frequency of posts!!

Just finished your survey. Hope you get some useful ideas! Have a great (albeit snowy) day!

You are so receptive to hearing from your readers and their interests. That is the reason we love reading your blog. You care about your readers.

I took the survey, love the fact that your interested in feedback, I am fairly new to your blog, enjoying it alot.

And easy poll to take! Thanks for that and also for a chance at another blue and white beauty..

Just took the survey! Look forward to reading your blog every day and seeing the photos as well!

Survey quick and easy just as you said. Look forward to reading your blog whenever it pops up in my e-mail.

Hi Tina, took the survey, a piece of cake. You know your blog is my favorite, please don’t change anything.

Forgot to add to survey, absolutely adore recipes and serving options, table arrangements. Most of ideas take we mere mortals to a new level, opening our horizons.

I enjoy your blog and look forward to it…Sadly I hit enter too quickly and left a question or two unanswered on the last page BUT you have this thing under control TIna!!

I have been a fan for years. Your humor and style, plus great shopping information, make you a must read.

This should be a useful survey. Appreciate your interest in your readers/fans. Keep up the great work! Hope you’re feeling better. 🙂

Survey complete. Thank you for asking for reader input. I look forward to all of your posts. Hope you are feeling better!

Thank you for the opportunity to suggest more of things I really like seeing and reading about on your blog. Have a great day!

Took the easy survey and left comments….thanks again for another giveaway! Looking forward to the new sale 🙂

I really enjoy your blog, love seeing all the gorgeous decorating! I never take surveys, so that shows you right there!

Survey complete….. I always look forward to your posts in my inbox. Your Seven on Sunday has become one of my favorite Sunday morning rituals. Right up there with reading the NYT and savoring a second cup of coffee before the household craziness begins.

Finished the survey. Love your personality that shines through all your posts. First time poster, but have read your blog forever!

I took the survey and always look forward to your blogs. They give me the inspiration I need for my own projects.

Did survey but there was no option for “works from home”. Or self employed. Just a suggestion ?
I honestly only follow your blog. I’m a blue and white addict and you’re blog is my fix!!!

Took the survey. Guidance from your blog is helping to plan my delightfully small blue and white enchanted cottage.

Love reading your blog and took the survey. Hard to pick just two things I like to see, because I enjoy almost everything you write about.

Completed the survey….Love your blog! Thank you for the fun giveaway opportunities!

Hi Tina, I completed the survey and listed a few suggestions. But it is hard to think of something new to add to your already fabulous blog. It is always a treat to read each morning you post something new. Thank you for always bringing sunshine to my day. The blue and white ginger jar is a really nice giveaway too. Hope I am lucky # 67. Mary Baker

Thank you for the welcome opportunity to comment….
Took the survey and I always look forward to your blog hitting my desk.

It’s the first thing I read in the morning before getting down to the business at hand.
Keep the beautiful blog coming daily.

I enjoyed your blog posts so much when you were building your home, so I look forward to your posts on your new building project!

Always nice to see quick surveys. Hope it helps. And thou I know they are helpful some times way too long and I end up quitting before I even finish! love your blog! Thanks

Thank you for asking our thoughts. You put a lot of thought into your blog and it is quite beautiful

Completed the survey, which was quick and easy. Love your blog, Miss Tina! Looking forward to Palmetto Bluff updates. Just love Charleston, South Carolina and surrounding communities! Please keep up your good works!

I took the survey and greatly appreciate your interest in our opinions. I hope you learn something from it.

Good survey! Just want to mention that I love your list of blogs on the right hand side of your posts. You have introduced me some other great bloggers!

Completed the survey, I hope the results provide you good direction for the blog! Thank you for all your hard work and effort – we appreciate it!

It’s nice that you’re so interested in what your reader’s think. I would also like to see more on Instagram that’s different from the blog.

Read enchanted home email??

Survey complete ??

Picked to win blue and white Ginger jar TBD

Don’t know how you do it, but each post is fun and inspiring!
In addition, I get so excited to find out what new treasures you’re offering in your store! Especially love your blue and white vases!

Providing a survey indicates your sincere interest in your readers. Your positivity helps guide me in my attitude as well. Have always loved your blue and white articles with some actually taking my breath away! Carry On Tina!

Just finished your survey. Hope the input gives you some great ideas going forward. Absolutely love your content!

I’m a new reader to your blog and look forward to reading it everyday. Thanks for asking our input!

Just finished the poll. What I should have said was, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it “.

