Tag: tablescapes

Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 4

Hi everyone,  hope this finds you doing well…hard to believe we are in the month of May!! I hope to be in Palmetto Bluff with visiting friends when you read this. So prepared this a few days ahead of time, fingers crossed it posts on time! Spring feels like its fading away and we are […]

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A very special presale on our newest dinnerware collaboration with Carolyne Roehm and a giveaway!

A very special presale on our newest dinnerware collaboration with Carolyne Roehm and a giveaway!
Comments : 66

Hi friends, I am so beyond excited to present to you, the most fabulous new tulip dinnerware as part of our latest collaboration with Carolyne Roehm!! We could not love this more and this was a very exciting meeting of the minds part 2. Our top selling Lily of the Valley was part one and […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 12

Hi there, hope you are having a great weekend. I have been under the weather so its been quite anti-climatic over here especially since I was supposed to be in Palmetto Bluff this weekend. Oh well, another time. We are back to much colder rainier weather which makes staying inside just a little bit easier […]

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