Comments : 227


Hi friends, I am thrilled to announce the winner of my annual Fall Love contest….this was a battle royale as both of the finalists were just exquisite. But only one could be crowned a winner and what a winning shot it is! Congratulations to-


Gayle who submitted this gorgeous fall picture-


And an honorable mention to Phyllis who submitted this picture and came in awfully close (this was a very tight race)-


Gayle, I  will be in contact so that your wonderful stone pumpkin will be on it’s way. Hopefully the pumpkin will be an annual reminder of your victory over here at The Enchanted Home. Thank you all again for participating and voting….a new contest Holiday Love will be announced in November:)

Moving along….


As I periodically do I share with you what is happening on the shop front. Now that an official office is in place at the warehouse, an 800 number is being established, things are really starting to move along, in a very exciting way.

I value your feedback and opinions more than you can imagine and feel so lucky to have a sounding board from all over the world….that is priceless! And to thank you for your input and participation in a few mini polls below I am offering two great prizes to two lucky winners (details on bottom).

I will be offering weekly or bi weekly promos up until Christmas. Plus about to have a big warehouse blowout on things that were either found or that we hare on only 1 or 2 left of…always some great finds!

Many exciting new personal accessories on the horizon as well, lots of goodies heading this way. So here is whats new and exciting, can’t wait to see what you have to say-


PROVENCE PLANTERS. These were suffice to say a major hit, I was only upset that I had to give up the ones I had put aside for myself for an order, but this time around I am ordering my own little stash:) A new order is in the works and will be here late Dec/early Jan. I would love your input on a few colors I am considering.

I am now accepting presale orders for the December container.  The finials will now be sent in a separate small box and will be screwed onto the base (avoids breakage risk).

The benefits of ordering now? You get the color size you want plus you lock in this super low presale price, these are an exceptional deal considering they sell for thousands.  They will be 15-20% higher when they arrive in Dec. Plus think of how fun it will be in the dead of winter when you see the big brown truck pull up with great big brown boxes:)

Email orders to [email protected]


(All height measurements include finial)
Medium: 23.25″H x 20″D  $285.00
Large: 25.25″H x 22″D $315.00
Extra Large- 28″H x 24″ $365.00  NEW SIZE

Standard colors- Black, ivory, pale gray/blue.

CUSTOM COLORS can also be done for presale only- ($30 up charge per planter). Email me if you want to get the color chart.





Pale blue far right





Here is a beautiful example of them put to use at a customers beautiful home-

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In addition a new size has been added, a jumbo which finished will measures 24 x 24. Here are some other colors I am considering, would love your take!

A darker taupe color-

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Pale blue/gray-

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How about a darker navy or mossy green-

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Would love your take on planter colors-


SILVER I must say I so love my silver…I put it to good use and have it all over. It is even more beautiful in person and I smile everything I get an email from someone over the moon with their shipment.

Seeing is believing in this case:) I have found a fantastic manufacturer whose attention to detail is spot on. I have a few new mint juleps en route as we speak, perfect timing with the holidays. Acorns and equestrian….how pretty are these!!


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In addition bringing back these sold out planters  below.

planter1 planter2 planter3

I experimented with this square tray and it looks incredible as a charger, if I can get the price right…what do you think of having it made as a charger? Chargers are a consistently popular item. Would love your take on these-

Charger 1


Charger 2





CHINOISERIE TOLE Another obsession of mine:) Excited to get the bamboo lanterns and gorgeous new lamps in, in a few weeks. A presale is going to be offered on these beauties next week. Already have a few places in my home waiting for some of these!

Working on an order to arrive in later January. The mirrors turned out to be a great call and I am placing a reordered on them. The black is  no brainer and always popular. I am going to be offering a smaller style mirror as well.


The classic bamboo lantern is coming in as a smaller size as well, 24″ and offering a new color, navy w/gold-

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LOVE all these new lamps-

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These two mirrors were offered last time, which do you prefer style/shape wise?

