Comments : 15

Hello! First off congratulations to  the winner below for winning the box of ornaments.


Please email me to claim your prize and provide your shipping address.


Boy Sunday never looked so good, had an insanely busy week and weekend with the holiday prep, LOTS of cooking and though I loved every minute I must admit I am looking forward to a day of rest today:)

I loved having my parents here and cannot wait to welcome them back in a few weeks, hi ,Mom and Dad:) I feel like once Dec.1st hits, it is full steam ahead with no rest for the weary so these “days of rest” become all too important!

As I do every Sunday, I share with you seven things on my mind, so here we go……


1 A HEARTWARMING STORY I love stories like these to kick off the holiday season and believe goodness and kindness are contagious.  You may have heard of  this one as it’s going around  but it is a beautiful and simple gesture to not only set an example for others but one that can make a difference in someone’s life possibly when they really need a helping hand.  We need more of these to make our world right again…….



2 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Never ever at a loss of incredible beauty to share, if anything it’s hard to narrow it down to just 10 or 12 favorites. But alas I did sprinkled with a heavy dose of holiday magic-

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Going to start choosing a favorite every Sunday and my favorite of the week goes to-



3 A FAVORITE NEW MASK! This has shot straight to the top of my list of most loved skin care products. As you might know I am a huge fan of La Prairie and recently tried this much talked about mask for the first time.

Not only does my skin feel baby soft but it actually looks better than it is has in a long time,I have been getting frequent comments on my skin and do believe La Paririe is part of that plus I am worth it:) Skin care is one area I will not compromise, you only get one face!!  I highly recommend this wonderful mask, especially at a time where we might be pushing ourselves a bit more than usual with the holiday frenzy. Click here for more info



4 A FANTASTIC MOVIE. I have seen this three times, and we watched it again Thanksgiving evening. It is such a beautiful touching story…a “real” movie. If you have enjoyed any of my past recommendations do think you will really enjoy it if you haven’t seen it already. Available I believe on Netflix and Amazon. Beautiful music is an added bonus:)




5 SUGARED FRUIT Always loved this look and this year am going to give it a whirl. I have read many different articles on how you can do it from using glue and glitter to egg whites and sugar or a bottle of clear sprinkles. I will probably experiment with a few methods and will report back how I  made out. One thing is for sure, its a beautiful look especially around the  holidays! Have you ever made it? If so do tell!

One recipe sounds easy and will likely be the first one I try, click here for more info


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6 A NEW CONTEST IS BEING ANNOUNCED- HOLIDAY LOVE!! As I have done the last two years I am announcing my Holiday Love contest. I will start taking submissions today through Dec. 14th, the contest will run Dec 15-17th, and a winner will be announced on Dec. 18th! A special holiday prize will be awarded and sent just in time for Christmas. Here is what you need to know-

  • Up to 2 picture per person, must be your own picture (not taken from internet or Pinterest,etc…)
  • Can be of anything holiday related
  • Please be careful with size clarity,etc….we will not be able accept small or blurry pictures
  • Ideas are front doors, Christmas trees, holiday tables, pets and kids decked out for holidays, wreaths, fresh greens, nature, the list goes on (just as long as it’s holiday related)
  • Email all pictures to [email protected]
  • ON SUBJECT LINE- you must put Holiday Love (so we can separate the entrants)
  • Accepting pictures today through Dec. 14th or until we reach 75 pictures
  • There is a cap 0f 75 pictures
  • Questions? Email [email protected]

Here are a few from last year that were great examples of subject, size and clarity, there were many more but this gives you a great idea, needless to say competition is stiff:)

Can’t wait to see what I get in this year!

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7  SUNDAYS SURVEY With the holiday season upon us, I always love the idea of honoring traditions. We have a few and I am a die hard about honoring them….my kids and husband know this about me so gave up trying:)

I think traditions keep people and families connected and that eventually everyone comes to value and even anticipate them. What do you think? I know some families do not have them and maybe don’t even want them. It has to be whatever works for you.

I was talking to a friend who said she wishes she had them during her childhood so she works hard to integrate them into  her own family life with hopes that her own children will one day follow suit….it got me thinking. So, what do you ahve to say on the matter?


