Comments : 25

Hi there, hard to believe it is Friday already….such a crazy busy week over here.? First things first, a winner of the tole tray has been selected! Random number picked…..


#21 says:

New web site works beautifully! The green oval tray is just lovely?.just the use for it.
I know the toile will be wonderful. Everything that I have purchased from you has been.

Congratulations! Please email me with your tray selection and shipping details so your prize can be on it’s merry way!


So…how are you? This has been one crazy week. We had filming going on here all week long, crazy chaos does not begin to describe it and while I cannot discuss the particulars yet, it was awfully exciting!! Between that and launching my new and improved online site, managing many other things, its been one hectic week. I am looking forward to some down time this weekend, and hopefully a few extra hours of sleep πŸ™‚


I know keeping busy was key once my son headed off to college but even for me who can do a lot and am a very able mufti tasker…I am looking forward to some calm in my life:) The cleanup crew comes in today and it will be a full day of putting our house back in order, so it will be nice for things to have some quiet and calm back in my life.? So as I always do….here are some random musings that reflect whats going on in my life…..




I cannot discuss the particulars but in due time, I promise I will when I can!? A few highlights of what was going on here this weekend, it was total chaos but the most fun kind imaginable for a limited time that is:)

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unnamefasdasdfd unnameffd 88564unnamed




I am so excited to have finally have my tole online. I am madly in love with every piece and have had fun using my own little stash throughout my home. Let me demonstrate:) Click here to see the full line.

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It so happens that with the launch of my new and improved online shop so too are a bunch of wonderful new items being added. As I had explained, many are already added and the rest are continuously being added in this coming week.

Some of the new products that I am really excited over besides the tole, melamine and new blue and whites are these spectacular chunky lead crystal perfume beautiful are they!!!! I put them on my antique silver tray and I love the juxtaposition of old and new, stunning.


unnamtttted unnattttmed


And the new wicker items are soon to be added, beautiful glassware, ice buckets, caddys, napkin rings, casserole dishes and fruit baskets..adore this line! Think the dark wicker looks smashing against the blue and white…..

unnaffffffmed uffffnnamed ffffunnamed unnamedsafd unnameffffd



This little powder room is being finished up later today (once all the chaos is out of the way). Many of you asked /emailed me about who makes this. So here is the information.


I must say I totally love it, the black offers a certain drama and once the vanity is in along with the lighting and finishing touches I think its going to be fabulous!


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New blue and whites and a few wonderful vignettes….

Very excited about some beautiful new blue and whites being added…..fishbowls, very large chunky new ginger jars, a spectacular new planter, some really interested new carved porcelain pieces. Very pretty, every single one!

170 182


And some of the wonderful new pieces being added to my online shop of? my growing porcelain family which is almost becoming a porcelain dynasty:)

carved22 carved27 carved28 scenic20 fluted439 50248 charactergingerjar foodogfishbowl largedragonfishbowl


I saw this and found it interesting and definitely? true but can we do all of them! That is the tricky part….OK I will aim for half of the list:)? It should be something we all put up on our refrigerators or makeup mirrors! Reminders of what it takes to survive in today’s tough world…..



So…that is what’s new and exciting over, yes it’s been a truly chock full week. Busier than usual!! This coming week I have a lot of planning to do as we are having a dinner party for 40 next weekend and i have literally done nothing. But I am not stressing as I know it all gets done and I have allotted a number of days to concentrate on getting myself in gear for that….in the end it always gets done, so I do not allow myself to get too stressed, it’s nothing but wasted energy.

I hope whatever you are up to for the weekend is wonderful and relaxing. I know, relaxation and a tinatini this afternoon are in order!

Don’t forget my current promotion which is fabulous ends today, Saturday! Click here to view the goodies….

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Oh, oh & oh!!! I absolutely love the chunky little perfume bottles. I see one in my near future… Can’t wait to here all about what was filmed at your home Tina-so exciting.
Have a fabulous weekend and a special thank you for always putting a smile on my face when I see a new post from you.


I am so excited to see that your home is finally going to be featured on an even grander scale, tina. I knew that one day, your home would either be on a magazine cover or on a tv show or even a movie!!!! I am waiting to see how the plot thickens here! Happy friday! Anita

Hi Tina wow you really have had a busy but fun week. I cant wait to hear all about the shoot details. We had a commercial filmed in our old house and it gave new appreciation for what goes behind the making of any commercial/film. I could not get over the amount of equipment, people,etc..mind boggling. my kids loved the craft truck though:-)

Moving on to your beautiful new things, the wicker, the perfume bottles, that blue and white planter, I want it all! And I love your bathroom paper thank you for sharing it. I remember the pale green one being a perfect look for my guest bath. I will be looking into it. Thank you for your always interesting and beautiful blog. Glad you are going to get to rest and relax this weekend.