Style 1


Style 2



What colorway would you like to see these mirrors in (you can check up to 2)?



MY NEW SIGNATURE CANDLE! Oh boy this signature candle is already a hit….and wait till you smell it, you will be hooked! I am accepting orders now for the next batch due here around Nov. 20th. They are presale $95 but will be $110 once they are on the site. Amazing! Contact me to place a presale order on this fabulous signature candle.


PORCELAINS. The “main event” of my shop is always the porcelains and there is a stunning new shipment in route.  I am also bringing back some old favorites and ordered extra stock to be sure they are here for a while:)

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And then another presale will be offered in a few weeks on the first official shipment of 2017, with some fabulous new goodies. In terms of porcelain please tell me what you would most like to see come in (click all that apply)-


ORNAMENTS! These are the buzzword around here, I cannot tell you how magnificent they are in person. Just beyond gorgeous! They are like little jewels and have me so excited to decorate a tree:) I had them professionally photographed. We are working fast and furiously on getting orders out and I go to sleep with visions of ginger jar ornaments dancing through my head:)

A new shipment of them is arriving very soon so hope to be well stocked for the holiday rush!  I love that they come in a beautiful white Enchanted Home gift box, makes them a easy and beautiful, unique gift!

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So friends that is a recap of what is happening over here. We are doing a “comb through” of the  new site and it could be live within a few days! Some wonderful new items are coming in and  I will be sure to share all of the goodness with you when they do.  Thank as always for your loyal support and feedback.


Two lucky winners are going to win a great prize!

Winner #1 will win a box of 4 of my new ornaments


Winner #2 will win this beautiful silver bowl


Simply participate in the polls above, leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite new item and I will choose 2 winners on Sunday.


Thanks for stopping in, wishing you a a wonderful day. Congratulations again to Gayle. Until next time…..







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Chargers are always a favorite of mine, but love the mint julep cups as well! Ready to set a table…

You make it very hard because everything is so great! I do love the idea of a signature candle though and will probably be treating myself to one! Year round enjoyment!

I love the Baroque style round charger! I would use it for all the Holidays and special occasions. If the price is right sign me up for 12!

I adore the navy and gold lantern as well as the acorn julep cup! Great new products!

Hi Tina,

Love the classic bamboo lanterns! If they are, or can be wired, they would be perfect in a powder room. If they are unwired, I imagine them with pillar candles placed around a pool, on a terrace, or on a table set with beautiful blue and white dishes. Can’t wait until they can be ordered!

All the best as you expand your business and become the blue and white mogul(ess)!

As always–EVERYTHING is lovely.
However, the Mint Julep cups caught my eye for their uniqueness.
Have never seen any like that before.

Charge #2 has me drooling. I can also see it sitting in the center of a table with a beautiful floral arrangement layered on top of it. So many ideas come to mind!

Good Morning:)…I love your ornaments and have to get ordering! My favs are the green and gold..I will use them for the holidays and may keep them on display throughout the year! Too pretty to pack away:)

Good luck, Tina.

Love the lamps. I would love to have these lamps as just ginger jars. The colors are so soft,.
Always look forward to your posts.
Thank you!

The mint julep cups are a must.. ! So much potential for a fun cocktail or a little posey in the bath or next to the bed.

Love the black and gold bamboo lantern! The large blue and white vase is wonderful…can’t wait!

Hi Tina
Do you really expect people to choose one item?
I love love love the new lanterns,
the Christmas decorated ornaments, that gorgeous Ginger jar with the beading around it.
Guess I’ll stop there for now!

Hi Tina
Do you really expect people to choose one item?
I love love love the new lanterns,
the Christmas decorated ornaments, that gorgeous Ginger jar with the beading around it.
Guess I’ll stop there for now!

So many things to love, especially the esquestrian mint julep cups, the ornaments, and the square silver tray that can be used as a charger. Love your new office, too. Good luck with everything.

What size are the planters in the picture you posted? Are they extra large? Thanks!

