Comments : 7

Hello, hope you are having a wonderful week and finding time to carve out time for some summer fun. On this end,  feel like I am still grappling with getting back to a sense of normal, I read over and over how this is so common. People feeling a little displaced and not quite getting into the groove so fast. Very relatable to me. I am still most comfortable being home. I got my first vaccine and will get the second in a few weeks.

Some asked why I didn’t get it before now, mostly because I had Covid in early Feb and had the antibodies. Once I am fully vaccinated, hoping I will feel more at ease to get back to enjoying many things in life that I have really missed.

Call me paranoid (you wouldn’t be the first) but yes, I am cautious and I would rather proceed when I am totally comfortable and things feel like they used to. I have a friend who was in Italy a few weeks ago and she said it just didn’t feel like the kind of vacation she used to take since there are many protocols in place. I want to go when things feel free and wonderful with no inhibitions to really enjoy ourselves and move about freely like “the old days”:)

Anyhow here is a snapshot into things the last week or so as I periodically post about. Enjoy…..


A little tweaking in my sitting room, can you believe those chairs I had reupholstered 16 years ago! I still love them:)

So loving and getting every ounce of life from my peonies!

A book I mentioned last weekend, a must get!

My 8 day old peonies! Keeping them in the fridge at night is a huge boost to their logevity

How pretty are they in our mini white ginger jars! (I put them in a small glass with water then placed it inside the jar)

Snapshots from a fun al fresco dinner, need to take to take advantage of this short season!

And over in Palmetto Bluff…….

Modes of transportation outside Buffalo’s cafe, golf carts, cars and bikes:)

Sometimes you need to treat yourself to a proper breakfast:)

Have not sat down with a few books and magazines in what feels like years…..these were on Reese Witherspoon’s book group list

The golf club dining room in the wee morning hours


A beautiful day to be on the water

Duke meditating:)

Lazy summer afternoon….

The Notebook vibes:)

Can you almost smell all that basil? It was heavenly!

Is there anything better than a juicy ripe beefsteak tomato? Yum, looked but didn’t touch!

I will never tire of looking at the romantic moss dripping off the trees



Sometimes,  its the small things that get my attention, super ripe tomatoes and a plethora of basil? Yes! Bike ridding, seeing Duke’s handsome face and an alfresco dinner for four on a beautiful summer evening….sign me up! Hope you enjoyed the post, take care and thanks for stopping by. Until next time…..

Last day of our fabulous linen sale,  ends tonight, click here to see what your table needs:)

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Lovely photos as always, Tina. I’m with you on the caution scale. My husband and I were both vaccinated in March but continued to be “crazy cautious” as our friends called us. In May when the experts said we could see family & friends who were also vaccinated, we did — still very carefully — and ended up with “breakthrough” cases of covid. We had mild cases and rallied quickly (although the fatigue dogged me for weeks), but I think I’ll be looking over my shoulder for some time. No crowds for me this summer, inside or out. Stay in your comfort spaces!

beautiful in every way! those peonies! we are going to Palmetto. Bluff in Sept for a wedding- can’t wait!

Thanks for sharing your days with all of us. I have just picked 8 cups of fresh basil from my garden and made basil pesto. It is so delicious over chicken and pasta or sandwiches with fresh tomatoes. You must grab one of those recommended books and read during these hot summer days. AZ is 116 today. lol.. Take care and I enjoy your blog.

Love your sitting room….. beautiful spot to sit and reflect….. perhaps turn a page in a book..

How wonderful that you were able to slip away and visit your Palmetto Bluff home. As I am writing to you…. my 38 year old son and his Jacksonville, FL golfing buddies are playing at Secession Country Club.
I continue to enjoy all my beautiful pieces from The Enchanted. Your staff….they are wonderful to work with by phone.
I hope you start to feel like yourself once again. Take your time. We all understand. Love all your recipes too. Very healthy and yummy.
Take care and Blessings always,
Colleen in Jacksonville, FL

I am a fan of all your beautiful creations and look forward to reading your posts but since you brought Duke into your life I really look forward to seeing him. What has struck me most are his soulful eyes! Every picture reminds me of what a special horse he is! Thanks for sharing him with us!

Tina, the whole COVID thing is so individual and personal. Take your time and do what’s right for you. Even though I have always had wanderlust, I find myself debating whether to go places or not…which is so out of character for me. I am forcing myself to get out there because I need to explore the world. It’s an odd phenomenon but I think completely normal. Plus traveling now…it is SO crowded at airports and on planes as I have been flying a lot lately. Can’t wait to see Palmetto Bluff in person in October….love all your pics.

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