So friends that is what’s on my mind this week, trust me there is much more but that will be in other posts:) Today I am continuing on with my one organizational task per day and will be doing a bit of holiday decorating. As said before I always do it in small windows and take full advantage when my creative mood strikes:)

My college son leaves around noon to fly back to school so the house will be quiet once again but not for long as I know December goes by in a blink of the eye! So wishing you a happy and relaxing Sunday. Thank you for making me a part of it. Until next time……


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Tina, I am Alice and think no. 12. How don’t email you?
Love this post the the creative pictures.

Love the sugared fruit!! I am also contemplating doing it for my holiday centerpiece and realizing g I should probably practice first! Thank you for the tips and for all of the lovely inspiration you always provide!!

I prefer to do sugared fruit for baked goods – this is not something you should try for decorative purposes before a big dinner party if you are pressed for time, as sometimes the sugar will fall off the fruit in sections as it dries. It does look wonderful, but because you are using all natural unrefrigerated ingredients, the fruit may not last through New Year’s. I picked up some wonderful faux sugared fruit from Lynn Hollyn Home in NYC years ago (think the store is now, sadly, defunct), which I use with holiday greenery arrangements.

Have seen ‘Like Sunday, Like Rain’, and enjoyed it as well. If you want a film with fabulous music, try and find ‘Boychoir’, with Dustin Hoffman and Kathy Bates. But then, my son was a member of the American Boychoir, so I’m only slightly biased!

Such a great post. I love holiday traditions. There are things I have done all my life, things I did as a child, that I have carried through and persuaded my family to continue, like gifts are always after lunch on Christmas Day, stockings when the children wake and Santa has been, but presents are in the sitting room, around the fire, after lunch. Little things make every Christmas special and I love keeping family traditions.

Hello, dear Tina. Another great post full of inspiration. I loved that movie too – may have to watch it again. And I love pics of sugared fruit! Hope you have a wonderful week!!

Hi Tina,
One year I made a beautiful sugared fruit wreath using egg white and sugar. It was so beautiful that no one wanted to eat any of it! Wish I had a picture but that was in 1972.

I was going to say my favourite Instagram pic was the red & stone building but then I noticed the grandfather on skates very precariously skating with his granddaughter. It touched my heart to see him balancing on the slippery ice just to be part of the young one’s life. Precious!
I think traditions are important. They carry memories from one generation to the next, incorporating those of the family we marry into. Every Christmas we remember fondly those of the past.

If you wish to do faux sugared fruit, I have used Epsom salt with spray glue. That is a trial and error task, to be sure….the firmer the fruit to begin with…the better your chances for success!☺️

I’ve always wanted to do the sugared fruit! Not sure it will happen this year but who knows! This year brings us a new grandson for Christmas so I guess that’s a better trade off! Anyway, loved this post! Loved the instagram photos you shared so much!! Hope to enter the contest as well…wow..maybe I am finally getting back in touch with the things and the people I love! Happy Holiday season, Tina!

Tina this post was so beautiful and inspirational. I don’t think I have ever clicked on the movie trailer from your post before, but I did today. And that movie looks truly outstanding and I literally can’t wait to watch it, probably tomorrow night. I love the actors and I was moved already buy the little boy and his performance just from the trailer. These have always been my favorite post of yours – the seven on Sunday – and no different today. I hope you had a very restful day because I know you’re tearing up for a busy busy December! I’m so glad I got a chance to visit today

Tina your Sunday posts are always the best, and I’m so glad I got a chance to come over today.I have been away for far too long but I’m so glad I got to see a movie recommendation today. I don’t think I’ve ever clicked on one of those links before but this one was well worth it. I love the actors and already felt moved by the performance of the main boy. I cannot wait to watch this movie tomorrow. Thank you so much for the recommendation and for all of the holidays cheer this post brings. I hope you had a restful Sunday because I know the beginning of the month is going to bring much cooking and hosting for you my friend !!

Great movie recommendation, so glad I watched it. Thanks, otherwise would have missed-it was very enjoyable.

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