Love so much!! The beautiful planters, must decide the size! The chargers are gorgeous. Would love the silver bowl on my table.

Love the ornaments, but of the other items – my vote goes to the chargers. I’m smitten with them both!

I don’t know if I can make up my mind as to what I love best. Your porcelain is so beautiful I keep trying to find new places so I can buy more. Thinking my kitchen island is next to be graced with some of your beautiful pieces. I always keep fresh flowers in the kitchen so a vase and bowl are a definite must, also a small ginger jar…you have to have a group of 3. LOL The ornaments are stunning; I would love to do a whole tree in them. Right now I have all gold and white ornaments; but am so tempted to change to the blue and white. I love them all. I can hardly wait for the new site and next promotion!

I love a great candle! I would also like to see it in another color of porcelain. Thank you for this wonderful offer!

Once again it is impossible to choose! The mint julep cups are so nice as are the candles!The ornaments are perfection!!

Your new signature candle is so unique, the ornaments are gorgeous, and your silver pieces are always stunning! How to choose?? I love them all!

I love the scallop silver planter. I was very interested in a post you made that a manufacturer you have found has been able to apply a coating that diminishes how quickly it tarnishes. That is Fantastic! I can’t wait until there are more pillows offered. Also, please consider finding some chinoiserie fabric, wallpaper or panels. Happy Fall!

I’m like everyone else–it’s too hard to choose just one thing but I find the acorn mint julep cup very charming!

I love the bamboo lanterns. I love the navy one especially.
I have been looking for blue / white ornaments. Can’t wait!

I am in love with the planters in white! Elegant and crisp! Those silver trays are amazing! I can see the first one on my holiday table or as a makeup tray on my vanity. It’s so hard to choose just one thing! I can’t wait to see what’s coming up!

I’m crazy for those ornaments! I plan to decorate a small tree with them in my dining room this year! I’m so excited!

Have already ordered some of your gorgeous ornaments and LOVE the equestrian mint julep cup, Thanks for the continued inspiration!

I’ m crazy abour the acorn julep cups. They’d look great on a tabletop or arranged in a crescent on a sideboard in the early 19th-century fashion.

Wow! I am stunned and overwhelmed by the beauty of the Christmas ornaments! How lovely would a blue and white Christmas tree be??? Just gorgeous! ❤️

Everything you sell is beyond beautiful! Currently, my favorite item is the new candle in the blue and white fishbowl. Thanks for the chance to win such a gorgeous prize.

I think your signature candle in the blue and white is just beautiful, getting ready to place a pre-order! And I absolutely love that silver bowl that will be going to winner #2!!

I’m most interested in the large chinoiserie ginger jars. I love my large porcelain planter from you filled with orchids in my foyer. I would love to see plates and large porcelain platters for displaying on walls.

LOVE the blue and white ornaments! They would be amazing tied onto the top of my Hanukkah gifts! You don’t have to have a tree to enjoy these!!!

I love charger #1 and the signature candle! I would love to smell the beautiful aroma throughout the house!

I wish I didn’t have to live on a budget……I want one or even two of everything !! Love it all.

So hard to choose with all your new lovely things! I am just dying for your new Provence planters in light blue my favorite!! You scored again with another winner!!

My favorite new item is the candle, so pretty! Someone needs to invent a smell-o-phone so we can smell it too. 🙂

Love the blue & white ornaments and the lanterns! Thanks for sharing the beauty with us.

Love the fishbowl candles! Have ordered for Christmas gifts. The ornaments are also very special. So much to love!!

I can’t choose a favorite because I love the classic and timeless look of your products!

I love the ornaments and cannot wait to receive the preorders!! BUT I am also in love with all the tole, and am thinking of spots for those beautiful mirrors and lamps!!

Love, love, love the ornaments. Looking forward to ordering them- also love the silver. Always spectacular!!

Will you be offering the wooden cheese stands (on feet) again in large size? Thank you!

