Comments : 14

Hello!! First want to announce the winner of our contest for the porcelain bowl. Congratulations goes to-

FANNY says: Tina, I love the white cabbage plate chargers—they are fabulous. They go perfectly with my green cabbage dinner plates—adding the white salad plates. I’m so excited to set the table for summertime using your plates. All the best, FCL
Please email at [email protected] us with your shipping details so your prize can be on the way!
Secondly, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. Many of us are lucky to be celebrating with our own children and some of you really lucky ones, with your moms. Some do not have their mothers or children to celebrate with but perhaps have someone in their life that feels “motherly”. I have a friend who’s mom is not here and she has no children but her aunt has played the role of “mother”. Mother’s Day is an inclusive day, for the most noble job there is- taking care of others, putting others before ourselves and our greatest joys being in their successes. A mother’s love is the sustaining and powerful force for a family. And I learned from the very best.
I think its a beautiful day to celebrate the special women in our lives for all they do, day in and day out. No job like being a mom, the highs and lows, no time off (ever) despite how old they get, and yet would we trade it for anything? I say no. Two of my three sons are away (bummer) but we are looking forward to a special plan my youngest son made for us in the city later today. I will get another Mother’s Day celebration next week when the other two are back so I get double the pleasure;) Ok onward to my post this Sunday…..


1 MY BEAUTIFUL MOM Today is such a bittersweet day. I can’t believe its my second Mother’s Day without my beautiful mom. Not an hour, literally goes by that I am not thinking of her. So many times, I think of wanting to pick up the phone to share something funny with her, get her opinion on or just hear her sweet voice. At the same time I feel blessed to be the mom of three great sons and I understand the cycle of life, hard as it may be for many of us. Just a few of my favorite pictures of my beautiful mom that bring back such a flood of incredible memories, I hope she sees this and knows how much she is forever missed and loved.


I will treasure this picture below of our hands together, always and forever.

2 GETTING READY FOR MEMORIAL DAY? We are going to be here and will likely host friends/family. Maybe if weather allows, we will have a little pickle ball powwow. We have all kinds of fabulous new things that have come in and have you ready for Memorial Day. I am looking forward to doing some entertaining and love all of our beautiful blue and whites to ring in summer!


3 FLOWER POWER!  With spring in full bloom I have been in a floral state of mind. My husband knows me so well, he knows to buy big bunches of some of my favorite flowers and let me design my own arrangements and boy did I have fun. I really have to be in the mood as its  a pretty mess when this happens. Stems, flying petals, paper, everywhere..but in the end,  I get exactly what I want! Here is a look at what kept me busy these last few days….and I am not done yet!

Love planting flowers in our gorgeous lattice footed planters, they are so elegant (click here to see them)


How about this monstrous *literally 13″wide giant pink hydrangea!!  I could not get over them…played with them two ways

Here I used this as a base with our faux cherry blossoms….


And here just used them as a big giant clustering one of my favorite cylinder planters



This might be my favorite one-


By the way, here is how my 17 day old tulips are doing! (refrigerate them overnight) and they are still going!!


4 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Such an incredible array of beauty this weekend found on Instagram….



5 A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE TOUR Another gorgeous house tour from Schumacher. I am a big big fan of Heather Chadduck, her taste is sublime and I am always inspired by her work. I am really intrigued lately by old home restorations as we live in one so love seeing the possibilities and watching them get new life. Really appreciated her attention to detail and honoring the history of this special home. Charming things do come in small packages.


6 MY AMAZING CUSTOMERS! Always so impressed and amazed at the talent of our many customers, nothing makes me happier than seeing our products in your gorgeous homes!!



7 SUNDAYS SURVEY OK I am really curious as to what you will say about this one. Imagine this, you are in a nice, very upscale restaurant for lunch. Most are dressed really nicely. There is a group of four a table away,  looks like they have have just played tennis or golf.  They were L O U D. I could deal with that, but the guy starts talking about something politically  and more than once starts uses the F word (loud).And he did not do it once, or twice, but at least three times.

I was SO offended, it was so rude, obnoxious and inconsiderate to the fellow diners. I looked over and hope my expression said what I thought. A few others did too. I was so very close to saying something but you never know what kind of reaction you would get. Would you have said something? Spoken to the manager?


