Comments : 19

Hello and happy Friday! Boy, this week flew. I had a lot of work on my plate with some fun thrown in. The new website is being worked on behind the scenes and I cannot wait, hopefully no more than about 3 more weeks! I am busy working on lots of new and exciting things (the Provence planters and blue and white Christmas ornament collection). I hope to offer a presale on both this coming week so stay tuned.

I cannot believe July 4th weekend is upon us…..a little scary as I associate this weekend with being half way through summer. Any big plans? I like to periodically share my life’s happenings with you taken through my iPhone. Not much narration necessary as the pictures have  a way of telling their own little story…here is a look at the highlights of the last two weeks or so……


My white hydrangeas are doing amazing-


Went on my friends new boat actually yacht….wowza it was incredible!!

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Tried the new Baron’s Cove in Sag Harbor, great atmosphere, will be back!

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Loving all the green and white in full bloom


Got these gorgeous flowers from a friend….love them!


Found a beautiful new use for my gorgeous large silver planter from my newest collection, makes the most elegant beverage holder!

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I cannot be the only one who gets excited over visiting farms and farmstands!

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Some of my healthy salads that I have  been experimenting with/making, doing a whole post on this later next week



Newly arrived custom monogram napkins with some of the new fonts,  that just went out the door to their lucky recipient (tops are mine)!


Freshly picked from my garden below



Been enjoying lots of al fresco meals outside…have to take advantage of the short summer months!



Went to an awards dinner, check out the flying “champagne angel” pretty cool!! And yours truly won a very special award:)


You know me and my penchant for wrapping pretty gifts:)



A few pics of my client’s gorgeous NYC apartment-

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Isn’t this beautiful? We were invited to my friends gorgeous home for a dinner at sunset


Finished most of my closet cleanup…..nice to have everything in its place!!


Gorgeous NYC view from my friends apartment


There’s a new restaurant in town, Barto…very interesting, took note of their  vertical garden which incidentally I wrote about last Sunday

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Tweaked my mantle….I am an incurable tweaker, always moving something!


Love the abundance of great fruit in the summer


My parents had come in, so went to one of our favorite local Greek restaurants, Kyma who has the best fish!


NYC never ceases to wow me


Saving the best for last! Mr. Teddy



So those are the highlights of the last few weeks, lots going on. Of course these are the fun, great things:) There were plenty of stresses, long lines,  major traffic, you name it…life!

Thank you for stopping in, wishing you a great day and end to your week. Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday weekend, hope the sun is shining and the birds are chirping wherever you might be. Until next time….

If you missed Bluff Diaries Chapter 6, click here

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I’m living in Franklin, Tennessee, and I too get giddy over the farmers market with fresh flowers and beautiful vegetables. Loved your photos.

I am so jealous! What a fabulous post! The most exciting thing that happened to me this week was starting my own blog about sweet crafts and designs my daughter and I do together. So grateful for all the inspiration you’ve given me. I’m so excited!

Would you share the variety of the lovely white Hydrangeas in your yard? They are spectacular!

Rottkamps fan I see! That is my husband and myself walking in to get some delicious produce.

Always a pleasure to stop by your blog! Such great images….your sweet Teddy is gorgeous, love how he poses for the camera….

Thank you for the lovely photos. I was wondering if you could share your white color palette? They seem to look bright and warm in every pic. Do you mind quickly telling us the names or the main white you used?
Thank you!!

Congratulations on your award…Certainly must be related to your generous spirit!! I too love the white hydrangeas…Are they Annabelle? I fell in love with Annabelle when I lived onCape Cod…they look like white snowballs in the middle of summer!!

Happy 4th of July.

I love seeing your pics! With life in NYC and then life at your home, you have the best of both worlds. I’m sitting here at my farm in Kentucky (who would have ever thought I would have a second home in the south?) after a hike to the river. Summer is the best! Have a glorious 4th and enjoy the sunshine.

Tina… even your iphone takes better pics than anybody else’s!!! These pics are gorgeous – I admit to scrolling thru more than once. Congrats on your award!! Your NYC client must be more than pleased with her gorgeous apartment. The pics of Teddy are so sweet. He doesn’t know how good he’s got it. As I always say… in my next life I want to come back as Teddy and live in the Enchanted home. Hope you have a wonderful 4th!! Take lots of pics.

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