Comments : 52

Good evening, every now and then you see something that both pulls at your heartstrings and makes you so angry at the same time. Well, recently one night when I couldn’t sleep (most nights),  I came across this video of the sweetest little girl, Adriel Carignan, who suffers from spina bifida, is paralyzed from the waist down and bound to a wheelchair. She was made to be a mere bystander at her school’s Christmas concert. Her father was working and her mother was under the weather that night. A relative had gotten there to witness what happened.

Sweet little Adriel  was clearly and blatantly left out of the circle and festivities and was not made to feel a part of the Christmas concert at all. If this doesn’t just break your heart, what does. As if, she doesn’t  have it hard enough. SHAME ON THIS MUSIC TEACHER!!!! It is no wonder this video started spreading. This is only a small excerpt but I was unable to download the longer version. This is disabilities discrimination if I ever saw it but for the victim to be such a young innocent child on full display inside an auditorium is sinful! I wished I could have reached through this video and been able to give her a big hug:)

There needs to be accountability,  we need to be able to get angry and express ourselves when we see such a wrong being committed. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. The entire little concert went on this way, with her just sitting by the wayside not having any part in this concert. And yes, I am also equally angry at any parent in attendance standing by watching this unbelievable act of discrimination against sweet little Adriel.

You know, if this was done by a child you might try to wrap your brain around it, but to be done and in such an obvious way, by a teacher is unconscionable . Any school administrator with an iota of a brain not only would have included her but made a point to make her feel extra special, maybe she could have been dressed in something festive or be given bells to ring, something! Surely she could have easily been part of that circle!

I could not sleep after seeing this and can be like a dog with a bone when I cannot let something go. So,   I spent hours and hours trying to track down where this took place, who this darling girl belonged to and wouldn’t you know, yours truly (who does not give up easily) found all the information I needed at 3am!  Some good things do happen in the middle of the night! I have the teachers name and the superintendents as well. Shame on them both. I believe it was Mark Twain who said something along the lines of “when you do the right thing, it will satisfy some and astonish others”. You think one person might have thought to do the right thing that night.

I have since connected with and had a lovely conversation with her father, Micah and we both expressed our outrage at what happened. We spoke for about 20 min and he told me a little about his sweet daughter who is a big sister to a 9 month baby brother. He was so nice and so grateful for my concern and willingness to help. He is handling things on his own and its not my place to speak on that but the meantime, when I told him I needed to do something and wanted to send a gift to Adriel.

I then asked him if they as a family,  needed anything and  he mentioned a new go fund me page to raise money for an electric/off road wheel chair for Adriel was just established and of course,  I told him I would be honored to share this info and  would love to spread the word, to show him how good people can be!!

Click here to make a donation towards Adriel getting her off road wheelchair! (no amount is too small!)


I also need to include the heartwarming approach that this small New Hampshire community took after hearing what had happened at the school. It really does redeem your faith in humanity. The entire community got together at the foot of the family’s driveway to hold an intimate Christmas concert of their own, dedicated to Adriel and the theme was “you belong”. They have more common sense and kindness than the entire school district of Lisbon Regional! She was given lots of hugs and attention and some of the officers present gave her gifts…this made my heart so happy, and just look at her smile!


Here are some heartwarming images from the beautiful community concert they threw in-her honor and some of the officers who came bearing gifts, a beautiful example of “It really does take a village”

I am so glad I wrote this post. I had to. Granted, it doesn’t take much lately for me to get emotional but this just had me seething. I couldn’t get the image of that sweet little angel just sitting there not being included as the ignorant music teacher carried on.

I know this will not change what happened but I do believe in bringing awareness to wrongdoings. I also believe in showing the goodness of humanity and I want to show Adriel and her family that people care. I am lucky to have a platform and I will use it when I feel passionate about something. I have only done something like this a few times, but this was too important to not share!

Thanks for stopping by and reading. If you care to donate to her wheelchair fund, click here. Thank you in advance. Until next time….

Love you Mom

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Thank you so much for posting this story and providing a link to donate! You are a lovely person!

Thank you so much for sharing the story. I have not seen it but grateful that you shared it this is utterly heartbreaking!

Hope that music teacher was fired, she has no business working with children! You are such a kind person Tina💙


Thank you, Tina, for bringing this to our attention. It is easy to see something and say “how sad” and not do anything. You did something and I am happy to help this lovely family.

Thanks for your passion for this little girl!

Inexcusable behavior on the part of the school But so great to hear how the community rallied to support this child!

Tears streaming down my face at the thought of this little angel being left out. Shame on the teacher and any parent that let this happen. Thank you for bringing awareness! Donated and hoping you will let us know if this special little girl needs anything else!

What a beautiful outpouring of affection you have shown this family and your followers. Thank you for reminding all of to be caring and compassionate towards others.

