Comments : 27

Hi friends. Hope this finds you doing well, safe and mostly, healthy. These are certainly unprecedented times and most of us are somewhat blindly navigating our way through this,  never having gone through anything like it.

It is like a war except the weapons are a germ/virus capable of creating human loss and suffering. I know nearly all of us at this point are greatly feeling the changes in our life, whether its kids out of school, maybe now having to work from home, or not even having a job any longer (an increasing reality for so many), restrictions on when you can go out and with how many people,etc…..It is certainly a new norm.

But I 100% fully support that these things are necessary in order to hopefully minimize that curve that that they keep talking about and to hopefully keep the numbers to an absolute minimum. This is a time to check in regularly on the elderly, whether they are your relatives or not. They are the most vulnerable and need attention, love and care. We are all in it together and will come out of it stronger and united.

We all need do our part and that includes speaking to the young people in our lives who think they either “have this covered” or it doesn’t apply to them. The new research shows this affects a much larger group of 20-50 year olds than previously thought.  And shocking to me, was that about 32% of those in the ICU are in that same age group, frightening!

Please please take good care, I am here continuing on with my blog and trying to do my part in keeping everyones mind off things as much as I possibly can. Let’s move along to this weeks Seven on Sunday….


1 WAYS TO HELP Many of us even during this most challenging time feel the need to reach out and help someone less fortunate. There are many ways, even from home that we can be proactive and do something. Town and Country put out a great article that gave some wonderful ideas worth sharing and passing along-


2 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Always love to include my favorite instagrams of the week. I tried to also add some inspiring ones that I felt particularly poignant given our times mixed in with some beauty (of course). Enjoy….

3 SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW  A California high school choir has come together for a virtual concert singing one of my favorite songs. I love that thanks to the ingenuity of technology we can still find ways to be together, ands stay connected. Turn it up full blast!

4 RAFFIA EVERYTHING! I have always been drawn to raffia/wicker products. Whether for the home or fashion…it’s such a great look. How pretty are all of these gorgeous goodies! From Nordstrom and most really reasonable to boot:) Click here to see all

5. A GREAT QUARANTINE MOVIE LIST. While so many of us are home, no doubt we have lots of unexpected free time, something most of us rarely have. So this movie list might come in handy as you look for new ways to fill your time. Many I have seen and so many are the kind you can watch over and over. Lots of good ones here!

Do you have favorites? I have so many, we watched Baby Boom recently, how I love that movie. Somethings Gotta Give, too many John Grisham films to count, The Talented Mr. Ripley, and our growing list is expanding fast! To me the older movies are the best, they just don’t make them like they used to:(

6 DREAMING OF AN AL FRESCO DINNER. So as I practice what I preach and try to remain hopeful, I did something I urge you to do too. I made a summer bucket list. We have put a few trips on that list,  made sure to put down plenty of beach time, but the number one thing on my list is to take advantage of having as many alfresco dinners as possible to enjoy with friends and family.

To not let one weekend of “normalcy” slip by without taking advantage to enjoy it and be with those we love. Boy, normal never looked so good…..I miss it, don’t you? So here is a table I set up last summer that has me dreaming of better days ahead………lifting my virtual glass of Rosè with you to that!

7 SUNDAYS SURVEY As we all grapple with something that can only be described as feeling like we are on an  apocalyptic movie set, I know many of us are now taking this very seriously. I think we all (except those spring breakers)  are fully understanding the gravity of what is happening.  Even if we didn’t think this was possibly a mere 8 days ago, it is now undeniable . So I am posing a very similar question to what I did a week ago.

Just for reference here are the results from the poll last week-


And that is a wrap for this Sunday. There was no getting around it having a “Quarantined- infused” vibe as it’s our life right now but I definitely  tried to include some pretty and inspiring too. I hope you are well, staying safe and staying home.

It goes without saying that my utmost respect goes out to the countless what I call “midnight warriors”, the doctors, nurses, hospital workers, those in uniform, the truckdrivers working around the clock to get supplies to their destinations, the nursing home caregivers and so many more who’s work. is just beginning as we are calling it a day. Long long nights for so many.

We are a strong and united country and we WILL  come out of this better, more united and stronger. Thanks for stopping in, wishing everyone a good day (relatively speaking), stay calm and quarantine on…

PS If you need a great laugh please click here to read my previous post...promise it will give you some comic relief!!

And definitely follow me on Instagram where I post an evening round of funnies…..good way to end a night! Click here

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Please keep posting. You are making a difference in my life right now! Feel like we’re chatting over coffee

Thank you Tina for continuing to post. I look forward to Sunday mornings with you! I loved yesterday’s post with the funny memes, especially the one with the fluffy white dogs! Safe safe and holding us all in prayer.

Thank-you for this post, Tina!
Our local hospital in Morristown, NJ, has put out a request for donations of Crocs (or gardening clogs, new or gently used) for their nursing staff to be worn ONLY in hospital. This is a donation effort we could all participate in in our communities, if there is a need.
I’d like to offer two light-hearted sit-com series to watch, and I am not going to apologize for my pro-Canadian bias: Schitt’s Creek (Katherine O’Hara’s wardrobe is a hoot) and Kim’s Convenience, both on Netflix. Am enjoying these British series as well: Luther and Broadchurch. Good Omens is also light-hearted fun, if you’ve seen the much darker The Omen, you’ll get a kick out of it.
Stay safe & healthy all!

Thank you for all your positive & uplifting ( humor) words & pics! ❤️???????

YOU ARE A RAY OF SUNSHINE!! I can not express how much your “Seven on Sunday” meant to me…thank you from the bottom of my hopeful heart. franki

Thank you, Tina. Comedies are always a good idea. A few more: Murder by Death, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Mouse Hunt.

