Comments : 13

***Reminder our custom lattice bar mailer went out yesterday, if you were one who was interested email [email protected] and put the word “bar” on subject line. You will be sent the mailer***


Hi there and happy Sunday. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Over here no complaints, some fun plans with friends, will continue with my gardening and then a nice relaxing Sunday evening. We may get rain today and I am actually praying for it, that way it feels good and right to stay inside and I need days like this. When its been nonstop, I love nothing more than a cozy day at home!

My weekdays are so busy that I find myself looking so forward to Friday afternoons and Sunday evenings, no rest for the weary:) This is a pretty long post with lots to read about so you may have to take a little 15 minute coffee break:) Ok onward to my post this Sunday….




1 EVERYTHING BLOOMING AROUND HERE! All kinds of things are blooming and its looking so pretty.My home will be on a garden tour on June 20th so timing could not be better. With warm temps and a lot of rain, things are as green as they have ever looked! What I am most excited about is my garden makeover, its not quite down but boy, what a difference. We put pea gravel down, cleaned all the beds and its looking a million times better already!


2 A GREAT HOUSE TOUR This house tour meant something to me as this is a home that is over 100 years old, so imagine the possibilities!! Love her style and taste and how they made this house feel new and fresh yet so classic. Very inspiring…and I got a few ideas as well.



3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Another beautiful bounty of inspiring instagrams…..


4 TWO OF MY HOLY GRAIL’S FOR SKIN CARE These two products I have bought on repeat and cannot recommend highly enough. The first I was told about at Zitomers in NYC, a famous iconic pharmacy, the lady insisted that this was the best product in the market today and that all the Victoria Secret models use it. So I bought it and it actually promised what it delivered.

It is a peel of sorts (to use right after shower when your skin is warm and pores are open). I kid you not, this leaves your skin feeling like a baby’s bottom, no joke! Sloughs off all the dead skin. A FABULOUS product. I am now experimenting with some of the other products from their line and will report back. Literally like a little dose of magic in a box!

Click here to find out more



This one I buy on repeat, (only if you have dry skin) this is Maya Chia and is a very rich emollient in a tub. I LOVE this stuff and how it makes my skin feel. Like its been doused in a rich slather of moisture. I even use it in the summer (less). Ttpvcailyl I use this at night but l lately I am using it in spots like my forehead during the day. If you have dry skin, highly recommend! I also use it on my hands and elbows and even feet:) It has antioxidants that are 65x ,more powerful than Vitamin C, antioxidants and seed oils.

Click here to find out more


5 EARTH ANGEL ROESES I am so in love with these Earth Angel roses! They look like a hybrid between a rose and a peony. Absolutely beautiful and quite fragrant. If you are looking for something new to add to your garden, look no further than these non stop bloomers.


6 EASY PEASY BRONZINO I love fish and seafood and could easily live on it. I make branzino quite. bit. Here is the simple way which I cook it, and its a guaranteed home run every time. This is based on serving four people-


  • 6-8 branzino filets (skin on)
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Sea salt, pepper and olive oil
  • Just from a lemon
  • Oregano

Ladolemomo sauce-

  • ½ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 pinch pepper

Simply mix all ingredients, sautéed in a sauté pan and drizzle over cooked fish. Easy!!

Clean your fish, pat dry and generous sprinkle salt, pepper and oregano over it. Place on parchment paper and drizzle olive oil over it. Put into an oven preheated to 375 degrees, cook for approx 12-15 min (cooks fast) Remove. Meanwhile in a small skillet I prepare the traditional ladolemono sauce which is simply 2 parts olive oil to 1 part lemon (but adjust to your taste) when the fish is out, I lightly pour the sauce over the fish, not drenching it just enough to coat it. I then serve with rice of some sort, lemon potatoes or my favorite Greek salad. So simple, so good.



Also made a yummy caesar!

And my delicious Greek chopped salad which I have shared many tines, if you want the recipe click here


7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY Love getting your take on things as you are the very best focus group. Here are three mini polls.  So we have some beautiful new chinoiserie tole pieces in profusion which I am super excited about. One iS this fabulous. new pewter/gold tray table, such a beauty! We were first wavering between pewter and black base then I decided to see what a gold base would look like and that really threw a wrench in things, because I love the gold too. Then a perspective new planters which I think is gorgeous but specific and lastly a chic bar that collapses.

First here is the actual tray…so pretty!

So I am curious which base color you like best?


Pewter base-


Black base-



Gold base-


We have developed this beautiful, highly detailed planter which would have a drop in liner in cast aluminum. This one is a 20″ square. Would love your thoughts? (not shown with liner yet) I am kind of in love with it:)

Lastly,  here is a very chic gold bamboo bar that easily collapses for ease, nice thing is that this can be easily moved around, indoors or out and the fabulous fretwork tray could even be used separately





Don’t forget today is the last day of our custom house/pet trays! There is no more beautiful or unique gift then these. You have up to 6 months to supply your pictures, these really are exceptional and like mini works of art on a tray.

Click here for info (discount comes off automatically at checkout)


And we have one phenomenal deal of the day that is hard to say no to. You might already know about our high quality, BPA free, dishwasher safe melamine in the most chic designs,  very elevated melamine. Well, our service of four in our blue/orange pagoda service is half off today only!!

Click here

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I really love the gold bamboo tray/bar cart! I’m not sure if that is a mirrored base, which would make me quite nervous to use? Hopefully it would be the same gold metal on bottom of tray!

Looking forward to attending the Oyster Bay Garden Tour. An added plus is that your beautiful gardens will be on the tour.
I have to agree with a few of the comments made regarding the chain on the bar cart. Does it have clips to remove it? Very distracting.
Thanks for another fabulous post!

The new pewter/gold tray table is gorgeous. I love the gold base with it, I think it ties in all together. I love the design and aesthetic of the new planter, I think you have another winner! I’m not loving the chain detail or the base of the gold tray. I feel like it takes away from the piece itself. Maybe just offer it as a tray without a base. Tray would look great in a black lacquer or white lacquer

I really like the gold tray table…but would prefer if stand only had one row of metal going across instead of 4. That takes away from the tray fretwork. But love the tray itself!

Pls tell us the dimension on the bar cart. And agree: can it be without the chain? The cart is gorgeous!

Like the bar cart but have one already and that serves me well. But if I was looking for one yours would have fit the bill.

The bar cart is fabulous! I love fun pieces like this for entertaining and that can be easily picked up and stored. I do agree with previous comments about the chain detracting from the elegance of the cart.

To me, it’s not the chain on the gold bar cart that is distracting. It’s more that the folding bottom looks too flimsy to hold a tray full of bottles and glassware. Just the tray by itself is beautiful though. Other than that, I love the Earth Angel roses. I wonder if they would do well in Florida. And the easy recipe for the branzino fish sounds delicious. Thank you once again for an interesting Sunday blog!

Love seeing the pics of your vegetable garden. The roses are fabulous, too. So luxurious looking!

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