I love the mirrors! Am in the market for one and absolutely love yours 🙂 Love the chargers as we!!

My thoughts are focusing on the upcoming holidays. Love the chargers, ornaments, and the candle has my head swimming with a beautiful fragrance. I look forward to your posts. They offer so many beautiful ideas and objects for the home. Thank you!

The signature candle is genius! You are simply amazing. I thoroughly enjoy your blog. It makes my day!

Love everything ….. but today will narrow down to the provence planters. Can’t wait for the delivery of mine (ordered in pale blue).

everything is pretty, but the mirrors are so charming.I think that they would bring such history to any room

Hi Tina,
The ornaments are just stunning. The candle is beautiful, what’s its size? thanks for your generosity in a give-away! You know how to treat your customers. 🙂

No clear favorite here! I am so excited about the blue & white ornaments as well as the Provence planters! The mint julep cups are simply beautiful & I love the motifs.

You just love to tease us with exquisite items! We love it too!! Counting the days until my ornaments arrive!!!!!!!

I love everything so much but I especially love the ornaments. I am so excited to receive mine and the new foo dog ornament is just precious. Thank you for so many exciting and wonderful things.

My favorite new item is the candle in the porcelain container . I can attest that it smells heavenly as I have ordered your gardenia candle in the past.

I love the new candle idea. And OH, the ornaments. How lovely it would be to put them on a wreath for the front door or kitchen. I think it would even be appropriate for friends who don’t celebrate Christmas.

My favorite new item is the Provence planters in pale blue. Can’t wait to see them in navy and green too!

So many things to choose, but for today, I’d say my favorite new item is the silver acorn mint julep cup! These polls are fun! Alicia

Hello Tina, my favorite New items are the Navy with gold 24″ classic lantern and the new lamp in cream is so lovely.
I also want 12 of the Baroque style round charger!
Waiting on your new 800 number and new web site with excitement.
Warm wishes!

Tina – your new signature candle is what I’ve been waiting for and am placing my order now! Thank you for continuing to bring beautiful additions.

I love the possibility of the largest Provence planter 24×24. Would be great for larger shrub – boxwood!! I also really like the Julie cup with the acorns. Would be perfect for our vacation retreat in the North Carolina mountains. Is there a possibility of engraving?
One other idea I’d like to suggest: large blue & white platters in different shapes to hang on the wall, just a thought!!
Thanks for having a fun and inspiring blog!

Love the new pi of the Christmas ornaments.. They are beautiful. Yes, I do love your huge selection of porcelains, too.

Everything is lovely, but I really love the silver chargers that you are showing. If I get to treat myself, I am going to buy 10 silver chargers. They make the table!

My husband and I chose Blue Danube pattern years ago for our wedding china. My mother bought me a few blue and white Christmas tree ornaments, which I cherish. The ornaments displayed here beckon me back to younger days and memories with my mom.

I love the large blue and white plate! They would make a beautiful charger for any pattern blue and white china. Also, have you thought about making the bamboo lantern in blue with white trim. Very excited about the new candle!

Love the equestrian julep cups–never seen them before. You find such unique treasures for us!

I love it all! Thanks for the daily dose of inspiration. My favorite is the ornaments. The candle is great too. I’m going to visit your store to see about the dimensions on that last one!

How to choose? I LOVE it all! I am especially excited about the ornaments and the new candle, however.

LOVE the navy & gold pagoda lanterns ….many choices of where they would look gorgeous in my home!!! Can’t wait for the pre-sale…

My favorite items are the white and blue oriental lantern and the new silver mint julep cups!

The equestrian! Love the addition.
I would love to see seashell or nautical beach in the future? Maybe?

I’ve just found you blog a month ago and look for updates everyday as I am in love with all your treasures! I love the navy/gold bamboo lanterns.

OH MY GOSH, how do I ever choose??? The planters are fabulous and I hope to order 2 next Spring.
I also am in love with the silver chargers and the blue and white ornaments. But, truth be told I love it all. You have a great eye for style.

