Comments : 26

Hello! In my excitement over finally getting a springy like weather day, I forgot to announce the winner of the silver planter. So here it goes, congratulations goes to-

#114 WENDY P

Please contact [email protected] so that we can get your beautiful planter on it’s way.


Hope you are having a great week, so exciting that we are in April…the warm weather just has to come soon. It’s been a cold and rainy spring so far but I  know beautiful days are in our future. Been really busy working on so many different things right now, not the least of which is my improved new site (almost done, really)! It will look a lot like the current one but the functionality will be SO much better….I am sure you will agree.

As I periodically do I share with you my life in the last week or as seen through pictures taken on my phone. Today’s roundup has a nice southern accent (pics from Palmetto Bluff and Savannah), hope you enjoy!

The biggest highlight for this post was getting to see our house come so far…it was so exciting to walk through the rooms and visualize living there, and dreaming of how I will furnish it, etc…..

Site visit/meeting!

This pretty view is walking from the living room out to the patio

Moving onto Savannah, such a beautiful and charming city. I felt for just a few minutes that I was a character right out of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”  love that movie and have seen it at least 10 times.

The trees literally create a sculpture over many of the residential roads, its amazing!

I took this picture for everyone who asks me about putting marble on their countertops. I rest my case:)

Love pretty entrances

So many of the streets look just like this

Pretty fountains abound on nearly every square park

Yes that’s my brave husband kayaking valiantly among the alligators, you should have seen me screaming, jumping up and down like a maniac on the dock. I am petrified of alligators…In fact looking at this picture, under his left oar, I swear it looks like an alligator head lurking!

A fun restaurant The Vault in Savannah, it was once an old bank

LOVE this palette I am working on for a client…this is probably my most favorite colorways.

Had a fun city day with my boys, went down to Soho, to Eataly, ate at Manzo on a picture perfect spring day….New Yorkers were out in droves!

Yummy fresh pasta from Eataly!

Back to Palmetto Bluff…some of my favorite areas within the Inn….

This gorgeous sunroom is the first place I come early morning for the best cup of coffee

I love setting into one of these comfy chairs in front of the fireplace in this magnificent room

Headed to a beautiful brunch and made up this pretty bouquet of flowers on the fly to take:) And how gorgeous is their kitchen!

This was our favorite area to have breakfast in every morning

Went on a silver polishing binge, love seeing everything shine!! (this was done over a few days lest you be thinking I am a silver polishing pro)

This is a teeny tiny sneak peek at the beautiful sun room i just did….it came out amazing if I may say so myself:)

Loving these Quadrille pillows that we put for fun on the little settee in our office (the famed Bali Hai pattern) just had a few batches made up! These beauties are going to one lucky lady….

Always the best for last…Mr. Teddy with his baseball bandanna!

So there you have it..of course for me, the real highlight was getting to see our house moving along and starting to really shape up! It is very exciting and another chapter of Palmetto Bluff will post within about 8-10 days, thank you for stopping in. Wishing you a wonderful day and hope the birds are chirping in celebration of spring finally arriving! Until next time….

PS JUST STARTED IN THE LAST HOUR- The most amazing flash sale on the highest quality sconces a new line I will be carrying that I am over the moon about!! Click here to see



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Thanks for the marble comment! I have some very old marble top chest and nothing compares to it, scratches and all.

I love theses posts the best, I think. Seeing life through the pictures you have taken is a delight! Your home down south is coming together nicely and pics of Teddy always make me smile. He is one photogenic puppy!

We are looking for runners for our kitchen and a rug for under the kitchen table. Where did you find the rug for the Sunporch you decorated so beautifully?! Could you share some sites for blue and white rugs that would work? LOVE how your PB home is coming along and you inspired me to get out the silver polish!

The picture with the huge live oaks looks like it could have been taken on my street in the garden district in Mobile.
Ours are huge and hundreds of years old and make a canopy over the street also, and the houses look very much the same. Most of the homes on my street were built 1901-1906. My house was built in 1904. You just have to put up with the little leaves falling all the time, and the acorns. Our trees are protected–you can’t take off a limb unless it is damaged and in danger of falling, and you still need approval from the city. Even if you build a new house to “look” old, it still does not have the same feeling as an original old house. Yes, they are expensive to maintain, but worth it.

Hugs Teddy. You always make my day. Thanks Tina beautiful postings of your home.

Beautiful post today! Especially enjoyed the Savannah photos..a favorite southern city of mine. The live oaks and hanging Spanish moss are the epitome of southern for me. Your home will be lovely and a great respite for you and your family.

Beautiful post, as always! Thank you for sharing.
What hotel were you in in Savannah? So pretty.

