Comments : 14

Hello! Here is part two of my trip to Amsterdam, still on a high from such a fun, adventure, flower filled trip to a most wonderful,welcoming and beautiful city. I could easily make this an annual trip! I will let the pictures do the talking. It was hard narrowing things down as I took so many pictures (I am sure you are not at all surprised to hear that but here is part two. I will feature the last part (my trip to Delft) sometime next week. And here we go……



Loved how my meals on KLM were served on blue and white Delft!

Adorable blue and white souvenirs from the fight on the left (side note- KLM was a wonderful airline in every way, first time I had flown them)

Stepping into the Waldorf, it is incredibly elegant and so beautiful….truly impressed with this hotel!

One of the lounge areas off the foyer in the wee hours of the morning (favorite time to roam around a hotel)

This stairwell took my breath away!

Huge vessels of tulips everywhere!

Walking into the magnificent Waldorf Astoria was a sight for sore eyes, love they had this beautiful display which allows you to select which fragrance you want for your room!

Checking in, beautiful room!

How pretty was this chinoiserie chest housing the mini bar and fridge!

Very spacious accommodations and so beautifully kept

Gorgeous bathrooms too

They brought small treats every day,  like the previous (and delicious) candy clogs and fresh flowers daily

The first day we made a beeline for the wonderful VanGogh museum which I cannot recommend highly enough, will spare you the many many pictures of his paintings that I took but here are a few (btw if you never saw VanGogh, the movie with William DaFoe) I highly recommend it!

I was captivated by the sea of bikes that dot every single street corner, its a way of life and rumor has it, there are more bikes than people!

And the wonderful Rijksmuseum which showcases the most iconic Dutch masters, another full day was needed here, we only got to spend a few hours due to a packed schedule

Our first night we had dinner at the most wonderful Italian restaurant, the cache de Pepe was worth every calorie and dessert was out of this world!

Dessert did not disappoint either:)

Walking back to the hotel after dinner every night,  was such a treat

Seeing shops after shops with pastries such as are all over the place and very enticing!

More bikes!

The Waldorf offers a beautiful high tea where they featured all the masters and replicated them into small treats, cookies, etc….really fun!

Even with room service breaks, it was accompanied by tulips!

Part of the garden in the back of the Waldorf which is just gorgeous, we did not get to spend enough time there unfortunately

These incredible tulips were the size of a water glass (at the restaurant Spectrum)

On our last night we went on a private boat for the scenic and enjoyable canal ride, it was a cocktail cruise right before dinner and was a perfect way to spend out last night there

Here was Johannes, our wonderful captain and regaled us with all kinds of interesting stories about Amsterdam

Started with a glass of champagne

So many beautiful sights and buildings along the way

This was on interesting if you look close enough you will see seven bridges all aligned!

Granted, there is so much more I wanted to do and that will be on my next trip:) A few things on the agenda were thwarted by weather and frankly we packed a lot of punch into the 5 days. We did get to do 95% of all we set out to do but there is plenty of exploring left. For anyone contemplating on going to Amsterdam, cannot strongly suggest it enough, and do hope you will go during the tulip seasons, that alone makes the trip worthwhile!

If you missed part one of my trip click here


I decided to make up this little summary of my trip to Amsterdam for anyone contemplating a trip there, here are my go to’s-




 Speaking of blue and white, its day 2 of our incredible May porcelain presale, one not to be missed as we have many new items including our new colored cabbage dinnerware!!

Click here


Hope you enjoy this post! It was such fun to write as it allowed me to relive this incredible trip that I was lucky to take. Wishing everyone a wonderful day, until next time…

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This post makes me want to jump on a plane right this minute and go to Amsterdam! I look forward to your post on Delft!!!

What an incredible trip!! Thank you for taking us along. My son went to Amsterdam several times while he was studying in Ireland! Of all the places he went, Amsterdam was his favorite! Your photos made we want to hop on KLM right now and see everything you did! Love the canal cruise…looks like a fun way to see parts of the city!!

A friend of mine lives in Amsterdam. She and her husband moved there in 2015 for his job, thinking they would return to the U.S. in a few years. I’m not sure they’ll ever be back. They love it!

We flew KLM (business) on our way to Tanzania, and were also gifted with one of the adorable Delft miniature houses, replicas of places in Amsterdam. KLM has an app where you can see all of them. If you Google KLM Houses, you will see their history on the KLM website. A new one released in early October each year, and they are a wonderful thing to collect, esp since they are so tiny (check E-bay). Maybe design an extra shelf in your kitchen for them? So glad you enjoyed!

Oh I remember that Van Gogh museum! It was the only time I’ve been brought to tears by art. The beauty of those canvases of simple farm workers that glowed with colour filled me with joy while the knowledge of his sad life filled me with sadness….

Awwww…my hubs & I went on our honeymoon…53 years ago…I remember, after seeing your photos, like yesterday…thanks for journey down memory lane!! franki

Thank you, for sharing your wonderful time in Amsterdam. It is very inspiring—must plan to visit.
This is a beautiful keepsake of your trip, You are amazing.

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