Comments : 18

Hello! Hope you are having a fantastic week. This is the time of year when I start really hating winter. I am longing for spring, warm weather, birds chirping, flowers blooming, and green grass!!! There really is something to be said for living in a mild climate:) When we used to ski, it was different….but now, ugh I would be happy to fast forward into spring/summer!

As I periodically do i share life happenings with you via my random musings post, haven’t actually done in a while so here is life around here in the last few weeks.


Love my faux orchids, cannot tell you how many people they fool! And now the kalanchoes too…great as no green thumb required! These were on their way to somewhere special:)

Changed out the pillows and added my favorite handpainted chinoiserie large lumber to my room for a little spring-y vibe

This beautiful basket was going to a friend and family who took my son on a wonderful trip (one of his best friends). I was tempted to keep this for myself as I filled it was filled all my favorite things, I could literally live on a basket like this- who needs meals!

Loved playing with my melamine, have all kinds of fabulous linens coming in…stay tuned:)

This picture requires a backstory- we were out to dinner at a favorite Italian restaurant.  The husband walks in first, with a beautiful wrapped arrangement of flowers, the wife walks in 10 minutes later and he says surprise when he gives her the flowers, they dine quietly and then a cake is brought out with the waiters serenading her with “Happy birthday”. It was clear she possibly have had Alzheimers, but to see the love he bestowed on her made me well up. I felt so lucky to have witnessed this special moment that night. Unconditional love at it’s finest.

Switching gears to a few highlights from the Sotheby’s Mario Buatta auction highlights!

Needless to say at every turn there was something magnificent to behold! Will share more on Sunday’s post.

I have almost the same exact huge planter as above….Mario and I think alike:)

Love this birdcage above and these fretwork chairs below!

My son gave me this mammoth book on Chinese  porcelain and it is truly one of the best books I have read/seen on the subject. It deeply delves into the history of the Chinese porcelain market and is so fascinating, with hundreds of pictures and an extensive history, it is a beautiful book worthy of being on the finest coffee tables…highly recommend!!

Loved this chair and the pillow was darling!

I stood in front of this bookshelf for a good 15 minutes and loved seeing all the books that caught Mario’s attention.

I must say I could not love my growing etched glass line more than I do…I am a little obsessed with it:) Had a bunch laid out on my dining table to help a friend with an event she is planning and hopes to use a bunch of them down a very long table….fun fun fun. Click here to see the line.

Was invited to a book club (almost never go anymore) and made this baked brie because its everyone’s fave….you cannot stop at one bite!

My son gave me this mammoth and quite magnificent book on Chinese  porcelain and it is truly one of the best books I have read/seen on the subject. It deeply delves into the history of the Chinese porcelain market and is so fascinating, with hundreds of pictures as told by several experts in the field, it is a beautiful and lavish book worthy of being on the finest coffee tables…highly recommend!!

Setting up shop…a pop up at beautiful Scarsellas!! If you are local, by al means stop in, we are adding things almost daily! So many fabulous new things heading that way….fun! We are even going to possibly hold workshops on decorating with tulipieres and general flower arranging!

And on occasion I use my dining room as my “design lab” and in this case experimented with these fabulous  new table linens and the melamine coming in the spring…a match made in heaven:)

A gathering of blue and white relatives..all one big happy family. I like seeing groupings of jars under a console, do you?

First snow of 2020, not a blizzard by any stretch but got about 4″- the most we have gotten all season long!

Leftover snow and late day sun…

I laughed at this picture, saying if there is such a thing as a chinoiserie lamp hoarder, I am guilty as charged!! Never can have too many!


And there you have a recap of the last few weeks, the good and pretty at least:) Thank you for stopping in, wishing you a wonderful day and hope the sun is shining wherever you might be. We still have some snow on the ground and this week, it’s been really cold which puts me in hibernation mode but it should be warming up soon, thankfully! Until next time……

Our porcelain presale on our Feb container is going strong (ends Friday) click here to see all of the gorgeous treasures coming in-

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How about a pop-up shop in Manhattan? UES would be perfect, with plenty of pretty but empty store spaces to choose from. I guarantee success!

OMG! TOPIARY melamine!!!!!! I thought I was all set with my gorgeous blue and white pagoda set , but if you are bringing TOPIARY…. i will just have to add to it!

Everything is inspiring and beautiful as always! I recently purchased some wonderful pieces from your melamine collection. Although I was shipped the wrong pattern, I just want to complement they way your staff handled the problem and everything was promptly worked out. It was my first time to order from Enchanted Home and I couldn’t be more pleased. Great job!

Tina, I love these posts and all the beauty that you share, makes my day!

I live in Buckhead and would flip out if you did a pop up in this area, your things would fly off the shelves!

Your orchids are incredible I cannot believe that they’re not real, I need to look into those pronto!

It is so lovely to see such beautiful pieces and appreciate your time to share your photos and your world of outings here and there. Wish I could tag along. Lol.

So many fun photos! Love the spring pillow on the bed. And the story of the man and his wife celebrating her birthday, lovely. Have a great day Tina.

Hi Tina, would you be kind enough to share the maker of your beautiful chinoiserie wallpaper featured in the photo above with your equally lovely chinoiserie lamp base collection.

The Orchids and Kalanchoes look so real…totally regal in the blue and white porcelain.

Oooohhh, that lacquered chest!! I have that teal Lutyens bench. Come on Spring…franki

Can we call this…A Beautiful Life? I loved the bit about the dinner and all of Mario’s books. Fascinating. And you have a lovely son, giving you a treasure of a book! Such fun reading this post. Thank you!

What a fun post, so many beautiful highlights. I love that last picture with those lamps just gorgeous!

The story of the couple really touched my heart how sweet of you to take note of that and share it with us. I too love the etched hurricanes and own a pair and the cake dish- some of my most favorite pieces.
I also have a weakness for baked Brie!

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