Comments : 21

Hi there! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Ours has been nice and relaxing, much needed. Dinner with friends, a lot of down time, saw Gone Girl. It was so dark with a lot of twists which I expected since I read the book, a lot of details were different, overall I felt it was a little long? (about two and a half hours) and I think I preferred the book which I typically do and as an aside, I thought the book was good but very overrated or maybe just over hyped.? Oh well, that’s Hollywood for you. I am starting Big Little Lies and cannot wait, heard it’s so good from a number of people.? And how was your weekend?



1. My newest monogram trays. Just got in these new colors and am totally smitten. LOVE the combinations of colors. Ivory with gold, super chic. Pale pale blue with gold, LOVE. And then a rich royal marine blue with gold monogram, hello! Now I also offer these colors as well as a high gloss option which is quite pretty. I really do love my monogram trays, can you tell? I own three:) Click here to see them on my online shop.


Custom Monogram Tole Trays
Custom Monogram Tole Trays

PALEBLUE MARINEBLUE ivorywithgold black useonbottom useonboottom3 useonbottom2

Here it is on my vanity in my closet right at home and in my pantry/bar area…….




?2. FALL DECORATING. I? love fall and you don’t have to have been coming here for long to know that. I just adore the season from fall dressing to comfort foods to the splendid weather to adding little fall touches around my home.

This year I am doing a “white thing” with my fall decor. I am going simple and elegant, lets not forget there are no more “kids” but doesn’t mean I don’t want to add a little fall cheer to the house. So here is what I have done, small touches here and there but touches that remind me that fall has indeed arrived!

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And moving along indoors, I have placed little white ghourds amongst the blue and whites…..

dsa unnasdfafasdamedI just have to point out these hydrangeas are THIRTEEN DAYS old! True they are finally “showing their age” but at nearly two weeks, I think that is pretty amazing!


3. NEW BEAUTY PRODUCT ALERT. You know I do love my products and get very excited over new things…going into Sephora can be a dangerous and very expensive proposition. One product that kept popping up on my radar is this nifty little spray, Caudalie, something apparently many of the top makeup artists will not be caught dead without.

Used to “set” makeup it has a slight bit of oil and apparently leave s you with you that glow that so many of us are after.? Then I read that makeup artist Alice Lane always uses it to “finish” her faces so? of course I had to go out and buy it, I have only owned it for 2 days but so far so good and I could swear I really am glowing! Click here to read about it on Sephora.



4. A TOMATO TART THAT IS TO DIE FOR. How ridiculously good does this look? Come on you know you want to take a bite! I had something like this at a luncheon I went to about a month ago and can’t get it out of my mind so guess what I am making later today!! My local farm stand still has the most amazing heirloom tomatoes plus I still have basil from my garden if you can believe it,? so I am really excited about this one,? Click here to visit Southern boy dishes and get the recipe. I just know this is going to be crazy good!



5. FANCY SCHMANCY ICE CUBES. Channel your inner Martha Stewart and create these? fabulous little ice cubes! It is so easy to do and talk about adding a very special little touch that will just wow your guests!? I love these, really need to try this.



6. A PICTURE PERFECT GETAWAY. We went to Twin Farms in Vermont (a Relais and Chateau property)? about five years ago and let me tell you it was nothing short of perfection. We are planning a trip back in the? next month or two with friends who have never been.? Located in the rural bucolic countryside of Barnard, Vermont , this incredible five star property (Vermont’s only five star property)? is so incredibly luxurious while maintaining a certain understated refined elegance along the lines of a Blackberry Farm.

There is a main lodge with rooms, a larger home and? 10 free standing cottages set on over 300 acres, each decorated right out of Arch Digest by well known designers.? Dining is world class and there is a host of amazing activities , which promise something for everyone. This is more for couples or large family gatherings (many do family reunions here and rent out the entire property).

It is a true gem of a place unlike any other I have been to. Everything is inclusive in the daily rate, all meals (fine dining), wine pairings, all beverages,snacks, every activity…it covers everything! Click here to learn all about Twin Farms.

Here are what some of the cottages look like……

woods5 woods2 barn7 barn6 barn2 logcabin4 logcabin2 studio15

treehouse1 studio2



activities_onsite15 5_activities_onsite14 activities_onsite10 activities_onsite4 activities_onsite3 activities_onsite1 activities_onsite2 dish_2


Yes! Eating is most certainly an activity…….


7. An amazing man. This past week, I introduced you to Hadi, my niece’s brilliant PhD husband from Harvard who has created a small microchip that can detect HIV? earlier than ever before for under $2.00.? It is revolutionary and will change the path of this deadly disease.? He is one of three finalists up for the Bright Futures Award, to be awarded in November.

I cannot thank you for the outpouring of support and votes! If you missed it or did not vote please do. There could be no greater cause, what he is doing could change the world and every single? vote counts. Please click here to learn more about him from my post this past week or click here to vote if you just want to go ahead and cast a quick vote. Below is a short video on? his brilliant project, talk about a visionary……he is just amazing!


Well that is what’s gotten my attention this past week….what’s on your radar? Tell me about it! Hope you have had a wonderful weekend. We got the first shot of real fall weather, and its supposed to dip in to the 40’s tonight! Time to whip out those chunky sweaters and thick blankets, my favorite! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


Don’t? forget about my awesome pillow giveaway courtesy of 6 Wilson, click here to enter! I will choose a winner on Wednesday.



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Good morning Tina! My SIL saw Gone Girl this weekend and said is was very long. I didn’t read the book but thought about seeing the movie. I saw Left Behind instead. Love your trays and I also voted for the Doctor! Hope he wins!