I too wish I could give her a hug💕

She happily clapped a couple of times in the beginning to join in and be a part of it. When she and her efforts were ignored, she understandably gave up. Just beyond heartbreaking – I can’t imagine where that teacher’s head was. Absolutely shameful.

I agree. That teacher has no business working with children of any age, and should be fired immediately. If she ignores that precious child and leaves her out, she will ignore any other child that she thinks is inferior.

I, too, want to jump in the video and push the wheelchair in and out of the circle for Adriel and give her a big hug for her performance. The teacher not only messed up excluding Adriel but also missed an excellent opportunity to show the other children how to show kindness and inclusion in this world. I am so glad the town came together for her and thank you for posting this.

After working in Special Education K-12 in public schools in New Jersey and retiring after 25+ years I cannot imagine such behavior in this day and age. I saw such strides and growth throughout my years and know many that are still working in that arena. This is just unreal. Where were the advocates, the Supervisors, Special Ed staff, the School Board members, not to mention the parents? Thank you for exposing this situation and making others aware, I worked with many teachers experienced and not and no matter how long they were teachers sometimes the new were better than the old. I want to give this teacher the benefit of the doubt because she like so many are young and inexperienced, perhaps she was a nervous student teacher whose mentor failed her. I hope she will learn and hopefully use this to go forward and do better.

I cried for this poor little girl! I would have jumped up and wheeled her in that circle of children!! Heart breaking to see this! No compassion from the teacher.

Thank you for sharing this story. I love your determination in digging deeper and making the connection with the family, and those in administration of the school. So many wouldn’t take the time or the energy…you are amazing. Although I certainly don’t know the circumstances of how this little song/dance was selected, it seems the teacher could have easily come up with some other performance that included all her students (she briefly acknowledged Adriel in the beginning, but that was it…shame on her!!!) So glad that the local community made the effort to show Adriel she wasn’t forgotten.

Thank you Tina! We all need to stand up for the weak and those who need our help. You’re an angel to this little girl and her family. Someone you might want to send this story to also is Joni Eareckson Tada. You may remember her story of diving into Chesapeake Bay as a teenager, and becoming paralyzed for life. She has an incredible ministry called Joni and Friends and even summer camps where they love on these precious children with disabilities. It might be another blessing for this sweet family.

You are God’s angel on earth for letting us all know! Thank you! I know your mom is watching and is very proud of you!!!

Thank you for sharing this story. You have brought this to the attention of many. I appreciate the link to the GoFund page as well. What a shame this happened to this little girl.

As a “special needs “ Teacher for over 25 years, I advocated for my students to be included in all activities. I always had a paraprofessional aide to assist in my students inclusion. I did find however, that “ typical student” Teachers, were not trying to be cruel, but didn’t know how, or have the ability, ( or a paraprofessional aide ), to completely include the “ non typical” students. This Teacher should be included in instruction to include all of her students in the best way possible, and that includes the need for a paraprofessional aide. I have found that “Educating” others, including other Educators, is the most positive way to include everyone. Condemning and/or canceling this Teacher, or anyone, is NOT, the best way to have “ non typical “ students accepted. YES, she absolutely should have had the young girl in the circle, but the schools also have to give her the assistance to be able to fully include the child, even temporarily for the activity. Constructive criticism is more beneficial to everyone, including the students, than condemnation. We can use this sad event, as a positive teaching tool for inclusion for everyone !

God bless you Tina.
I know you have had a most difficult time with the loss of your dear Mother. I lost my brother unexpectedly a week before Christmas. I understand your pain.
I hope you find comfort in exposing this injustice to this beautiful child and bringing joy to her and her family.
This take true character that I’m sure you inherited from her Mother.
Happiest of New Years to you and your family.

Thank you for sharing this! As the mother of an adult son with disabilities, I couldn’t even watch the whole video. It’s hard to image that the principal would not have intervened!

Thank you so much for sharing this story and link on your platform. I know you are in mourning and yet you selflessly created this amazing opportunity for your community to help little Adriel. I am so touched by your kindness.

I just donated! I have a special needs child and this is unacceptable. Thank you for sharing this and using your platform to support people with disabilities. ❤️

Thank you, Tina! What this teacher did is unconscionable, no matter how ignorant she might have been. She not only excluded a vulnerable little girl, highlighting her disability publicly, and potentially hurting her feelings, possibly putting her in an embarrassing situation that she might remember all her life, but just as damaging, as a teacher, she set such a poor example to the other children. Her most important contributions to the children she stands in front of everyday, are not the songs, not the music, but as a role model for decency, compassion, and respectful behavior. One does not need to have a Ph.D to know right from wrong. The mere fact that the children were in a circle and weaving in and out is very suspect. It was an activity that almost seems purposely designed to easily enable exclusion. There are so many other modifications that the teacher could have easily made to allow the little girl to feel included. I’m sure this same insensitivity is evident every day in her classroom.. it did not arise out of nowhere. I pity the teacher if indeed she is this ignorant. Someone needs to work with her on this. Shame on the parents and administration who all stood by and allowed it, like in the Middle Ages. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention.

