Comments : 36
Good morning, ?hope everyone is well this Thursday morning. First things first, I am excited to announce the lucky winner of the signed coffee table book, American Houses from my interview with Fairfax and Sammons yesterday. I used and the lucky winner is…….
10th drawing held by The Enchanted Home
Completed on Thursday, 30 June 2011 at 10:36:38 UTC
86 entrants, 1 winner

Winner (1)
?1st: sizzleandzoom

?Please contact me via email and let me know how you would like the book signed and it will be on its way to you shortly!
So…….hope everyone is well. I am feeling great and rejuvenated having ?been at the beach for a few days, its been fantastic with the blessing of gorgeous weather, an endless seafood fest at every meal, plenty of alone time on the beach totally engulfed in my book and just getting away from a very frantic pace. I start as I always do with my house updates which are a little light compared to previous posts, since I haven’t been home for the past few days but these were taken at the start of the week. Wishing you a wonderful day.
HOUSE UPDATES. It was so nice to go to the house to see a battalion of trucks and cars, then to walk inside and see so many men working they looked like carpenter ants milling about. Now THAT’S what I am talking about. It made me see an end to this very long process and realize despite that there is indeed a lot to still get done, we have made real progress and the end is semi near. The family room and breakfast room are near completion and then we get to begin the staining. Beams for kitchen are getting installed on Friday. Trim work continues, plaster moldings have started getting installed in living and dining rooms. Finally the limestone arrived for the covered porch and that has begun as well. So as you can see…..lots going on! I am sure by next week I will have even more to share……
Sample for living and dining of the Parquet Versailles ( a dusty sample)

Finished limestone floor for side door entry
Working on finished ceiling for inside of the porte cochere
Limestone has begun on covered porch
Wet limestone floor in the laundry room
Plaster molding has started in the dining room
Kitchen beams just about ready
TIME OFF AT THE BEACH. Have been at the beach for a few days of rest and relaxation. And I must say I am my calmest, most at peace and happiest when by the shore. Something about the pace, the fresh air, the gorgeous ocean as a backdrop just lights my fire. I could happily live by the beach year round and very much accustom myself to a slower and calmer pace. Here are a few highlights……

Here is my path that I walked to, to get to the beach….heaven!

Love the beach at sunset…my favorite time

My view…..not too bad!
VOLUSPA CANDLES AND PRODUCTS. Always liked their products and being the candleaholic that I am, have had my share but two of their newer fragrances, I am really loving and not only do they have the candles but room sprays (which I collect as well) and soaps…plus the packaging is so pretty its practically irresistible! Click here to see more.

FIRESIDE ANTIQUES. A favorite hobby is to look at Firesides website. This eponymous store based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana attracts visitors from all over the globe and just celebrated their 30th year!! Having family in Louisiana, they are familiar with this store and its one I hope to make a visit to myself. Their website is brimming with so many fabulous mostly European antiques… are a few recent beauties. Click here to visit Fireside Antiques, one of the countries largest dealers in 18th and 19th century European antiques. (and just in case you are worried, they ship EVERYWHERE)
Love these doors!!!!!! Oh how I would love to use them somewhere

Gorgeous french armoire

They also get in a lot of antique statuary

This hutch would be neat in a country feeling kitchen
A GREAT GETAWAY THAT IS “DOABLE’. Yes, I love posting about all the exotic and far away locales that we all love to swoon over. But today its all about a place that’s not too far and every bit as luxurious as what I normally post about. While it may lack the ability to help you rack up the major frequent flyer miles that the other locations could, it more than compensates for in luxury. The Cloister at Sea Island in coastal Georgia has anything and everything one could ask for, from a incredible golf center, tennis pavilion, numerous pools, award winning spa, a shooting gallery,private beach, boating, horseback riding, to nature tours and cooking classes. Whew!! I am tired after saying all that. Then you throw in ?five star AAA five diamond rating luxury and you have yourself one posh resort. This world class resort truly has something for everyone, have you been? Click here to find out more.

