Comments : 5

Hi and happy Sunday to you. It’s been a very anticlimactic week over here with husband and myself being home sick. I haven’t been sick in a long time, so while at first the unexpected days at home felt like a treat, I have a bit of cabin fever. Feeling somewhat better and hopefully in a day or two will be totally back!

Before I forget, for those of you wondering what happened to our Summer Love contest, we will be posting this  week. Some of the pictures got deleted (as we in switching platforms for the new site) but all have been recovered and we will give you a pretty dose of summer on Monday or Tuesday:)

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend, the temps are dipping and I can’t lie, I am loving it. OK onward to my post this weekend….


1 OUR NEW WHITE CABBAGE PLATES ARE HERE! I so love these cabbage plates. We have the charger, dinner plate, salad plate and bread/appetizer plate (working on soup bowls which we will add in 6-8 weeks). Just adore them and of course the fact that you can so easily mix and match these with other pieces you own is a big bonus. They are now available to purchase as they are now here and selling very fast. Click here for info

This beautiful green are on the way (due here in 3-4 weeks)

A sneak peek at green on the way and other gorgeous colors in the works…….

2 A PRETTY HOUSE TOUR I love a good house tour and it was fun to see this one from Nicola Bathie, we are each others customers. She has a beautiful line of jewelry and there are a number of things in her beautiful home that she got from us which I am sure you might recognize. Anyhow, love her style….

3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Fall is most definitely in the air!

4 NEW PRODUCTS We are excited over so many beautiful thins soon heading this way and you are always the very first to get these sneak peeks-

I am IN LOVE with these large new scalloped wicker floor planters, 20″. Can’t you just see a beautiful big palm or fig leaf plant in these!  Not the greatest picture but you get the idea. Cannot wait….

More of our best selling green lattice urns and pedestals coming back in about 5-6 weeks-

Overjoyed at these fabulous new wastepaper baskets and tissues (will be coming late Nov) We are doing three different styles and will offer them in 4 colors….


5 A LITTLE HUMOR I always look for any excuse to laugh even when the going gets toughs and found this to be the stress relieved I needed if even for a few minutes…


6 SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL TO SHARE DURING A DARK TIME I found this so beautiful, not sure if you are aware of Paul Barton, but he is an English pianist who traded concert halls for the jungles of Thailand. He met his wife there, an environmental activist and soon was teaching piano to those who did not typically have that access and offered free lessons via Youtube to people all over the world (and still does)! Click here to see his lessons

He discovered Elephant’s World, a home for rescued elephants, where he showed how he could connect elephants with music such as the one shown here, a 61 year old blind elephant.  This brings tears to my eyes ( Moonlight Sonata is my absolute favorite, so worth sharing). The world needs more Paul Bartons!


7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY Do you cook? When my kids were younger, I tried to make a homemade meal at least 3-4 times a week. As they got older, it was less, as they were often gone to practices, games, etc….so we often grabbed something on the. run or in some cases I literally brought my homemade melas in to go containers (that’s called a devoted mother:)  Now that I am empty nester, I cook maybe twice a week. Obviously if we have people over I always cook and its often an anticipated and fun opportunity to roll up my sleeves and have fun with it. Curious how often you cook and if you even enjoy it?

I do and will enjoy it even more when I have a new kitchen, right now cooking in a kitchen that feels like something from the Brady Bunch set, ha!



And that is what’s happening over this Sunday…at least the good stuff!  Hope you enjoyed my post and hope you find some calm and peace through my blog. I love that people still enjoy it and for me, it remains a type of therapy, very cathartic and transports me to a happy zone. I have been going through a lot of very old blogs and so happy I have them in a permanent place to be able to look back on them years down the road. A fun way to keep a chronicle of so many milesonts in ym life from home building to celebrations to other more personal happenings in life.

Our new site is almost done (really truly)! We are in the finishing stages and I cannot wait but we need to still get a few things done. I am hopefully it will be within the month, stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by, wishing everyone a great day. Find joy and sunshine wherever you can….

Our 25% off all new arrivals ends tonight, you must check out all of the beautiful new arrivals (code-gorgeous)

Click here to see our new arrivals

Here is our deal of the day! Today here


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Oh, you were “rolling today!!” Hubs & I “cracked up”…right on “Target!” Luv your selections!!!! franki &( hubs)

I always cooked when the children were home. My family is down to my precious dog Louisa and me. I changed her diet to all home cooked meals so I cook a large amounts, freeze and heat up twice a day for her. I’m Italian so cooking is in my blood. I will also make an Italian meal for my neighbors. But with grocery prices so high I’ve even cut down on this.

I love your cabbage plates, and so excited to have placed an order for them. Seeing them in a real life setting makes me that much more excited to get them. Also love the new colors, and all of your beautiful new things coming in.

Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of the pianist and the elephants, like you said, at a time when our world is in such turmoil, that brings me much peace

Love to cook by both my husband and I work full-time and have three kids heavily involved in sports sell at best I get to do it twice a week. We rely heavily on DoorDash. Lol.

I feel truly blessed that I can sit in my living room and read your blog. It’s terrible what is going on between Israel and the Gaza strip!
I enjoyed the segment of Paul Barton playing music to the blind elephant. The music was certainly soothing to its ears. I loved seeing his/her tag wagging periodically. Poor thing, looks like somebody got to his ivory tusks.
I loved your joke about grocery shopping like it’s 1999. I cook at home more often now, but that’s even more expensive.

Love the green cabbage plates!

Thank you for the piece on Paul Barton and elephants – beautiful and uplifting in such a dreary time!

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