Hmm, you have my interest. Photo shoots and film shoots are so much fun.

I love the new tole lamp in black – the shape of the shade really compliments it. And the wallpaper choice is perfect, so elegant.

enjoy the weekend.

How exciting!!! I can’t wait to hear all about it, and be able to actually “see” the finished product. If you’re like me, you work very well under pressure, so I have no doubt next weekend’s party will go off without a hitch. Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for allowing me just a glimpse into your life, which is so different from mine :)!

Oh my! Where to begin….the photo shoot, so thrilling! Can’t wait to hear all the details.

All the new blue and white, the tole, the perfume bottles, wicker! I want it all!!!!!

Have a relaxing weekend Tina. Hopefully, you will take photos of your dinner party set up and share them with us. I absolutely love any and all photos of your magnificent home!

Cannot wait to hear all the details of photo shoot! Please do post pictures of your upcoming gathering..always love seeing the pictures of appetizers and menu selections!

Love, love the powder room dramatic!

Have a wonderful weekend Tina!

The wallpaper is perfection. I love it thanks for telling me the name, may need to copy.
How fun to have a photo or movie shoot. They chose well! I love all the new items coming into your shop, you blow away all my local stores Tina and you are just getting better and better. I got my tole planters in and I cannot tell you how much I love them, having orchids put into them today and will send pictures when they are done.

Have a nice weekend, sounds like you have earned a tinatini and some serious relaxation.

How fun Tina. When I loved in San Diego there were always film crews about in the neighborhood. Can’t wait to hear more!

The Arts by Karena

Oh what a beautiful blog, as for your creative line and am so going to indulge myself with some pieces.
A movie at your home so exciting, my grandfather now passed a few years now was an art producer for Paramount Movie Picture Studios in Hollywood California. His 200 plus year old home on the desert had often been used in many movie pictures. This is so exiting for you, and I so no the mishaps that take place with lights and cameras and all the moving about. You my dear have the soul of beauty all around you.

Looking forward to visiting often.

Thank you for your beautiful sharing.



I am dying to know what they were shooting at your home Tina. It wasn’t a movie starring my ex bf George, is it? Love all your beautiful new things in your shop. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, sweet Tina!

“Let your fingers do the walking”

From the comfort of my home I can find beautiful additions from your shop.
Never have to worry about quality.

The pleated LAMP SHADE on the square tole lamp is th style I like. A selection would be nice to see on your site. In addition large CRYSTAL OBELISK.

Your blog is part of my morning coffee. πŸ™‚

Let me grab my Tinatini?.now, we can talk! πŸ™‚

Film crew? I can not wait to hear what tv show/movie/commercial was just filmed at The Enchanted Home!

New tole?.I just need to send in my order b/c I basically dream about the monogrammed tray.

New line?.I’ve received a couple of those cool perfume bottles as gifts. Love them?and can always add to the collection! I’m nuts about rattan. Just got that ice bucket but could use the glasses and hurricane. I’ll pop over to the shop.

Blue and white is always cool and I’m kinda obsessed with your powder room. Stunning!

I’m off to a little Midwest adventure?will try to update Instagram as we go along. Hugs!
xoxo Elizabeth

Tina I LOVE the way the powder room came out so decadent, your guests may not want to leave! That floor is so beautiful too. LOVE your tole lamps, they are really special.

I cannot wait to hear all about the movie shoot (commercial or movie)? Looks like quite a ordeal but I bet it was fun. I love all the new items especially the wicker pieces, perfume bottles and fishbowls. Have a nice weekend Tina.

Loving the perfume bottles
and the porcelain the white first, blue second.

Very pretty and a nice addition to your on-line store.

Have a relaxing weekend…

Oh, I hope you finally got your own HGTV show that I keep saying you deserve!! How are you holding up w/ your youngest going to school? It sounds like you are busy which is a good distraction. Is he liking it? Logan is settled at URI and loving it – I started a new job so the distraction has kept me busy. I love those perfume bottles and that wall covering!! xo

well that’ll pique yer friend’s curiosity BIG TIME! call me if you can divulge any bits of deliciousness to be kept confidential! your new line is looking amazing, and i am so excited for what this next season brings for you…fly, baby, fly!

Hi Tina…sounds very exciting..cant wait to hear all about it…..Thanks again for helping me out and writing a post for me…I have been back blogging and doing well…thanks so much!

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