This is so heartbreaking! The cruelty of this teacher is beyond words. Tina thank you for sharing this story and also reaching out to this family. I just donated. May God bless you for your tender heart!

Absolutely atrocious how they treated this child. How could anyone even consider organising children to sing a song and then not include this one little girl in the circle with the all the children and let her be involved. It is heart breaking to watch. You are a beautiful person for reaching out to her and her family Tina.

Thank you for posting this story snd the fund website.
I truly believe that your kindness to this little girl, will be received tenfold by your family someday!

As a former elementary teacher, I cannot fathom this happening! Music, of all things, brings us together. This teacher has has no business teaching children. Thank you, Tina, for sharing and bringing this to light.

Thank you for sharing Tina. I am a mother of son that had spina-bifida, also paralyzed from the mid-chest down. As he was growing up, it was always an effort to be able to get him included in things that the other children were doing. It seems that it is often just too much trouble. We were once left at the church outing (even though we arrived on time) because it would mean extra efforts to help Brandon bowl. I can tell you it’s the adults faults, not the children. They are more than willing to help another child if they are guided to do so. One young man, now an adult, told me the other day that he always remembers how brave and kind my son was and how much he loved others and Jesus. And how much Brandon appreciated it when he helped him get in the pool. He says it made him want to be more like Brandon. Brandon is walking now, with Jesus, and we all miss him, but he left a legacy to those who were willing to see it and experience his love and many gifts. Monetary things are not what is important. Smiles, hugs, and inclusion speak much louder than money or things. (Although a shiny new chair is fun too! :).

Thank you for posting the story. I am mediately went to the website and donated. That was about four hours ago. I just checked back and it’s over $12,000 that has been donated! I am so happy for that family. We all have so much and we have so much to be thankful for. I am just so glad that you put the story out so we could help out that little girl.

That “teacher” should be fired immediately. I wonder how she would feel if that was her own child. So sad and frankly, cruel. Shame on her!

This is so despicable. And heartless. Thank you so much for taking a stand on this in a time where most people would just look the other way because it’s just” too much trouble to get involved” these days. Bravo.

Tina, there was a reason you could not sleep and turned on that video. Bless your heart for getting to the bottom of all this and speaking with Adriel’s dad. I thank you so much for sharing this with us. It just brought tears to see this precious little girl sitting in her wheelchair and nobody bothering to include her. I hope that teacher is replaced by someone who really cares! Then, seeing the community gathering on her driveway was so great! That precious little girl knew how much she was loved by her community. How wonderful to see that this little girl was made to feel so special.

Tina, in the sadness you are going through right now with losing your precious Mom, you reached out to this family! You are a wonderful, loving and caring person and I just thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for this precious little girl and her family. God Bless you in a very special way, Tina!

Oh, just wow! Thank you so much for posting this. Breaks my heart that a teacher could be so insensitive and exclude precious Adriel or anyone with disabilities from what should have been a glorious celebration. Everyone needs to be aware of the abuse this teacher and the school did to exclude such a remarkable young student. Bravo for bringing this to our attention!
Your best post ever. I hear your beloved mother in this post. God bless you and Adriel❤️💔❤️

Tina, you have a heart of gold. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Because of you I was able to donate as were so many others. xo

First thanks for posting this one Tina, Unfortunately, my guess is there are many thoughtless teachers like this out there. This sweet child deserved far better and i applaud you for looking into this for it needed to be exposed and the light shined on the problem. i sat here sobbing for this child. How thoughtless this teacher is and a terrible example for the rest of the children. Thank you also for providing a link to donate. One of my mottos is that ‘We are all here to help one another.’ If only we all understood that.You make the world a better place Tina bringing love and beauty into it. Many sincere thanks for posting this.story. Sending love and prayers to you and this child and her family.

HEARTBREAKING! Unfortunately some people don’t realize disability of any kind unless it happens to them!! Thank you for having the heart to help this little girl! GOD SEES ALL HUGS

Thanks so much for sharing this remarkable story! It was an honor to donate something toward this sweet little girl’s new wheelchair. You should feel incredibly proud for making this story known. Thank you and God Bless

Thank you for posting this video and the link to the wheelchair fund. I watched the heartbreaking video last night and haven’t stopped thinking about it. What that teacher and all the bystanders did (and didn’t do), is absolutely shameful. Why didn’t anyone do anything? It’s very disturbing that no one stepped forward to do the right thing.

I love women like you… I love people like you. I lost my mom from brain cancer a few years ago and the heartbreak is still immense. I am so sorry for your loss… we have lost young friends (of my children) in the last few months and it makes me so disillusioned about why things happen and what comes next. I love following your blogs and your beautifully style. Keep at it and stay strong!

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