Comments : 21

Hi friends and to all who it applies to….HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! A day for mothers to sit back, hopefully be treated like royalty and make it a day that is all about them, doing whatever they want, however they choose. I know of no other job, that works as tirelessly and as unselfishly as that of a mother. Whether your kids are toddlers or grown adults, a mother’s love and care does not have an expiration date.

We love them unconditionally and with that comes an ever evolving and always changing role of being a mother. I salute every one of you, for reaching the pinnacle in your “career” there is none that can possibly come close to the many many hats we wear as mothers!

I feel like one of the really lucky ones, to have a mom who epitomized what being a mother is. The most loving, kind, selfless, dedicated person I could have asked for. I know I hit the jackpot with the mom I have. Not a day goes by that I do not remind myself how lucky I am. And though she has alzheimers, her sweetness and kindness has not be diminished. I am forever in awe of this woman. And I feel extra lucky that I will be with her this Mother’s Day!

On that note, hope you are enjoying a wonderful spring weekend. Weather here has been rainy but overall I am loving the milder temps and the shedding of the many layers I wear all winter long.


1  OUTDOOR ENTERTAINING. I was “cleaning up” my thousands of pictures stored on my phone and came across so many from spring/summer that got me dreaming about dining and entertaining outdoors. Cannot wait! Here are some of the pictures that took me away to warm summer nights and birds chirping…



2 A VIDEO FOR ALL MOTHER’S Forewarning- have a box of tissue ready. I balled like a baby over this but ti beautifully shows the cycle of life and how there is not match for the love of a mother.



3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Never at a loss of incredible and very inspiring instagrams to share, h9ope you enjoy….


4 FAVORITE TOPIARIES. Look again, these are not real but they sure to look it! These are my new faves, I had three myrtle topiaries die on me in the last month and I was so upset as I had kept them going for over a year and a half. The mourning was real.

So…these beautiful topiaries which will always look this good were a great quick fix! They are now online,  click here to see (and use code mother for a 20% discount)


5 A FAVORITE RECIPE TWEAKED A BIT Oh my word, forgot how insanely good this is! I made a small batch the otehr day and it was gone within hours. This is back on my radar and will become a staple again, sooooo good!

1 head of cabbage (I bought white and red)

3 nice sized chicken breasts OR one rotisserie chicken finely shredded,

About 1/4 cup soy sauce,

1-2 TBSP sugar

2 bunches scallions finely chopped

about 1/2 cup slivered almonds (roasted)

1-2 packs chicken Ramen noodles,

one pack rice noodles,

3 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds,

about 2-3 tbsp rice vinegar

Shred cabbage very thin with a good sharp knife or a mandolin, which makes it easy. Boil chicken in salted water or shred the rotisserie chicken. When cool, shred to small pieces. Chop up 2 bunches of scallions. Bake almonds until golden brown. Add cabbage, chicken, scallions and almonds and set aside covered.

In small mixing bowl, add about 1/4 cup soy,  cup rice vinegar, the sesame seeds,  cup oil (not olive any vegetable or corn is fine),the chicken seasoning packets from ramen noodles and 1-2 tablespoons sugar. Mix well, toss over salad up to 30 min. before you want to serve, add rice noodles at end. The original recipe calls for the ramen noodles (crushed first) to also be added but it works either way. Yum yum.


6 INCREDIBLE ROSES! My sweet son, who is away and will be gone for Mother’s Day sent me this most incredible box of roses. Not just any roses, mind you.   Venus et Fleur is the company to go to when you want to give the very best, roses that last up to a year with their special preservation technique.

I cannot even convey the scent when opening this beautifully packaged gift…..unbelievable. It literally permeated several rooms with the most incredible and intoxicating cent of roses. I love you BY! Click here to visit their site

7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY OK I admit it, I am still wearing a mask to most 9but not all places). What can I say, I am just so used to it. It feels like a strange security blanket.

It is so second nature for me to reach for my mask, I have several in my car at all times (along with my many bottles hand sanitizer and wipes) and I find myself wearing them in many public places. I am not alone. Though I have seen a decrease I would say I still see about 30% still wearing them. Curious if you are at all?