Thank you for asking for our input. If you changed absolutely nothing it would still remain my #1 blog!

I completed your survey. Love love your blog in so many ways. Our tastes and interests are very much aligned, The conversations you bring to your blog are truly informative, enlightening and inspiring. Also, your Pinterest and Instagram posts are equally fantastic. I am all things blue and white all the time.

Love your blog! Its a go to favorite. Did the survey and would participate with or without your lovely giveaway incentives, but how lucky we are that you are so gracious. Thanks again for all your work

Darn! took the survey and then clicked too soon so didn’t get to list the other blogs I follow! I will just say here: Cote de Texas & Chinoiserie Chic, to name 2.

Completed the survey. I enjoy the blog and can’t wait to go along with you on your building adventure in Palmetto Bluff. I nominate you an honorary SOUTHERNER!!!

The survey shows how much you care – but we already knew that!
I love the idea of exclusive things even if they are not terribly expensive. Do not want to have the same stuff you see at the store or in everyone elses home.
Wish I had a big house to decorate again because of all the beautiful things you show us but we are at the age where we are downsizing.
Still enjoy seeing what others are doing with decorating and when a package arrives from The Enchanged Home I am in heaven as I open and display the item.

I love and enjoy your website. I am not great with the computer, but find your blog easy for me and actually very entertaining.


Love your blog. How nice of you to share your family and home with everyone. It’s all interesting.

Thanks, Tina, for many pleasurable and informative moments throughout the week. Completing the survey was quick and easy. Can’t wait until the PB house gets underway!!

Remodeled my home with your porcelains and flowers. Have so many compliments on the look.
They asked me where i got th ideas and told them a wonderful blog called enchanted home !!

Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your survey. When I read through my magazines online it is very interesting, but I enjoy so much more reading your blog. It is like an interactive magazine!

I like reading your blog when, always interesting with your ideas as we go through the years changes. I appreciate the time and effort it must take to do what you do in writing the blog. I have learned many ideas and tips from you.

Super easy survey. I have been following for years and look forward to it every time… Thanks Tina

Dear Tina,I have been enjoying your blog for years. I even had a few photos of my blue and white love posted on your blog. Even though your home is much more grand than most of your readers homes, I feel that you have the ability to connect with them because they appreciate your good taste and sense of style and your down to earth personality that comes through in your blog. Thanks for sharing your blog, I look forward to reading it.

It was fun to fill out your survey. It was thoughtfully presented to us and your blog is so good it was easy to answer the questions. I meant to note somewhere that I am so glad that you don’t have ads sprinkled within the copy. I have unsubscribed to bloggers who do that. I enjoy reading about your lovely sponsors on the sidebar where we have the opportunity to explore them or not. Well done! I join with those who applaud Seven on Sunday. Always a feast for the eyes!

Took the survey. I would like for you to check your emails as I have a problem with an order. Love your blog and products in your shop.

Thank you for the time and effort you give in making your blog so beautiful. It is truly enchanting and inspiring!

I just finished taking the survey. I always look forward to reading your blog and Teddy is such a cutie!

Oh, I love that ginger jar! So pretty! I took the online poll and it was quick! Thanks for asking for our opinions. I think your blog is wonderful, lovely and inspiring!

I also took the survey. Reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day! I am always inspired!

I just completed the survey. The ginger jar looks like a beauty!
Thanks for asking for our input. 🙂

Easy survey. I like your blog the way it is; you put a lot of variety in your posts. It’s a substantial blog, with items and topics I can relate to..

Love the Seven on Sunday, especially the beautiful Instagrams. Would love to add the beautiful Blue and White jj are to my collection.

Took the survey. I didn’t know decorating blogs existed until I ran across yours several years ago. Through the links on yours, I discovered the wonderful world of blogs from such creative people. I spend hours each week enjoying reading and finding wonderful ideas. Thanks, Tina!

I took the survey, but I don’t know how to leave a comment easily…should the latest comments and reply box be on top instead of on bottom?

Your blog is a part of my morning routine with coffee and breakfast. Each morning I look forward to reading TEH and am always inspired, educated and humored by your fabulous articles and pictures. Thank you so much for your beautiful blog!

I took the survey. Here’s my comment– please make it easier to post a comment, or tell me how!

You are so thoughtful to ask your readers what they want to see in your blog. I love having some input in addition to enjoying your blog posts.

I love your blog. Took the survey and love the fact you are trying to get as much feedback from us. I always get so excited to see what your blog is offering for the day:) Great ideas.

