Comments : 15

Hello……and happy Sunday to you. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend though it is H O T. We have reached heat indexes of over 105!!  This weekend is very bittersweet, my baby leaves tomorrow to go back to school:( I must admit despite the many many late, sleepless nights from waiting up (normally only to find out he is sleeping out), having several fraternity brothers here the last week ( crazy hours, no sleep)….gave me a taste of what they live like at school, um, no thank you:)

Despite all that, I am going to miss him terribly. I am so used to him being around though hes really not around much at all. We had the best city day yesterday, just he and I as we do every 3 or 4 months. We had the best time….he is my kindred spirit in so many ways. Already missing him:)

So just as well that I am busier than I have ever been,  involved in  many projects,  and now more than ever the distraction is good. Just when I think I am used to him being all grown up, I realize I really am not….it hits me hard every time. Let’s move onto to things of beautiful distraction…..



1 GREAT PARTY IDEAS. I am hosting a luncheon at the end of the  month and even startling to think of ideas for the Christmas party that I think we are going to host this year….yes, finally doing it!

Every year we have a family party but this year we think we are going to host a big party for friends and family…I have a great theme in mind (to be discussed soon)! I love each and every one of these ideas……these really make you want to plan a party:)


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2. THE ONE AND ONLY LB ORIGINALS. I am so lucky to own many of LB Originals amazing truly beautiful items, from gorgeous stationary to gift tags, mugs to tote bags..Laurie is reigning  Queen of beautiful monogrammed goodies, all so affordable you don’t even need to think twice!

Here is just a small taste of her beautiful things…..her things are like a guaranteed dose of happy. Click here to visit her-


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3. NEW BOOKS ALERT! So many great and promising new design books coming out, I have a bunch on preorder and am so excited!!  I love design books and in fact can say I collect them, seems they are everywhere. The very favorites stay on my coffee table and nightstand so I can go over them often…..good design books never get old and I always rediscover new things. All of these upcoming books promise to be goodies and all can be found on Amazon for preorder. Here is what I am anticipating-

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4. MORE AMAZING FABRICS. Forewarning, if you are prone to palpitations and heavy breathing when viewing sensationally gorgeous fabrics proceed at your own risk!

Cowtan and Tout has been a long standing favorite for classic gorgeous fabrics and sumptuous trims. I almost wish I didn’t see these….now I am brainstorming as to where/how I can use these! I am an incurable seeker of gorgeous textiles..cannot get enough:) Click here to swoon over more Cowtan and Tout.

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5. INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST. I must admit I get great pleasure in scouring Instagram and saving my very favorites. Amazingly I am never at a loss of a plethora to share with you and sometimes its hard to narrow it down. Yes there is that much beauty and inspiration out there. Here is what I am especially loving this week….

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6.CUPCAKE OBSESSION. OK, I am completely obsessed with these works of art aka these incredible cupcakes by Sweet Petal!! These are serious things of beauty…I cannot imagine biting into one though something tells me they are probably equally delicious.

I am floored over the workmanship and attention to detail….probably a good things they are far far away:) I might look for excuses to order them a little too often! Get your glass of milk ready… here to follow them on Instagram.

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6. SUNDAY’S SURVEY.  In consideration of the fact that back to school season is officially on (scary that it came so fast) thought this is appropriate. For me, the answer is still the 4th one down…..I am still in that mourning stage of my kids being all grown up, tell me this will pass!!!







So friends that’s what’s on my mind this week……and you? Anything particularly exciting? Hope you are staying cool wherever you might be if you are having near the  heat wave we are. Fall never sounded so good, bring on those crisp 65 degree days…ahh, love it!

Thank you as always for stopping in and making me a part of your Sunday morning. Love hearing from you and wishing you a fabulous Sunday! Until next time….

Click here to visit presale (on until 1pm) and to enter porcelain planter giveaway….



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This is one of your best Sunday posts……loved it all!
Quick question… you have a source for custom table cloths?
I need one for my card table in Florida, but it has to be made with something that won’t slip…..we use it for games, and the wood is very slippery……
As always, a big fan…..

To think, a few months ago, we were complaining about the cold!!
Love the textiles and the cupcakes are a work of art.

I feel your pain with your youngest leaving for school. We also have 3 sons, and when the youngest left for college I could not even talk to my husband on the drive home from Boston without crying. But, I guess that’s what parenthood is all about. I liken children to baby birds. You feed them and protect them from danger, and when they are ready, they leave the nest–and hopefully, soar! All of mine did!

I have pinned every one of the party ideas pictures for future inspiration. Thank you!! Those cupcakes look almost too pretty to eat but I bet they are as yummy as they are beautiful! I will be thinking of you tomorrow when your son heads off to school. I’m glad you’ve had some summer fun with him!

Just love this post, it made me very happy. Those cupcakes are really a work of art just exquisite .
Love all of the monogram goodies and of course your Instagram pics are always so beautiful I can always count on you for a dose of beautiful Sunday beauty

Happy Sunday, dear Tina. I think the first few days are the hardest when they leave. Then you get your groove back. My favorite instagram pic is of the baby girl in her bikini. Maybe I like her because we share the same body type. I’ve got to figure out how to lose this baby fat. Have a great week.

Dear Tina
There are many days and nights I wish I could have all my children tucked happily in their beds. Since they’ ve all left the house is so quiet. I do not miss all the school chaos of science and history projects but do miss all the school performances and sports events where I could cheer them on. I made most of my friends through my kids so now I feel a bit isolated. The last one graduated from college nearly eight years ago.
quick question: what is the best way to receive an answer from you regarding an item seen on an Instagram? There was some lovely blue willow wallpaper featured a few weeks ago and I would like to know the source. Thank you and go out to visit your son at college where you can go to classes with him and take his friends out for pizza. I miss those days. much love, Tina. I totally get it

I’m on that wild wild of my last child’s senior year in school; trying not to cry because my third is a boy. I’ve heard how quiet it gets…gulp. Thank you for the book recommendations. I always love it when you mention books. I go right out and buy or pre-order them. I hope you have a happy week. Or at least a bittersweet week with moments full of pure sunshine. (and air-conditioning)

just a comment on the survey…. I love to buy school supplies and then donate them to my local school system even though my boys are now 28 and 30. It’s my way of celebrating how wonderful it was to raise incredible children into adulthood

Perfect…books and cupcakes…just what i need (well, maybe not the cupcakes) while I am laid up with a cast and crutches. I just got Amazon Prime!

Pinning all your party ideas, too. Thanks, Tina!

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