TODAY AND TOMORROW IN CELEBRATION OF Mother’s DAY THE ENTIRE SITE IS 30% off (EXCEPT FOR 50% OFF ITEMS AND PRESALES). Treat your self to something special and pretty:)

Click here to visit shop (all categories are on the left)



Thats a wrap for this Sunday. Wishing everyone a wonderful day and an extra special day to all the moms aka super humans! Most underrated job on the planet, don’t you think:) Until next time….

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I would say nothing not wanting to create a scene; person may be even more obnoxious if confronted.
However, I always asked to be moved to another table if uncomfortable for any reason.

Just another beautiful Post…we are so blessed
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! ❤️ franki

Thank you for sharing beautiful home tours. Alway a learning and enjoyable watching. Love you sharing your beautiful taste in your homes.

Beautifully post as always! Happy Mother’s Day, Tina! I’m remembering my mom, too, who passed away 8 years ago- it was like yesterday!

It is heartening to know that there are still people like you who are offended by terrible language. Some people do it for shock effect or bc they are clueless or bc they have no self respect. They should not be allowed to pollute the atmosphere. I would definitely have spoken to the manager or asked for another table if possible.

I am so glad you shared that survey question because this type of rudeness seems to be becoming the norm & I find it truly offensive. Manners cost nothing – whether at a nice restaurant or fast food places! It’s time to regain civility!!!

Happy Mother’s Day! 🌹 Missing my Mom this year too. Feel very blessed to have had such a beautiful and loving Mom. 🌹 It continues with our daughter and daughter in law. They are great Mom’s .

A beautiful Sunday post, as always. As for the foul-mouthed person in the restaurant, I have said something to a manager in the past about this very thing. The manager apologized profusely to me for the man’s offensive behavior (“I know… I’m so sorry.”), but said nothing to the man. If it happens again, I would look over at the man, survey him up-and-down slowly, with pursed lips and a withering look, then turn back to my dining partner(s) with a dismissive shake of my head. Foul language is absolutely unacceptable in a social setting, but I would not confront him verbally because he has already shown that he doesn’t care about other people’s feelings,

Happy Mother’s Day! My hands down most favourite tulips – Parrot! Very hard to find where I am these days. I find that most things (sadly) are becoming generic.

Tina, I have enjoyed your blog since day one. My all-time favorite picture is the photo of you holding your mom’s hand. Life has many ups and downs, but no matter what, I can always count on your blog for a touch of beauty.

This happened to us, too while fine dining. I think sometimes people don’t realize how loud they get. I just looked over to their direction, placed my index finger to my lips and said, “Shhhhh” and ended that motion with a smile. They apologized profusely and lowered the conversation down. Our pet peeve is unruly children that parents just ignore. We have asked to be moved and given the parents the stink eye on leaving.

Wallpaper is really making a comeback and the gift wrap designs you created are genius and would be fabulous for that purpose. I’m truly an incurable blue and white lover. It never gets old and have it all through my home. Your jars, dogs, vases. etc are really elegant and classy.

I remember when your mother got her wings and know how hard that hits you. She will live in your heart forever and the picture of your hands…………….priceless.

Hugs, Suzanne

What a beautiful tribute to your mom. She lives on, not only in you and your sister and both of your families, but in all of your lovely posts. Happy Mother’s Day.

I wouldn’t have done anything. Nor would I have put the manager in the awkward position of handling it. There will always be jerks we encounter in life, especially now. You just never know. I’d have tried to ignore him & enjoyed my companions. 💚

TSK TSK…..a well schooled manager would know how to handle such rudeness of this dining situation. Shame on not just this one fellow but all of his remaining seated buddies. Some people just can’t express themselves without using the f-bomb. Sad really.
Happy belated Mother’s Day to all and my mom turned ninety six this past Monday so a double win win.
I bet your house smelt like a beautiful scented garden. Lucky Lady!!!

Tina, the first time you posted the picture of your mom’s hand with yours, I literally started crying….and crying. It is just so beautiful. My mom was also born in 1938 and I now have her living with me for as long as she can before she has to go into a home. I am going to have a picture taken like that and also one with my mom’s hand, my hand and my daughter’s hand. I am blessed for each new day I have with her. Thank you for your beautiful post.

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