So glad that I have Coffee with Tina in the mornings!!! Love the articles you bring to us. I can travel the world of blue/white, fashion, food, travel and more in my slippers!! Thank you!

How nice to have some snow after all the warm weather! (Not that I have any, but it’s nice to know someone is enjoying it somewhere.)

I took the survey. I love your blog and the glimpse into life much farther north than I am. Your positive energy is always refreshing and many times MUCH needed.
Blessings for a wonderful week.

I have taken the survey.
I have one thing to say– it’s difficult to improve on perfection!!!
Love everything you have to offer.
Advice,products,and thoughtfulness as far as humankind.


You are my first blog and my fav…your blog has led me to great sources…especially the books! Thank you for the time you take to hook us up with the sources. Blue and white is still my favorite but Seven on Sunday I really look forward to!
Enjoy your snow day!

Took the survey. Absolutely love your blog. It is by far my favorite blog. Love your online shop too….

Just completed your survey and realized that I forgot to add that I am so looking forward to watching the journey of seeing your new place in Palmetto Bluff become a reality. This will be fun!

Thank you for listening to your followers by taking the survey.
Also, exciting to to have a chance to win such a beautiful ginger jar!

I took the survey! I appreciate you thoughtful entries, and look forward to them. Giveaways are nice, but not expected. You share so much, and it is a joy!

I love your blog. One comment about the survey: it only allowed me to choose two things I like about the blog, but I wanted to check all of the!

Great survey!
The BEST site period!
Even signed my friend to your site during the Super Bowl!!!

One of the best blogs out there. I appreciate how much work you put into it, how dedicated you are and you make it so much fun.

I took the survey -I love the blog and appreciate everything about it! Thank you so much for sharing with us! It is unique and refreshing!


I took the survey but not sure how you can make it much better than it already is! The giveaways are a most generous gesture on your part and cannot imagine how that could be perceived as a negative in any way. Thought of you this week while in Vero, per you postings a while back….such a fun place. Stay warm!

All the best,

Debi T.

Just finished the survey. Thank you for inviting us to leave comments about your beautiful blog.

Your blog sets the bar for all others. I can’t tell you enough how much I enjoy reading it. I have been a blue & white addict for years beginning to work a little green in with my blues. Thank you for inviting us into your life and beautiful style.

I never win anything, so I never enter your contests. But, decided i would today.
Do love your sophistication, taste, and love of your family.

Q and A would be great! I have a million quick questions for you throughout the day… Survey no problem. Always something interesting in your blog.

I generally consider surveys tedious, but yours are not. It’s nice to be asked to make suggestions on a blog that I already find nearly perfect.

Tina, I love your blog, have even got my sister hooked on you. I loved the survey, no problem filling it out. Always interested in every thing you tell us.

Just finished the survey and thanking you for your interest in your subscribers input. I just don’t see how you could make your blog any better. It is the best out there! Hope I win the blue and white jar you are offering. Your generosity speaks of such a lovely heart.


Completed the survey! Your blog post is the first thing I read when I open my email. I so appreciate the beauty and inspiration each one adds to my day. Thank you!

I have a feeling that you are already doing pretty much everything right! Just keep on keeping on, Tina!

Just took the survey?.your blog is a lovely part of my morning with my coffee! Thanks so much!

Did the survey. I enjoy seven on Sunday. Would be great to win a ginger jar, something on my wish list.

Just completed your survey which I hope gives you feedback that is helpful. I’m sure writing a blog is a lot more work that most of us realize!

Love everything about your blog! You inspire us with great style and I love your sense of humor! Keep doing what you love Tina!

Just finished the survey and hope the info. helps. Love your Blog, I recommend it to all my friends!

Completed the survey. Quick and easy. Absolutely loved the 7 on Sunday this week. One of my favorites!

I just ran across your blog! I love everything about it, and I’m not a big blog reader.

I completed your survey. I must say that your blog is the most consistently fresh, original and interesting. I can honest say that I read it every day and particularly enjoy the seven on Sunday post. I am excited to follow your new home project in PB. I am a life long southern girl and spend as much time as I can in the Charleston area and the beaches of that area. I believe that you will absolutely love the area and will enjoy learning about our Southern way of life.

I took the survey but, left out my favorite part of your blog……Teddy! We need to see even more of that handsome fella!

