Comments : 20

Hi friends…I just can’t believe Christmas is over. Back alive and well from the fun but crazy weeks of Christmas hysteria.I have mixed feelings about it being over, at times it was so chaotic but in a fun way, it almost felt like an out of body experience!  There is such a huge buildup over Christmas and then before you know it, it’s gone, over, finished.

Having a house full of family was so much fun, lots of work but worth every ounce of effort, and that even includes achy feet, and unfortunately a few minor burns on my hand:( It was such a fun filled week with  lots of game playing, too much food, karaoke, tons of reminiscing, hours of laughter, lots of wine, some great movie binges. Having all my kids home was such a special treat and indeed my whole family being with  us was the best Christmas gift of them all.

Anyway it always takes me at least 2-3 days to readjust to getting back to “normal” but normal can be good too. It just takes time to come down off that holiday high and readjust to normal every day life where we don’t have a list of 30 things that need to be accomplished.

We are having a 50% off sale off of all holiday paper and that includes the reams, all ornaments and stockings. Things are going super fast and it’s a good thing I ordered a lot. Having a crazy day yesterday in the office surely helped me get back in the saddle. Here we go with recent musings via my trusty little iPhone-



Loved waking up on Christmas morning to see snow, it didn’t last long but it sure was magical for this adult who still acts like a kid when it snows:)

Christmas morning was a fun-filled morning with paper, presents and boxes everywhere. Meanwhile I put the finishing touches on my dining room Christmas table, how did it go from this where everything was neat and orderly-

To this, lol-


Thankfully thing were calmer and neater in my dining room-

And I loved my Royal Copenhagen plates with my new addition of the monogram stag salad plates from Sasha Nicholas! (also for many who asked the square charges are coming back in stock later Jan)!

One night when everyone was in, I made two huge lasagnas, haven’t made this in ages but it was perfect for feeding the troops!


What is more magical than NYC during the holidays!

The Met

Store windows at Bergdorf and Saks Fifth Avenue-

And of course iconic St. Patrick’s Cathedral

And finally a power meal for hungry holiday revelers- (Cipriani downtown)

My flocking obsession continued and I even tackled faux greenery with much success I might add:)

Made my annual pilgrimage to uber charming Youngs Farm to pick up our favorite Christmas pies, it’s that kind of place that brings you back in time

What? You don’t drive around with a five foot Curious George in your front seat? This cutie was on his way to a dear friends’ sons first Christmas!

Needless to say he was a big hit

And even found his way to sitting at the dining room table!

Gave these as favors…..the perfect favor for a holiday party (Margaret from my office wrapped these)!

A birthday gift for a Christmas birthday, love the addition of a tiny bottle of champagne…why not!

On my way to a friends home for Christmas to deliver a pretty Christmas arrangement


A friends beautiful Christmas tree

Went to another friends Christmas party, is her room the perfect dining room for Christmas with those gorgeous green velvet chairs, the entire room is done in antiqued pine

Her mantle in same dining room

Two days before Christmas went to my favorite Italian specialty store, Razannos, the closest thing to getting on a plane to Italy. We stayed in line an hour to get their most amazing cheese, prosciutto and more….the wait can often be 2 hours, an hour was considered light (we went early). Makes the best antipasti platters! Pictures cannot capture the madness of this shop around Christmas but I took a quick little video-


Well that’s a wrap for today. Lots of great memories from this Christmas and holiday season were made, that will always be treasured. Any year I have my health and family, I feel incredibly blessed. I am looking forward to a new year and have all kinds of things up my sleeve, goals and aspirations. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy these last few days of 2017.

Thanks as always for stopping in, wishing you a wonderful day. Signing off from frigid NY! Until next time……

PS Yesterday started the whopper of a sale, 50% of ALL holiday gift wrap (even includes all reams), ALL ornaments and the doggy stockings. Things are going really fast, you can order online or call in your order 800-804-9565. Click here to visit the shop (on left side are the various categories) The stocking are found under holiday. Happy shopping:)

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Hi Tina, looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with your family! Always such a busy time of the year. I love the decorations in your beautiful home. I have a quick question, I purchased the large square silver chargers, which I love, and make such an elegant statement on the table, but any suggestions on how to keep the plates on top from “wobbling”, I used my Herend China, and the plates slipped a little, as well as moved quite a bit when people were trying to cut their meat. I was thinking of going to get felt, and cutting a small piece for under each plate, do you have a trick to share? Happy New Year to you!

This post is exactally what I think New York City is like during the holidays, maxed out. Here in Colorado we were relaxed by the fire watching the snow fall. Blessed to be safe and warm at home.
Thank you for a year of beautiful post. Looking forward to see what you have in store for us in 2018. May you and your family have a blessed new year.

I keep trying to use the code FIFTY on your ornament sale and it will not work. I thought ornaments were included in the sale.

A beautiful post. I also love going to Young’s Farm and Razzano’s. It isn’t Christmas if I don’t shop there.
I hope you didn’t try to drive in the HOV lane with Curious George as your passenger!! What a fabulous gift for an adorable child.
Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy New Year!

Thank you for the wonderful pictures and descriptions! Your home is beautiful and inspiring!

What a lovely home you have. Happy and healthy 2018 and looking forward to a new year of fun posts!

Always enjoy your pictures! Thank you. Two questions please…Did you decide on your staircase in Palmetto Bluffs? Perhaps I missed that post. Second ….Do you have any book suggestions for those of us that like to hibernate more during these chillier months? I just purchased Charlotte Moss newest book Garden Inspiration. It’s wonderful!

The CODE FIFTY does not work, ? I have a whole cart to order but do want to take advantage of the fifty off.

The code is only working on some of the sale items that are listed as 50% off, i.e. ornaments, all gift wrap and bags and stockings. Perhaps I am doing something wrong. Will try again later. Thanks!

Breathtakingly beautiful ❤️ Thank you for sharing these photos of your Christmas!
All the best,
Patty from Colorado

For the people who are trying to order ornaments and paper at 50% off, try calling instead their toll free number 1 800 804 9565

Good morning Tina,

It looks like you had a wonderful family Christmas! I think that is the best part, family, friends, food, days home watching movies, games, etc.

Have a great week.

That lasagna looks delicious! Glad you enjoyed Christmas with your family and friends!

I have been SO delinquent in checking in on blogs lately…today, I actually had a few free minutes and am finally taking some time to catch up. I hope you had a VERY Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year! xoxo

I love this blog. I especially love this particular one. I felt like I was a part of all the festivities. How wonderful to enjoy the snow on Christmas morning. And the sites in NYC. Wow!

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