Well that’s what I am loving this Thursday! How about you.…..anything here that appeals to you or something you want to share? Do tell and hope you have an enchanted day!!

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I love the beach too, I don’t know what it is that’s so calming about it. Perhaps it’s the combination of sea air, sunshine and the energy of the ocean. I love it.

That black and white limestone flooring is to die for. So classic, perfect for your amazing dream house.

Can’t wait to see next week’s updates!!

Hello Tina:
Progress in the house seems to us to be coming along at quite a pace. The coving makes such a difference to the finish of a room and essential that it is deep enough in such a high room as clearly you are aware.

The beach scenes look wonderful. The sea we always find to be endlessly fascinating and so relaxing. Just a few days away can make all the difference to one’s energy levels.

Amazing!!! Your house is amazing and that’s the word that comes to my mind EVERY TIME I see it!

The beach? Where is it? So beautiful!!!!

The last picture? Like your blog… enchanting!

Have a beautiful day, my dear friend!


Luciane at

I am loving the updates on your house! Can’t wait to see what those beams will look like in your kitchen. And that porch is incredible! I know you must be so thrilled to see it all coming together!

The limestone work on your house is just amazing! I don’t have any doubt we will be seeing your house in some of our favorite magazines…want to confess which one you’d secretly like to see it in?

Tina, the limestone on the covered porch is going to be beautiful. We can’t wait to see it finished. So glad you and your family had a great time at the beach. Our families are headed to the beach in a few days. Can’t wait. Have a beautiful day. XO Angela and Renee

Headed to the beach today. A day to myself… I think! Love your photos of all the fun everyone had while you were away.
It had to have been a thrill to come home and see the progression of the new house. So exciting! I really can’t wait to see those beams in place!! They have truly been a labor of love.

I don’t know what I like the most about your new house developments: the limestone outside, the porte cochère, the gorgeous, gorgeous plaster moulding, the floors, etc. It’s all good!!!

I too think that a vacation by the sea is the best way to relax; there’s something so therapeutic about the salty water, the waves, the sea breeze, the birds…Glad you had a chance to get away and take in a few moments of me time.

About the Cloister at Sea Island, I want to go to there! Gorgeous!

SO glad you had a break at the beach. Things are really shaping up beautifully on your maison – love the mouldings and wood floors always make me happy.
You’re almost there!

I am so looking forward to seeing your finished home. It is going to be a work of art. And your beach photo’s are beautiful. You captured that lovely light so well and the blue of the hydrangeas is startling! X Sharon

Great house updates! It’s coming along beautifully Tina! And your beach photos are just lovely! I love beach! The photos of your boys is great also! When they are that age it’s nice to sit back on the beach and watch them run around and have fun! God bless them, you and your hubby!

I can’t wait to see the house finished. Thank you for taking us on the tour with you. I know that you are excited, Tina.
Love candles too, and the antiques are gorgeous.
Beautiful images here.
Have a great day.

Beach time looked divine! I am overwhelmed by all the things going on in your building process!! And I am not even making decisions~just how do you keep it together?? Loved the furniture choices, lots of lovely painted pieces.

The house is just coming along beautifully! It truly will be a showplace.

Love your pictures from the beach. It has me longing to carve out time to get to Long Island. For now, I’m on the other side of the Sound….but still haven’t caught up enough to settle in with a book. I’m hoping to next week!!

Welcome home!
xoxo Elizabeth

The house needless to say is a masterpiece and every week as more gets done, its like adding another diamond to an exquisite necklace, until you have the perfect jewel. Love the house updates.
The beach getaway is dreamy, your pictures are fantastic! I feel more relaxed just looking at them. Love Voluspa but not famliar with those scents, have to try. Love the antiques and have been to Sea Island and its every bit as great as the pictures depict.
Congrats to your winner-

You’re house is looking fantastic! I love all of the limestone! And your beach view is amazing! I love images of pathways to the beach. I took one of the little bridge that leads to the beach from our friend’s house in sea island and I have it in a frame next to my family room sofa so I can look at it and feel like I’m right there. I love that you posted images of The Cloister. We usually go to Sea Island for the Fourth, but we didn’t make it this year (we were there in April) and I’m so homesick for it. It’s my happy place!