Oh my, where do I begin? Such a fun post full of many of the things I love: Palmetto Bluff, Savannah, Eataly… Amazing how fast the construction of your home is coming along. So beautiful!! And I love your new line of sconces! And by the way, I know what you mean about those alligators that make themselves right at home in Palmetto Bluff. Your husband is a brave man!

Hi Tina!!! Great pics. I can’t believe how quickly your new house is going up! And what a fabulous lot! I really enjoy following along on the building and decorating process. I’m counting the minutes until the Southern Charm premiere! Have a great week!

Love seeing your new house! Maybe you will be in by Christmas? Love seeing NY city in the Spring. Sounds like a perfect day with your kids. Have a great week.

Be Very careful that your dog does not stand too close to the water. I have friends that list their dog to an alligator just that way.

First of all… Congrats on ur new house …will be beautiful!
I can’t believe your husband in the kayak with the alligators yikes!!!!
Eataly wonderful….come to the Chicago one…. Really good too!
Spring cannot be far away????????

Honeymooned in Charleston over 20 years ago. We loved it so much we’ve since been back to Charleston and then added Savannah, too, to our favorite places! Those sconces are so Old Hollywood I just love them!

I recently spent a few days at Palmetto Bluff, what a lovely little community. Stayed in one of the cottages, loved it. Stopped at the charming market for some snacks and headed out on our 8 mile bike ride out to the entrance bridge and saw the MANY gators lounging in the sun. They scare me to death also. I can’t imagine having them lounging on the water edge near my front yard. Thought it was such a charming area. Can not wait to return with my boys so we can partake in all the activities. What a wonderful place for a second home. Being from Seattle it was a wonderful visited into another part of the world. Can certainly understand your eagerness to enjoy your new home.

i love eataly! and you invoked one of my favorite words: BRUNCH. oh my. that kitchen and the spread is so casual chic and just the sort of get together where i come alive. hugs to you, travelin mama. xox

Sweet Tina, (as we say down here in Texas) but we have also lived in Augusta, GA not too far from Savannah.
Question ……….I know that in the south we spray diligently for “skeeters” . How in the world are they going to keep those little nasty critters from your backyard so close to that pond??
Can’t wait to see your beautiful home completed. I love everything you do! I am more contemporary /traditional.
Do you ever advise along those lines?
Thank you again for sharing your beautiful and inspiring ideas and life with us. I appreciate your hard work and your joy of beauty is contagious!

The PB house is really coming along and what a lovely design!
Your husband is a braver soul than I – have you thought of upping his life insurance? We are heading back down to Hilton Head in three weeks, remember one year there was a 12′ gator they nicknamed ‘Bubba’ that lived in the lagoon outside the condo we were renting, and would routinely sun on the grass on the other side of the tennis court fence. In spite of the fact that I am an animal lover, could not help but envision Bubba as a Ralph Lauren handbag…
Hubby has suggested we check out PB during our trip as a work colleague is building down there as well. As someone who was raised with a family cottage on a lake in northern Ontario, Canada and had to deal with clouds of black flies (‘no see-ums’ that bite) in the spring and mosquitoes at dusk during the summer, I think screened porches are as mandatory as AC in the South.
One quick question: do the ‘Pheasant’ and gilded wood Italian sconces come left and right facing when you purchase a pair? They are all gorgeous and now that I found and hung the perfect mirror for the new main bathroom, it’s time to pick out the sconces.

Love Savannah, too. How lucky you will be to be so close. But I have to say that all you rooms that you create for your clients look the same….too reduntant

Hi Tina, always such a nice break to sit down and take in the beauty of your blog. I love these posts, seeing a slice of your life is a treat for my weary eyes. Going through grad school at 48 is no easy feat haha.
Teddy is so cute, he has the sweetest eyes.

The house is looking beautiful, I cannot wait to see it furnished.
The fabric palette for your client is so beautiful, you sure do have “the magic touch”. We stopped by Eataly a few months ago, it was Sat and it was mayhem, but what a fun market. I wanted to load up but being that we were visiting from California it wasn’t feasible. We ate at the little pizzeria there and loved the NY style pizza. You are lucky to have NYC at your fingertips.

I cant wait for to see what you do next! Give Teddy a big hug from his fans in Pasadena.

I love savanah’s historic district. We always take pictures in front of the gorgeous Forsyth Park Fountain whenever we visit the city. The surrounding homes are gorgeous. Alligators scare me. There was one on the golf course in Hilton Head. Yuk! Love your decorating . Absolutely love the blue color ways above.

Please keep up the good work. I love your blog and love Savanah. I am going to redo my bedroom soon and I think we have simular style just looking at your posts. I love blue and would like to use that in there. I don’t want it to girly but feminine is not too bad.
Any thoughts?

You are an artist. Your eye is spot on. I throughly enjoy this tour with yiu. Alone, I could’ve taken the same trip and not seen half as much. Thank you

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