LOVE your white fall decor. I may just have to copy. These posts are great because its a little of everything, the monogram trays are so beautiful with my birthday on Nov.2nd I may have to treat myself to the light blue one, my favorite color!!

Twin Farms looks like heavenly, what a beautiful escape. I voted for Hadi, a remarkable young man to say the least. Read Gone Girl, didn’t love it so probably will wait for it to come out on DVD. Have a nice weekend Tina!

Ti na
I agree with your assessment of Gone Girl,both the book and the movie. I do think the movie was cast very well.
I have also used a white theme this fall. My home is not near as grand and beautiful as yours,but I believe you can achieve the look you like even on a smaller scale if you keep it simple.
Have a delightful Sunday.

Great post today. Cannot wait to try tomato pie! Big Little Lies a must read. Keep you guessing until very end!

Gorgeous fall day but heading back to Vero Beach, Fla. Tomorrow for winter and ready to go. Will look forward to keeping up down there. Thanks for your gorgeous pictures and style !! Nancy

I voted for Hadi. I sure hope he wins!There’s so much to love in this post. The ice cubes, the tomato tart, Twin Farms. And, your home and white pumpkins are beautiful. Can’t believe your hydrangeas have lasted two whole weeks.

Gorgeous fall decor Tina. So elegant, the white is really beautiful and so stately.
I saw Gone Girl yesterday and did not like it. Thought there were too many twists and turns. Also felt it was way too long. I also feel like it was way too over hyped until the next “big thing”.

That tomato tart looks divine. I still have some great tomatoes growing believe it or not so am going to defintieyl try that myself, that is my kind of recipe!! Thank you for your wonderful blog, always the highlight of my morning along with my latte:-)

Good morning, beautiful!

Tina, I too am adding white (but I always do!) to my fall d?cor this year. I love the simplicity that nature has to offer and when coupled with indoor elegance, the two worlds make such a striking combination.

Worn wood, twigs, white pumpkins, walnuts and pinecones add such a beauty to my pine farm table. I love your urns with the white fluffy flowers and of course, your entrance.

Enjoy the joys of home and hearth! Anita


You were simply born to blog! I love those monogrammed trays! I can’t wait to have extra money again to shop!! Lol

I wanted to see Gone Girl, but now I’m not sure I’ll rush there. I thought the book was over-rated too. I’m glad someone else thought so as well.

Your fall decorating is gorgeous. Everytime I see you home I think: I’d rather pay her rent then where I’m living! Lol

Wow, a chip that detects HIV for under $2.00? Amazing. I’ll follow the link.

Deb xo

So many wonderful ideas Tina! Love your monogrammed trays, the fun and oh so pretty ice cubes. I am going with my dear DIL to see Gone Girl today. We read it in book club a year or so ago, so I will be interested to see the change-ups! Have a great weekend!

The Arts by Karena

Without a doubt my favorite blog. Can’t imagine not being able to see your beautiful photos and read about the interesting things you have going on .You have given me so many ideas regarding my home and garden, thank you so much, hope you continue on for years to come.

Hi Tina! Crazy weekend and I’m glad I didn’t miss this post. Love the Fall touches in the house. I had forgotten about the urns you carry and I need to revisit .. I like the way you’ve styled them:) Gone Girl ~ I am probably the only one that hasn’t read the book (my life these days.. ) Anyway, not sure if I’m up for anything Dark at this time.. Your monogram trays are so pretty . When the constructions dust settles and we move back in, I’ll see where I can put one of these ~love them! Happy Sunday and I’m glad you are relaxing. ~leslie

Hi Tina,
Do so love your Seven on Sunday posts. My Sunday morning ritual is to make a cup of coffee and settle in for a delightful read.
Went to 6 Wilson and immediately fell in love with the ‘High End Designer Exquisite Blue Embroidered Flowers on a Champagne Silk Satin 14×24 Pillow Cover Decorative Throw Toss Pillow’. It truly does stand up to it’s name.
Please enter me in the drawing!!
Happy Fall!

I love love the 6 Wilson designer linen pale blue with ivory damask print pillow – it would look great in my bedroom which has these same colors. I also love your blog — you have the cutest way of telling a story and the most beautiful pictures ever! Thanks for sharing!

Such great stuff! I want to see Gone Girl, but found the book disturbing, though a page turner. Kind of glad I know how it turns out! 🙂

Can NOT wait for my tray. I could take one in every color!!!

We adore Twin Farms. Grant and I went a few years ago in the winter and thought it was just amazing. Fall will be a dream. Can’t wait to hear if you enjoy it as much as you did the first time.

I believe Hadi will win. He’s changing the world!
Happy Fall!! (sitting in front of our first fire of the season)
xoxo Elizabeth

Love your post as always. Just thought I would mention, have you tried using boiling water to make your pretty ice cubes, it stops them being cloudy.

Dear Tina, I am awed by your nephew’s achievement. What an incredible person to use his talents and gifts for the betterment of others. Hopefully not too late for me to vote; will check after leaving this comment. Have a wonderful time at Twin Farms. I know it well; it is just down the road from the house we built in South Pomfret. You will drive by the bottom of our (steep) driveway before crossing into Barnard.
PS Love the trays!

My parents did decorative kale in their fall arrangements this year too. Love that. I’m thinking of a white thing myself…love the thought of white mums and white pumpkins.

I made that tomato tart this summer and it was SO scrummy, although I got a little carried away with the fresh dill.

Twin Farms is on our bucket list of things to do before we leave Vermont! There are just too many gorgeous places around here, but Twin Farms looks especially wonderful. Let me know if you ever make it up to Burlington!

Love your home. Your presentation is really great! Wish my bathrooms were as large as yours due to having a disabled person who needs a larger bathroom which in my condo is not really attainable.

Graciousness is how I’d describe your home.

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