Hello Tina, the blue and white ornaments are my favorite! I want to keep them out year round!

Love the new signature candle! I’m definitely ordering one. Also really love the ornaments. Thanks for brining us such great opportunities!

Everything you’ve previewed so far looks amazing! I can’t wait to receive my ornaments and gorgeous chinoiserie fishbowl candle.

What’s there not to love about all of the items listed but I do love the equestrian julep cups.

The acorn mint juleps! I can see these with juleps or arrangements on a fall/winter table!

The ornaments are just fabulous! And I really love the new signature candle too! WOW!!!

So love the new equestrian mint julep cups! Will make superb Christmas gifts. The same can be said about your new Christmas ornaments. Would love to use them as placecard holders throughout the year while entertaining. Last but not least, as always, love your porcelain and toile lamps; so, so unique and quite the conversation pieces!

Hi Tina, I have been a fan of the blue and white ornaments since I first saw them. They would look so nice on a wreath year round! I just have to decide how many I would need!

Love the Provence planters! Nice to have a source because I haven’t seen them for sale in my area.

Pure joy! Thats the feeling I get when I see all the beautiful pieces for sale. Love the ornaments and your new planters!

Tina I haven’t made it over here for far too long and now I am kicking myself because every time I do visit you have accomplished something new and exciting – you are a powerhouse and you give me so much inspiration! Your photo contest looks amazing, and your new items – the ornaments, the lanterns, everything – is incredible. I truly do not know how you do it and still make time to do client work and your own home. Bravo to you!

I love the Silver acorn mint julep cups. I would really like to see photos of your lamps and lanterns lit and hung up in order to really see their potential.

Oh my! I love the ornaments and the silver! Everything is beautiful! Once again, thank you for this opportunity!

Love the blue and whit ornaments! Also love your new candle, but would like to have a woody/patchouli/herbal as well as a lavender fragrance option. Just a thought!!!

The julep cups are my favorite, especially the equestrian. Can’t wait till those arrive!

I am just crazy for the Christmas Ornaments. Your things are so beautiful. I wish I could have them all!


The planters are my favorite. I don’t think I could choose a favorite size. They are all great colors and sizes. And to think the entire reason I found your website was because of my love for all things blue and white!!
Claire S.

I love the silver chargers. I saw our table with them in use and they were stunning. As was the whole table!

That’s it: as soon as the new pool cabana is up I’m swapping out the black urns on the front stoop for a pair of your wonderful new planters! The urns will find a new home on the patio.
Square charger is so lovely, as are the new mint julep cups, love both of them.
You’ve done it again, Tina!

The planters are stunning. For someone who loves all things with a French flair, the planters are a must have.

Love, love, love the ornaments and just saw the white pagoda for the first time! Can’t wait to see pics of your tree with all of these beauties! Thanks, Tina!

Hi Tina,

It is always hard to choose but anything equestrian so the mint julip cups. Also am loving your new signature candle!

I love the silver mint juleps, the acorns for a long life! They immediately reminded me of my father who I lost in August. Beautiful & would be s wonderful addition to holiday decorating!
Thank you for sharing!

The number of entries is most impressive, but does not bode well for my chances of winning?. Like so many others, picking a favorite is difficult. I guess my favorites are the Provence planters, and, if money was no object, the silver chargers in the square style. Thank you for sharing beauty for my days. MM

Love it all, but when I saw the ornaments, I thought of a white flocked real tree with all of the beautiful blue and white ornaments and pine cones. I think it would look fabulous!

Tina! You are one busy lady! everything here:) Those planters would look perfect in our entry and I’m going to order one of your signature candles!

These are all amazing–my favorites are the ornaments–I can’t decide which ones to get for our tree!!!

Tina, you offer so many beautiful choices! But I have to say I love the signature candles and those Provence planters would add such a welcoming touch to the front of my home.

Adore that number 2 style mirror! It is slightly less formal thus a wider variety of styles to use with! I also like the bamboo lanterns.

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