The limestone on the porch is gorgeous! All that detailling! Stunning!
And what a beautiful pieces of furniture you have posted! Love that bench!

Love the limestone!! And the beach looks mighty appealing – loving that breeze we have today. You must be getting excited as you are nearing the home stretch!! I have many friends who swear by Sea Island, especially for a family vacation – and great for golf as well!


Just love, love, love Thursday’s updates and your favorites it’s like having a chat with a best girfriend and sharing all your favorites over many years of wonderful research (which I totally Love).

Wow…house is coming along so well and all your efforts are shining through bracing for the finish line. All the flooring looks beautiful (parquet, finished limestone, and laundry) as well as the porte cochere, covered porch, plaster, and kitchen beams. It’s just thrilling once again!

The beach…can’t live without it…I grew up at the beach and still live not that far from it now. It is absolutely essential for walking and “casting your cares” and allowing nature to come into your soul and tap our “refresh” buttons. Happy to hear it worked it’s magic with you and judging from the pictures everyone had a great time your snapshots are great as screensavers too!

Sunset pictures are know as the “golden hour” where everyone looks lovely in pictures and against the ocean expressions are relaxed and people look and “feel” beautiful. Ocean soundtracks are the best sound for a photo shoot too.

Such a lovely picture of one of my favorites in blues, lavenders, and beiges with the green leaves.

Voluspa Candles…I too always want to know about great ones and I’ve add them to my many iPhone lists and always carry it with me with a product picture too!

Intense furniture history lover seeing these antiques make me want to plan a trip to be face to face with unlimited possibilities of home refinement love the half table photo #6 and the hutch too.

Such a lovely getaway The Cloister at Sea Island in costal Georgia…not been yet but on my list…looks so relaxing…one day.

This was once again so fun!


Thanks for updating us every Thursday on the house! I am so excited to see each and every development. Love your dining room moldings and everyone should have a porte cochere ma chere!

I heart the Cloisters and Sea Island. Georgia has a beautiful coast. So does SC where we are heading in a couple of weeks.
Glad you got to stick your toes in the sand.
Are those your boys playing in the surf? FUN!

Voluspa is one of my favs….very reasonable. My scent is Baltic Amber but I’ll have to check out the new ones.

Happy Fourth my friend,

Tina I’m so excited for you your limestone covered patio is going to be amazing and I can’t wait to see it. Your “antiqued” beams came out really well. So glad to hear you and your family were able to get away for a rest for a few days looks like you had a gorgeous spot. Thank you for sharing!

I love seeing updates on your spectacular home! you beach pics were great too. where did you go? a few more weeks and we’ll be off too!


OMG – I don’t know where to being with this post. It’s all so fabulous. Your house updates are so intriguing to see, love seeing the progress and marvel at the scale and sheer magnitude of your project. Then your beach holiday – what beach is that? It’s so beautiful, the colours and scenery so relaxing. Then there’s those antiques, yeah to find someone who ships internationally and I’ll take a trip to Georgia any day. Have a great weekend.

Dearest Tina, now I’m overwhelmed! First by that BEAUTIFUL black and white limestone, then by those breathtaking beach photos and then by those stunning, dreamy homes. I leave for Italy tomorrow so your description of being at the beach of course INSPIRES me!!! Can’t wait for more house updates from you…I’ll be away from the blogworld all of July, but I promise to come back filled with inspiration for a new year of blogging :)Happy Summer to you!!!!

Kristin xoxoxoxo

Tina I so love the beach. Always my favorite times there. We grew up vacationing at Pawleys Island near Myrtle Beach. Your spot looks so pretty and relaxing. Love seeing how your spectacular home is coming along.

Stunning, stunning, stunning! your house is coming along absolutely spectacular. Glad you were able to spend some relaxing time at the beach.


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