Perfectly balanced post this week! Thanks for the beauty, inspiration, & hope! Keep those nightly funnies coming too! You’re helping me get through this!

I am always uplifted, inspired and encouraged by my visits here. Loved your humor post and linked it to my Sundays With Celia post today. Stay safe in your enchanted home and keep bringing levity and life to all of us.

So look forward to your posts. Some beauty with a good dose of humor does so much to make it a better day. Thank you!

Thank you so much for all of your Posts. It helps more than you know.—to see beautiful things, to have a good laugh , receive new tips, etc., to know you care and that we are all experiencing & coping the best as can. ?

Thank you, Tina, for your uplifting and encouraging posts! Your beautiful pictures lift me up in these uncertain times. Just yesterday my best friend, her husband and 20 year old grandson were tested positive for Covid-19. They are extremely ill, but quarantined at home. They say it is brutal. At some point everyone is going to have someone that they love dearly hit with this nasty virus or themselves be infected. We are in Charleston which hasn’t really been hit too hard yet and I already know three! Stay safe and definitely stay home! ?

What hurts the most during this pandemic crisis — dare we call it “plague”? — is not being able to attend Mass on Sundays. It’s a new kind of Lenten discipline we all are called upon to practice. But God is in control, not man.

Here’s a fabulous idea a friend of mine did. She cooked her meal in Az & called her cousin in Michigan….you could expand this idea by having contests, by getting the children involved with their friends…such a wonderful idea! Spread the word during this time of being quaranted and separated from Family and friends!******************************
Here’s what Linda Berlin wrote about her dinner, pictured below. I think some contests could be derived from this idea. Get the children involved, too!
Darn, the picture of this won’t ‘paste. Anyway, a lovely dinner was photoed and sent via phone and then….
“Sent pic of my dinner to cousin Sylvia in Michigan & we talked on phone and ate together.”

Thanks for brightening our day, as you always do. Loved the high school choir, thanks for sharing it.

Living in the Independent Living part of a Life Plan Community (in Sun City, AZ) has been interesting during this lifestyle change. Usually, our halls of abuzz with laughter, hugs, and activity. Now, it’s eerily quiet as some get their “exercise” by walking the halls and others by practicing dance moves in an otherwise deserted hall. Our meals are being delivered to our rooms, connection with neighbors is by email or sitting on your patio as your neighbor sits on his/hers to chat keeping that sacred 6 ft. distance. Couples who are living separately due to Memory problems or illness cannot connect in person. This is our “new normal” for now. Remember, however, we are the resilient generation. We were children during WWII, we lived through the 60’s, have learned to use computers & cell phones, and survived being parents. This too will pass and we will be stronger and more resilient because of it. Thank you for the “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” video. I’ll be looking for the Rainbow.

Watch Homecoming starring Clark Gable and Lana Turner.
He is a spoiled rich surgeon who is changed by WW2 when he witnesses people suffering . Recently on TCM.

Times like this define character. Take a moment and think of those that help you. Now, help them. Pay your housekeeper, the dog walker, your hairdresser, the yard service, yoga instructor etc. for the week even though you didn’t use their services. You will need their help again, but right now they are struggling.
Ask your neighbors if they need anything before you run out to the grocery or drug store. Put a care package in the mail for those living in big cities with stay-in-place orders. Call your friends and family often.

I finally have the time to actually read & enjoy some amazing blogs. Yours is so great, fun, informative, inspirational and very uplifting!!! I’ll make sure to take time out of my schedule to keep reading once our lives get back on track. Thank you and keep the joy coming!!

Please please listen to the officials and follow all guidelines!!
We will come out of this. Stay strong, be at peace trust God
He’s still on the throne.

Thanks for your posts. I always love reading them. You should look at the great movies to come out of the UK, Australia and New Zealand to expand your list. Some of those wonderful B&W classics such as Mrs. Miniver, and Goodbye Mr. Chipps, or the more recent ones such as Gwenneth Paltrow’s Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Four weddings and a funeral, Bridget Jones’s Diary from the UK; The Dish, The Castle, Crocodile Dundee, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Red Dog, from Australia; Pork Pie and Search for the Wilderpeople from NZ; then you could also include the moving and quite pertinent to these times film Life is Beautiful with lovely Guido trying to help keep his beloved son innocent during time in a concentration camp. Then you can add all of the brilliant Agatha Christie movies and TV series be they David Suchet as Poirot or Peter Ustinov or her Miss Marple mysteries. The fabulous Australian series Miss Fisher’s murder mysteries are such a delight, especially if you love 1920’s fashion. The Crown, Outlander, Vikings, so many series to keep you amused that haven’t come out of Hollywood. We can all settle down guilt-free for a long catch up with some great entertainment.

Love all of your posts. They are a bright spot in my days. I am 83, living in a large retirement community. We are basically in quarantine In our apartments but are being well taken care of by the administrative staff. I have to say, I will never be bored with my 8– month old Goldendoodle, my love for good books and needlepointing and Spring slowly arriving. Also I love all of my blue and white, many pieces purchased from you and your stunning needlepoint pillows.

Lovely post…thank you! Another way to help: there is an urgent need for hospital masks and gowns. If anyone knows how to sew, this would be an awesome way to help! Joann Craft Fabric Store has instructions on their website and you can order preselected supplies for this endeavor as well! They offer curb side pickup! I am in California and we are under “Shelter in Place” orders until April 7th! Hopefully, my fingers work fast and I accomplish a lot!!
P.S. Laura of “Décor to Adore” blog post 3/22/20 has mask sewing instructions there, too!

I’m gonna tell you the same thing my 3 year old grandson tells me, “you da Bess!!!!??? many thanks!

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