Comments : 17

Hello and happy Sunday to you all. Hope you are having a great weekend. Did a photo shoot with four different table settings this weekend, it was  a lot  of work, only someone who has done this knows. It’s not all glamorous by any stretch but it was fun and I am so pleased with how it all turned out.

I have been so busy with the office side of things that I realized it has taken away time for me to do these types of things and I realized how much I missed it. I am delegating more now within the office/warehouse end of things, since I have a solid team behind me and making more time to do the creative things that I so love doing.

Rainy cool day today, a perfect day to stay in and catch up on things, play and probably watch a movie until I head out to dinner later. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. OK, let’s move along to my post this Sunday….



1 A LITTLE BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTO SHOOT Here is a behind the scenes of some of the photo shoot I did. We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day and between that and the backdrop of our property in full bloom, it made for beautiful pictures!


2 A GREAT MOVIE AND DOCUMENTARY My dad and I watched a new movie (to us) with Marion Cottilard, Joaquin Phoenix and Jeremey Renner and it was actually quite good, she is such a phenomenal actress. The era in which the film was shot was such an incredible time in our country. She plays a immigrant with nothing who travels to NY with her sister and is dependent upon strangers for help, some with exploitive intentions and others with good. Overall it was really good and piqued both our interests about Ellis Island so then we found a fascinating documentary that delved into Ellis Island, revealing so much more than neither of us knew. So if you are looking for something a little different and to get educated on Ellis Island at the same time, I recommend both!


This is the documentary we watched

3. INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST A lovely round up this weekend, just lots of pretty randomness….


4 CUSTOMER PHOTOS You. know how much I love getting your pictures featuring our products! Here is a recent batch, all so pretty, I swear my customers are the most talented!


5 MY FAVORITE RAFFIA SANDALS I love Carrie Forbes line of shoes and bags. Own 3 pair of shoes and 2 of her raffia bags. The slides with a wedge heel are literally the most comfortable shoe with a heel that I have ever worn. And that’s saying something because I rarely wear heels any more, comfort trumps all. This way, I get both! The quality is wonderful and the fact that they are so comfortable makes them a perfect shoe for the warmer seasons of dressing.  Click here to see her line


6 IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN. I am really considering getting another dog! I go back and forth but both my husband and I miss having one and if we take the plunge we will be going to Majestic Manor Goldens. They produce some of the most beautiful Golden retriever pups, they are of the English cream variety and irresistibly cute. Every time I visit the site, I get just a little more tempted. Click here if you want to fid out more, here is a sampling of one of their current litters!


7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY Well summer is around the corner. They say travel is exploding, mostly due to the three years or so of the Covid lockdown. Will you be one of the many traveling this summer? We are planning a trip but the idea of throngs of tourists and lines everywhere does not exactly align with the image I have in my mind of traveling abroad:) How about you?





And here is our deal of the day….a good one!

Click here to see


And that’s a wrap! Hope you enjoyed the post. Wishing everyone a wonderful and enjoyable Sunday. Until next time….

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Summer is not the time to travel especially to Europe, any seasoned traveller knows. Too hot, too crowded, too expensive.

Sometimes that’s the only time people can get off work…you go with the flow and enjoy.

those puppies are so cute, you get my vote!
Love the pictures of behind-the-scenes even the behind-the-scenes looks like magazine photos.
I bought a pair of those slides after you had spoken with them last year and adore them, I wear them all the time I agree super comfortable.
we are traveling to Spain and Portugal in July, expecting big crowds, but have no problem with it.

Have you considered a shelter dog? There are so many waiting for a forever home? The right dog is more important that the right breed!

we just came back from Italy and France and while it was crowded, it did not take away from us having a most wonderful time
cannot wait to see more pictures from your photo shoot yes to the adorable puppies!

Tina, when you are ready to add a new puppy to your life, I hope (for your sake) that you will consider going a different direction and obtain one from a reputable show breeder who does all the requisite health testing for the breed. The breeder whose website you shared appears to be what you inadvertently but aptly called a “producer” … there are many red flags. Cute photos and clever marketing do not equal well bred dogs.

Thanks for sharing the clip on Ellis Island. My paternal grandparents arrived from Greece through Ellis Island.
As for travel, after losing 3 family members to Covid I check the CDC daily deaths. The numbers are still frightfully high so will be staying home.
Hope that you are getting a puppy!

Get the pup…..or puppies
We are retired so we go on trips during the work week.
Would like to revisit Canada more often.
Also, Iceland is a must on anyone’s bucket list.

I strongly urge you to get one of those cuties. We lost our beloved Golden in March 2022 and were not going to get another for “some time” but six months later we have Honey – another Golden. She’s not an English Cream but quite light and has brought us such joy! You’ve had a rough year as I did also losing my mom. A lovely gift to yourselves.

I definitely think you should get another dog. When our English Cream died I thought I never would want another dog but after a year and a half I couldn’t stand it any longer so we got a baby and I love her and you will love yours if you get it there’s so precious and bring so much joy to your life.

Get a puppy. We waited a year and a half after our precious Lily left us. I wish we had done it sooner. We adore her. Lots of work and we are in our seventies 🤪😳. Tried to adopt many times. Never accepted

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