I never comment, but thought you should know that if there was a contest to choose best blogger you would be crowned “Queen of Bloggers” — always so enjoyable! Of, course, I see the world through blue and white glasses!!

Took the survey. I love the blog, and seven on Sunday. Keep doing what you are doing..???

I look so forward to Seven on Sunday every week. I love all the pictures, Instagram ideas and to hear about your fabulous life! Keep up the amazing job, you inspire me.

Survey was an easy one. Like reading your blog. Home is so elegant, I always love getting a peek.

The survey was very quick. It was hard to pick only two categories that interest me! Such a wonderful

I just finished the survey, sure hope my input helps…. I don’t know how you could improve your blog, but you always seem to find a way of making it even more fun, informative & exciting!

I love your blog and can’t wait to follow along when you build your Southern home!

Thank you Tima for your wonderful inspiring blog.
As an Auatralian it is amazing to have a glimpse into life in NE USA and be so tempted by all your gorgeous items in your shop and in other stores… Very sad we are unable to get anything over here!!
Love what you’re doing… And hope to visit your wonderful country soon! Xox

Just finished the survey and love that you are interested in our thoughts and ideas! I think the blog is just wonderful!

Hi Tina, I wanted to check every box on what I enjoy on your website. I really like all of them so it was a difficult decision to choose only two. Please continue your blogs , fashions, blue and white porcelain, all product information and interior design advice. I like it all?. You are a world of information. Thank you.

Just completed the survey! Scrolling through the comments, there are an incredible number of Lindas responding!! We must be all the same vintage! I love your blog … read it religiously! Thank you!

Tina your just awesome and I’m so inspired each and every day thanks to your posts! It’s a gift – thanks for sharing it! Oh and ps the pillow I ordered for my Christmas gift to myself is beautiful!

Took the survey. I love your blog. I continue to peruse your pictures for ideas and my wish list from the store just won’t stop growing! I like that it seems personal feel like you are a friend.
Martha Lightcap

Thanks for allowing feedback on the survey. I just took it and what a wonderful idea!

Look forward to your latest blog posts. I completed your survey and want you to know that I consistently read my daughter’s blog and yours! Best, Dotti

Love the blog. Keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing with us. I completed the survey too.

Just completed the survey and always look forward a new blog post. Reading “Seven on Sunday” has become part of my Sunday morning routine!

Took the survey. Love your blog. Can’t wait for your Palmetto Bluff project to begin. I LOVE that area. I can’t wait to see what you design.

I love everything about your blog. I was looking for blue and white porcelains and noted a reference on Pinterest. Felt like I had hit a gold mine when I discovered your blog and online store. Since that time, I have ordered monogrammed napkins and several blue/white vases and jars. Your fashion sense is fun to watch and I enjoy your sharing with all of us. The survey was “short and sweet.”

Took the survey – nice and quick. Thank you so much for a chance to provide input.

Took the survey but as far as I am concerned u do no wrong. Love and look forward to getting ur updates. Thanks for sharing so much w us…ur truly special lady.

Thank you, Tina, for letting us give you our opinions on your poll. Sorry if I wrote too much, but I was excited to take the chance to let you know what I think and would like. I really appreciate it. I think it’s great that you care enough to read all of our polls. So many of us participate from all over the world, as you mentioned last time we took your poll not too long ago. I think it is great you care what your readers think and want to see!
I sure hope that you are feeling better!
Please send us some snow because it has been in the 90’s all week and today it went up to 93 in inland Orange County CA! I can’t take it. This is our 5th year of drought. El Nino was supposed to bring us rain , but we have had only 2 days of rain and some sprinkles at the end of last year. They say it has rained in Northern CA mainly. If it is this hot and tinder dry for fires during our so-called rainy season from Nov. to March, I do not want to think how horribly hot it will be after March!

I took the survey as well. Your blog is one of the best I have ever read.
Looking forward for the next big project to begin in Palmetto Bluff.
Thanks for the opportunity to leave feedback.

Hard to limit my choices to two, I wanted to choose house updates, interior design and anything blue and white.

Love your blog. It is really inspiration. Makes me dream of beautiful things which gives me peace.

Took the survey. First time I have ever answered any online survey! I love your blog. Such lovely lovely pictures and so inspiring, even for my small home.
This is the only blog I follow. I enjoy your easy writing/chatty way. It’s like we’re having coffee together and chatting. Read tour blog almost every day.
You are inspiring , and it’s nice to see that not every home has to look “casual” to be comfortable and homey.
Can’t wait to see what you will do on Carolina!

always look forward to your posts, gorgeous inspiring pictures. Want to see more of Teddy!

