Comments : 16

Hello friends. Busy week over here,  and I know its the same for all of you as we all prepare to either open our homes for the Thanksgiving holiday or travel somewhere to be with those we love.

Between working, and slowly getting ready for a big Christmas party, hosting Thanksgiving and then 12 people over Christmas, to say my plate is full would be an understatement. Yesterday afternoon,  my throat felt sore and my ear was hurting, I got so nervous, took Nyquil, said a prayer and went to sleep hoping for the best. Thankfully woke up not sick, as the absolute worst is being around the holidays.

So here are my random musings as seen through my iPhone in the last week or two, love that my phone is able to capture life’s happening (the good and pretty only) and I can share with you. So here we go….


The Ralph Lauren Store on Madison Ave stopped me in my tracks, draped in a winter white wonderland….so beautiful!

Was part of a special fundarisaer for my dear friend in honor of her son that passed away on Friday, a bit of the behind the scenes as the set up began-

There was a disconnect with her florist and they forgot to get the huge wreaths so yours truly contacted one of her sources, unloaded her trunk and had these massive almost 5 foot wreaths stuffed into her car….what a friend:)

The beautiful evening ended with an opera night-

They were so sensational, I got several small videos of them here is a snippet- (sorry for it being sideways but you get the idea)

Meanwhile last week went to my other happy place, the NY flower market of course and had a ball playing florist:)

My loot above

This place has the most outrageous branches, foliage, greenery that I have ever seen…gets your mind going in a million places with what to do. It’s like walking into a beautiful jungle meant just for flower crazy people like me:)

Woke up the other morning to a family of deer traipsing through my yard, couldn’t get my phone fast enough, only got one deer int he picture but it was exciting

One of my favorite little places in the city, such good breads, pastries and baguette sandwiches for when you are on the run

The only three signs in my house that Christmas is not so far away

LOVED getting out my beautiful blue and white chinoiserie ornaments and cannot wait to decorate my tree!!!

I made this arrangement above with my new faux amaryllis which look so real, fresh green and sugar cones, love the effect

It was so exciting to get all my silver in last week, love every single piece!

And getting it out along with many ornament orders meant the office looked like crazytown

A sneak peek at my Thanksgiving prep midway through the setup process-

Then with the fresh greens I took home, got to work on my mantle, really fell in love with this color combination-

And these beautiful flowers coupled with fresh greens and dried fruit really made such a beautiful combination especially with my blue and white, still working on this as I kept the tulips in my refrigerator until tomorrow (to be sure they last) but will be sure to share the finished product.


So there you have the pretty, fun and inspirational from the last week or so. Wishing you a wonderful day and good luck as you are likely in the throes of your Thanksgiving prep. Appreciate you stopping in, until next time…..

PS Second and last day of the extraordinary candle sale. Trust me, you will want these for your home during the holiday and they make the most beautiful gifts to have on hand. Best part they are as low as they will go! Click here to see the sale.


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I swoon at every one of your pictures so beautiful. Your home your flowers. And my heart feels for your friend who lost her child. So sorry

You are truly busy! I love the color combination you’ve chosen for Thanksgiving. So seasonal, elegant and just plain fun!! Thanks for sharing.

I love seeing your photos from the flower market, what a wondrous place. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friends son, my thoughts are with her.

Enjoy your holiday planning and decorating.

So much to love here. When is your book coming out? I will be first in line to buy one. I loved all these pictures, the Ralph Lauren store is just beautiful.
Your mantle and flowers are out of this world, Tina. I loved seeing your highlights from your life recently, lots of beauty. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

My God Tina, where to you get all your energy. So much fun planning for the Holiday’s. The flower ? choices are absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to see your home when it’s all finished. Such a treat and honor to be a guest in your home over the holiday’s. We are headed to Charleston, SC. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving????

Love seeing all the preparations for the holidays. That large Santa on your mantle is fabulous!!!

Earlier this year, I decided to decorate seasonally, not limiting myself to the big holidays. Thus, I’ve kept the same, rather stunning (if I may say so) autumn decor since mid-September, only adding fresh oranges or snippets of Mugo pine to table/mantel/front porch/back courtyard arrangements. The Mugo pine adds just enough fresh woodsy fragrance to meld into early December before going all out with the Christmas decor on December 6th — Saint Nicholas Day.

Tina… I love your random musings posts. Your mantel looks positively gorgeous. Sounds like you’re going to be even busier than usual. I highly recommend Zicam at the first sign of a cold. If it doesn’t get rid of it completely it will lessen the severity of it. I always enjoy your flower market pics. If I were a deer, I’d hang out in your yard too. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, dear Tina.

Taking a break from baking mini pumpkin breads. ( Take home favors for my Thanksgiving guests.) Your post was a welcome break.
So sorry for your friend who lost her son. May memories of him comfort her and her family.
Wishing you and yours a Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving!

What a beautiful combination of flowers! I love the soft oranges with your blue and white!

Can’t wait to see your centerpieces all in place. I’m sure they will all be quite exceptional! Where in the world did you find the beautiful table lamps? Simply gorgeous. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

Hi Tina, I just received my ornaments… and I have to say I love them so much. They are bigger than I thought in person. They inspired me to take my Christmas tree out and start decorating. They are the first two ornaments on my tree… and I just loved them. I will be ordering more of your ornaments! If anyone out there has any doubt about the size and quality of them, please do NOT hesitate… they are lovely, large, and the quality is spectacular.

Happy Thanksgiving, Tina! I love this color combo you came up with. It’s stunning and feels so unexpected and fresh when combined with your blue and white. I hear you with trying to stay healthy during the holidays. It’s a challenge when you’re rubbing shoulders with so many people! I’m in Arizona celebrating with family, and half of us are from Italy so you can imagine the food and deliciousness. I get a major break this year and only have to bring a few sides and a dessert. Hoping to get some good exercise after the meal since it’s upper 80’s here…no excuses! Peace to you, friend. xox

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