Comments : 55

Hello everyone! Welcome to the new and improved Enchanted Home! It’s a whole new look… my long awaited new site finally launched albeit with some work still being done. Plus it launched on the 12th and 12 happens to be a lucky number, so it’s all good.

My Instagram feed is being updated to the site as we speak, so I have included my most recent entries just for fun:)


It didn’t quite happen as I wanted it to but after waiting so long it was advised to just bring it live and continue to tweak things during the process….so I held my breath and jumped right in:) It is so wonderful to finally see the new site though we are not totally complete.

Hope you will take a look around, bearing in mind that the shop portion is still not totally updated.


There is going to be a lot of maintenance happening to the site in the coming week so I need to ask for your patience. In return, some celebratory giveaways and promos are coming up!


I will continue to post my blog posts as most of the mentioned maintenance is with regard to the new shop site. Since this was supposed to happen months ago, the old site was maintained with regard to new arrivals and out of stock items as was always done.


So there are a lot of new products to add (which is going to be done over the coming week) as well as updates on certain items out of stock. In the meantime, if you have any questions at all…don’t hesitate to call us or email us. The contact info is at the top of the site.

So to recap, these things are still outstanding-

  • The shop is not updated with items that are sold out, back in stock, etc….but will be within the next week
  • All new arrivals have not been added but will be soon
  • The capability to search for old posts is not currently active but again within week or hopefully less will be
  • Blog lists where I list my “fave blogs” is only partial
  • There are other odds and ends but rest assured we are working on them as fast as we can


I can promise you one thing- when it’s all said and done, it’s going to be much improved, more user friendly, a lot fast, easier to navigate and overall much more comprehensive.


In the meantime, thought this would be a great time to ask  what you hope to see or read  more of in 2017. Please take part in my poll below. My Seven on Sunday will post on Sunday and from there on, things should be back to normal!

PS Leaving a comment is easy, look at top right where it says “Leave a comment”, I will be explaining other areas of the new site in the coming days.









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Congrats on your new site, it beautiful! It is never easy to update – sort of like renovating a house, sometimes you just have to move in before it is complete. Wishing you continued success!
Betsy Perry
The Local Vault

I love everything you blog about, but my passion will always be blue and white and home decor/design. Please don’t get rid of your girl pulling the wagon with the golden retriever designed in blue and white. That was how I found your blog!

Love the look of the new site!! I always enjoy your updates on projects i.e.: Bluff diaries, customer design projects, show house designs, your home renovations etc. I enjoy seeing new “mood boards” with fabric, trims, furniture and flooring options. I enjoy reading about your trips into the City, going to the flower district and seeing the creations you make from your purchases. I love your tablescapes and menus for parties and celebrations. I get ideas from your posts on how to decorate with blue and white. Love blue and white anything!! I always look forward to Seven On Sunday and Instagrams Of Interest. By far, I love anything featuring Teddy!

Can’t wait to see more in 2017! Warm wishes to you, Tina!! ❤

Tina, congratulations on your new site. It is clean, clear and beautiful! You should feel very proud to have accomplished yet another goal, done as only you do…to perfection!

Congrats on getting up and running! I just want more of whatever Tina is finding exciting at the moment! Every one of your posts is great no matter the subject!
The only suggestion I have is, fewer repeat photos. In other words, one great photo instead of many photos of the same thing. I know sometimes it’s hard to pick from among several terrific photos!!

The new web design is beautiful and so much easier to navigate. Congrats! Job well done!

Hi Tina. Hearty congratulations on your beautiful new blog. You must be so happy and relieved that it has finally come to fruition. Your exterior looks like mine, covered deep in snow. I’m loving this winter wonderland. Stay warm and cosy. XO

Love new site. Your time and efforts are obvious
Would like to be able to easily print receipes.

This is my favorite Blog

Tina……Your new site is amazing. It was worth waiting for. I love your blog and style.

I could have checked off at least 6 more boxes.
Enjoy your sense of style and love of decor and fashion emmensely! ?

It is beautiful but the header at the top is annoying. It keeps us from seeing the entire picture you have posted.

Love the new look, and it is looking so easy to navigate around. Maybe just a suggestion the header is scrolling a little to fast and are you still going to have the sidebar with the blogs that you visit/ read.
Your picture of Teddy is perfect, he is so handsome.

Love reading your blog!

Love the new look. The room pics are great. Keep the variety of rooms. Taking pics of my own rooms from different angles helps me to see what others see. I’m always moving around accessories so very interested in that category. Life is ever-changing !

This is my favorite blog, Tina. I have had a love of blue white all my life. I love seeing new ways to use it…colors, designs that work well with it. However I believe there are very few colors that don’t look well with blue/white. My biggest fear is keeping it fresh and not overdone. Your tastes and mine are very much alike. I learn a lot from you, so I hope you will keep sharing how to achieve “your” look. Thank you so much.

The site is so pretty! Can’t wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!! Thanks for asking the reader’s opinions too! Julie L

I like your new site..beautiful! I can understand why it took so long to finish up. Looks like a lot of thought, time and effort went into the change.

Love everything you do…please consider “How to use blue and white in a Minimalist” home.

I love it! Sophisticated, classic , soothing with enough blue and white to satisfy those of us who are addicted. Your blog makes me happy and inspires me. Thank you Tina.

Congratulations, Tina! Your new website is very clean, crisp and elegant! One minor issue: the header takes up 30% of the window and doesnt allow for viewing entire photos, so constant scrolling is required. I’ve tried CNTRL with -, which makes the photos smaller, but it also makes the font squint-sized. Any suggestions? Thank you!
PS More pictures of Teddy, please!

Love it! It’s beautiful. This is the first blog that I’ve ever felt was worth my time. I also noticed you provide tips for other bloggers which is so generous of you. You are so talented. I love your style! Your hard work and persistence (perfectionism?) has been realized. For some reason, I feel like the timing of the pics at the opening of the blog are moving through too quickly for a newbie to enjoy (food for thought). Great work and vision!

My favourite post is Seven on Sunday. It’s normally a quiet, lazy day in our household and Sunday’s post gives me more to scroll through.
The new site is looking good!

The new site is beautiful. I have one suggestion, the header comes far enough down the page that it is not possible to view any of your beautiful photos in their entirety. One has to scroll down to see the rest of the photos. Just my two cents worth 🙂

Your new site is fabulous! Your blog is the best- and I love buying from your store.
Trudi R.

Hi, just to reiterate another comment: your pictures are so lovely it would be nice to see them in one go; right now I have to scroll through from top to bottom so can’t see the whole image. Your haeder needs to collapse down as readers scroll through. Good luck

wow, love the crisp clean look of the mew website:-) Congratulatioms…
looking forward to reading you in 2017.

The new site is so beautiful. Congratulations and good luck as you continue to work on it, I know it takes time, Rome wasn’t built in a day:-) Loved seeing the snow pictures and of course Teddy, look forward to Seven on Sunday!

I really like your new site. Very classy, clean and beautiful.
Thanks for being so connected with your followers and always considering us.

I love your new look, Tina and your shop and e-design look so pretty. Isn’t it fun getting an update?! Happy weekend!

Love your new look. Very easy to navigate and to read. Please do not change your fonts to yellow. or light gray. Too hard to read.. Can’t wait to see what the new year brings for TEH. Thank you for inviting us into your beautiful home

The journeys that are not so easy are the ones we remember most. Everything looks great as always.

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