Really enjoy your blog and shop! Took the survey and thanks for asking for your reader’s opinions. Julie

Finished the survey, good for feedback from your readers! Please post the results as I’m curious to see what others had to say.

Fascinated by how you put your blog together and your relationships to other retailers. Enjoy it immensely!

I have recently discovered your blog and enjoy every picture and post. I am a sucker for blue and white and enjoy your enthusiasm. Thank you for sharing your home and favorites.

Took the survey.. Always look forward to your beautiful posts! Have a wonderful day!

Superlative! Recommend PR interns to help add more content & provide the experience for their portfolio.

Have models exhibit your wares in scenic settings similar to Classy Girls Wear Pearls blog.

The sky’s the limit!

Survey taken! I just love your blog, and I look forward to seeing what y’all do in Palmetto Bluff. I live in Wilmington, NC now, but grew up on St. Simons Island, GA and lived in Charleston,SC for 20+ years. The Sea Islands are my home and I hope that you all enjoy them as much as I have.

Super quick and easy survey. Your blog does NOT need room for improvement but I hope the survey provides you some fun insight!

Took your survey. Always love your blogs about decorating & blue & white. Wish I could pin your masthead on my “favorite blogs” board, but it’s not a “pin-able image”

You are the only blog that I follow. I LOVE blue and white and so does my 39 year old daughter who is my best friend. We both seem to gravitate towards the same things in decorating so we have fun shopping together. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area , but like everything traditional. Thank you for making my days brighter..

You are the only blog that I follow. I LOVE blue and white and so does my 39 year old daughter who is my best friend. We both seem to gravitate towards the same things in decorating so we have fun shopping together. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area , but like everything traditional. Thank you for making my days brighter..

Survey completed.

Love Love Love your Blog. Its always full of beautiful things my favourite being your magnificent
home which takes my breath away. 🙂

Happy to do the survey! I’m relatively new to your blog but have become addicted. Especially to your Seven on Sunday. Love it all. Thanks for inspiring me
Tamme S.

Completed the survey. I know your blog requires much dedication and I appreciate the energy and time that you invest on daily, weekly, and on going basis.
Cher G.

I always look forward to your blog! I took the survey and appreciate that you want to make your readers a part of the process.

I may be a very senior, senior citizen, but I am still interested in learning more about interior design.

The survey was good. Love your blog and porducts. Have had blue and white decor in my home for over 25 years. Love it more every day! Makes me happy!!

That was a good questionaire and I feel certain you will get good information from it. Yes, I took it too.
I like how your blog fits into a certain aspect of my interests especially the Blue & White. And I appreciate how you have introduced me to other blogs of varied subjects.

There is always something new to learn in every business. Once you think you know it all, your passion diminishes.

Thank you for caring enough about your followers to present this survey and keeping your blog current. :))

Took the survey and I truly enjoy your blog especially beautiful photos of interior designs, I was also a huge fun of ‘Southern Accent’…

Always enjoy reading your blog. Interesting decorating ideas and introductions to new vendors.

Took the survey: enjoy the blog and the frequency. Always a nice surprise when it pops up in my mailbox.

I took the survey and enjoyed contributing some thoughts. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon your blog but really enjoy reading it. Your sense of style , both personal and in your home is very inspiring. I also appreciate hearing about the challenges you experience. As we all do.

Always enjoy your blog and look forward to reading when I sit down with my drink in the evening!

Have ordered a few pieces from you and they have met every expectation. I love walking through a room and seeing the blue and white transform my rooms. Thank you

I just started reading your blog and am enjoying reading it very much. I filled out the survey, too. It was easy. Thanks for the opportunity to provide topics of interest.

Hope our answers are helpful and keep up the good work! Would love to win one of your gorgeous blue and white pieces.

Judging by the number of responses, it’s smart to get the input of your readers. It’s the best blog on the planet. Love your color crush posts. Survey was quick!

I enjoy pulling out bits and pieces of your lovely design ideas that work for those of us on a much lesser budget than your own.

I took the survey. I enjoy following your blog. I love to see the new products on Seven on Sunday. Thank you for your beautiful inspiration.

I would love this ginger jar to compliment my blue decor.
And ignore the negative Nellys.
Just do your own thing. If they don’t like it they are not forced to read your blog. Obviously enough people enjoy it.

Join the World of the Enchanted Home!



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