Comments : 5

Hi everyone, hope this finds you doing well. Enjoying a nice relaxing weekend and catching up on so much that fell to the wayside. I was out of commission about 3 days last week due to a stomach bug so its amazing how it all piles up so fast. We are working on weekends to get our warehouse in tip top shape and with luck,  I will be able to maybe even give you a little video tour as many have asked.

We have had some strange weather, nearly 60 one day and 25 the next with snow squalls! I am just counting down the weeks until spring!

Onward to this weeks post….


1 ALFRESCO DINING I simply cannot wait until the weather starts getting into the 70’s so we can start dining outdoors again! I have decided to host a small lunch for my closest friends to celebrate Covid almost being over sometime maybe in May, a perfect month to dine outdoors.

After the last few years, a celebration, even a small one sounds so good. I loved putting this board together which features some of my most favorite things that I have created. So fresh and pretty! Everything on the board is 20% off (except the lily of the valley glass and new melamine which are not on the shop yet. Bring on spring!


2 MY AMAZING CUSTOMERS! I am just always so astounded at how talented my customers are. Just amazing! Here are some recent pictures we received….


3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST And we all know, Instagram never disappoints. A world of beauty and inspiration, some weekends are really hard to narrow down my favorites but here is what caught my eye this week.

4 A FEW RECOMMENDED MOVIES/DOCS FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE So, I was sick part of the week last week and that found me spending a lot of time resting with oodles of time to catch up TV watching and I took full advantage! A few that I recommend are….

Inventing Anna, this was so addicting. This brazen 26 year old crook took NY high rollers by storm in her fraudulent schemes which had everyone fooled. I could not stop watching it and watched the entire series in 2 days.


And on that note, this kept getting recommended to me, another charlatan but this time a male who preyed upon unsuspecting women via Tinder. What a story……


Started watching A Gilded Age, very good if you  like this genre, one of my favorite genres-

Love coffee? Me too and I found this doc so fascinating. Had not idea what a “coffee cherry” was until I saw this:)

And for old times sake, saw this fantastic remake of Sabrina, have seen this at least 10 times but it never gets old. Parts of it were filmed in my town! A feel good and very pretty movie:)

5 A DELICIOUS MEDITERRANEAN LENTIL SOUP I have shared this before but it’s worth sharing again. I made it this week and forgot just how good and flavorful this is. It is always a hit whoever I serve it to and I always make enough to freeze some for a rainy day. Easy and super delicious. With a crusty baguette or pita bread it stands alone as a meal.


  • extra virgin olive oil,
  • 1 large yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 1 large garlic clove, chopped
  • kosher salt and black pepper
  • 1 ½ teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 ½ teaspoon sumac
  • 1 ½ teaspoon crushed red peppers
  • 2 teaspoon dried mint flakes
  • Pinch of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 6 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 3 cups water, more if needed
  • 12 ounces frozen cut leaf spinach, no need to thaw
  • 1 ½ cups green lentils or small brown lentils, rinsed
  • 1 lime, juice of
  • 2 cups chopped flat leaf parsley



  • In a large ceramic or cast iron pot, heat 2 tablespoon olive oil. Add the chopped onions and sautee until golden brown. Add the garlic, all the spices, dried mint, sugar and flour. Cook for about 2 minutes on medium heat stirring regularly.
  • Now add the broth and water. Raise the heat to high and bring the liquid to a rolling boil; add the frozen spinach and the lentils. Cook for 5 minutes on high heat then reduce the heat to medium-low. Cover and cook for 20 minutes or until the lentils are fully cooked to tender. (Partway through cooking, check the liquid levels, and if you need to add a little bit of hot water.)
  • Once the lentils are fully cooked, stir in the lime juice and chopped parsley. Remove from the heat and let sit covered for 5 minutes or so. Serve hot with pita bread or your favorite rustic Italian bread. Enjoy!


6 PRETTY PRESS! As a business owner, perhaps the highest from of flattery is when a magazine chooses to feature your products. I have been very lucky to have our products featured in  Traditional Home, House Beautiful, Victoria, Veranda, Southern Lady, Country Living, Oprah magazine and more. Here are some recent features below-

This Victoria shoot featuring our Lily of the Valley products in collaboration with Carolyne Roehm  is absolute perfection in my book!

7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY I was talking the other day with someone about movie theaters and we both remarked how it’s been years (even before Covid) since either of us have been. I think it may have even been as long as 4 years. We used to love going to theaters, nothing like seeing a movie you really want to see on a big screen. And let’s not forget that movie theater popcorn is the very best!

But somehow we started going less, probably in conjunction with Netflix and Amazon introducing movies via streaming sooner than ever before. Then Covid came along and theaters became a thing of the past. Are they on their way to becoming obsolete or do you think there will be  a resurgence? Curious as to what you think.  I am wondering when is the last time you went to a theater?  I personally really hope they will experience a rebirth, nothing like seeing a movie on that 60 ft screen! Check all that apply.


Today and tomorrow, our entire shop site is 20% off!! Use code president

Click here to visit the shop


And that is a wrap for this Sunday. I love the beauty in this post,  beauty is all around us you just need to look for it. Even on a bad day, finding beauty and inspiration is always a mood lifter. I am grateful to my customers who enhance my life with the beauty they share too.

It makes me so happy and gives me such a high to help others beautify their homes. Hope you enjoyed the post, wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday! Until next time……

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YOU are “on a roll” lady…CONGRATS!!! I like the “dine in movie theaters”…a two-fer! franki

I adore Harrison Ford, but now let’s watch Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart and compare and contrast! it would be worth a post! Hopefully it will warm up soon!

What a pretty post! Love all of the pieces you chose for the lunch… That sure will make a beautiful table.

We actually went to the theater about six months ago and we’re only one of six people in the entire theater, does not bode well for the future of movie theaters as we know them.

congratulations on the wonderful press and you’ve convinced me to try my hand at making that soup (I am a terrible cook)! Wish me luck😊

For the first time since covid we went to a movie on Valentine’s Day💕 So much fun and there were only four other people in the entire theater! It was like a private screening!

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