TODAY THE SITE IS 20% OFF in honor of Mother’s Day.

Treat yourself to something wonderful

Click here to visit shop (use code mother)



Thank you for stopping by. Wishing everyone a wonderful Mother’s Day! Hope the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Until next time……….

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Your Mother’s Day words are beautiful…Always remember that you are BLESSED, not lucky….

Good Morning and Happy Mother’s Day to my TEH sisters. Can someone please tell me where on Tina’s shop page I can find the pastel planters shown with the topiaries in today’s post? I think I searched every link on her shop page ( not quite as easy as I thought it would be). I would like to take advantage of today’s MD promo. Thank you in advance. Enjoy the day. Rainy here in NJ.

Tina, you are a lucky Mom to receive such beautiful roses. Thank you for sharing the source with us. Happy Mother’s Day.

Please proofread the recipe and directions. Amounts in list of ingredients and directions are different. Confusing to say the least.

We may try to implement that feature in the new site, as many have asked. Thanks.

Happy Mother’s day! that video made me cry like a baby. And the salad looks SO good! Your recipes are always a hit.
Hope you have. special day😊

Tina, happy Mother’s Day to you. Love your Seven on Sunday. I never miss it!

I find it disturbing that people are hiding their beautiful faces and smiles behind masks. It freaks me out to see masked people, especially children. You seem to be getting sick often lately I have read. I wonder if your immune system is weak because of your mask-wearing and isolation. I’ve also heard that there is a recent rash of illnesses in children because they were not exposed to the normal number of infections they would have been in the last 2+n years that would help them build their immunity, so they have to catch up. Kids need to get sick, it’s actually healthy for the body to fight infections and viruses. Cloth masks have been proven useless and constant hand washing and glove-wearing are also simply comforting, not necessary. Please loosen up. You cannot out run illness but you can cope with it intelligently when you have it.

Hi, I certainly respect your opinion, I suffer from migraines,but that has nothing to do with my mask wearing (if it did,I would be only too happy to get rid of it pronto). Relative is an infectious disease doctor and he has shared a lot of information with us with regard to mask wearing. I trust him implicitly and bottom line we each need to do whats best for us and have the right to formulate our own opinions. I am also very mindful as I see my parents and niece (who is immunocompromised) regularly and want to be sure I am doing all I can to protect their health too.

Confusing directions for recipe, please clarify how much oil, looks delish but need more concise directions.

Happy Mother’s Day to you, too, Tina! Such kind words you have for your dear and precious Mom! Moms are such a treasure! I lost my dear Mom in 1996 and I sure miss her! Like you, there’s not a day goes by without thinking about her. How thankful I am for all the precious memories!

Have a wonderful week! Thanks, again, for such a beautiful post!

What a wonderful gift your son set to you from Venus et Fleur. That special box with those gorgeous roses is so beautiful. I am going to check the website tomorrow. I hope they ship to Canada!

And now I’m crying. That was a beautiful video. We do love them forever. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you and Happy Mothers Day to you. I hope it was wonderful. I was blessed to celebrate with all the gals in our family minus one; (Lives in SC), and my sons. Perfect day. Today, I’m getting a COVID test feeling under the weather. I hear pollen is way up, but I’m around my elders (and I hate to admit it; but I am an elder too.) So I want to be sure I’m not positive. I agree that sometimes masks are necessary— hospitals, dr offices, crowded places etc. I’m thrilled spring is here, and pray that things will continue to improve. Btw, the nurse just mentioned that they are seeing, that those who are vaccinated—definitely have much milder symptoms. Everyone stay safe and enjoy the Springtime.

Love your blog.

My husband is a neurologist and strongly believes in mask wearing. Everyone needs to decide that for themselves. I always wear one in crowded places.

Your outdoor settings are always so beautiful! hope you had a great Mother’s Day!

I am an ICU Nurse in Australia and I definitely wear an N95 mask when out and have hand sanitiser like you in my car and handbag also. Covid hasn’t been eradicated unfortunately. Previously fit and healthy are people now suffering the debilitating effects of Long covid . I continue to not only protect myself but my family and all those I care for by wearing a mask to prevent becoming infected.

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