Comments : 35

Hello! Well you would have to be hiding under a rock these last few days to not know about about the whopper of a storm that hit us here in NY…as in colossal! How ironic that just a week ago I was whining about how we have not had any snow at all and that I had gotten so excited seeing a few snowflakes last weekend only to have them disappear just moments later.

Then THIS happens!? We got about 26″ of? snow which was quite incredible, especially given that even the weather “experts” didn’t quite call this right, only at the very end did they start ramping up their prediction amounts. It was/is beautiful but man it is A LOT of snow….I almost felt claustrophobic looking outside if you can imagine.

The scope of this storm warrants its very own post plus the bonus is a photo session with Teddy, who at first glance wasn’t sure about venturing out but changed his mind and had a lot of fun while letting me snap away as he frolicked in the white stuff. Very little narration necessary, think the pictures speak volumes!


During the blizzard….

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Morning after-

And the next morning, Mr. Teddy was confused, annoyed and frankly not too happy about the immense amounts of snow impacting his morning prowl….

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Um…guess we will not be using this door any time soon!


Oh! There is one of my lights:)


My poor statuary dogs were all but buried

DSC_0418 DSC_0419as was my patio furniture on the side patio!


My husbands poor little vintage car almost disappeared!


Should I stay or should I go? And go he did….and what fun he had!

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Mom are you sure this is a good idea?

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And he is off…..

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Hey this isn’t so bad afterall……

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Showing my athletic prowess at walking through almost 2 feet of snow:)

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Ahhh this is the good life……kind of like the apres ski scenes out of a Slim Aarons photo!

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Looking good!

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Our neighbor….a beautiful horse farm, looks so gorgeous in the snow!

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And back inside, doing what I do best, primping and playing…

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switched out my jars for these lovely square vases new to my shop, always like to change things up!

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And did a “dress rehearsal’ for a small luncheon/meeting I am hosting

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And finally switched up the vignette on the chest in my hallway and put the nutcrackers away who made way for foo dogs:)


Spruced things up in the powder room off the kitchen, a bit of blue and white, white flowers and tole never hurt anybody!


Feeling a little chilly? Hard to believe….this was indeed epic! Now the clean up has begun which admittedly will take some time, we have carved paths and finally the the snowplows made it through our driveway so we can actually get out today. While I very much enjoyed being home and getting to totally relax, I am a bit movied, ipaded and booked out……ready to get in my car and get out!

I will say though that I so enjoyed getting to rewatch four of my favorite John Grisham movies (love his books and movies) they never get old, finally finished 2 books!! One I finished and it is now one of my all time faves (will talk about it on Sunday). And we had food galore, everything from the most yummy gumbo to key lime pie (channeling my inner southern belle)! Glad it came but happier it’s over:) OK now can we waltz into spring……until next time!

If you missed my Seven on Sunday, click here, lots of beauty to see:)


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Great pictures!!! Hope you guys can dig out soon. It’s warm and sunny here in Charleston today– sending some your way!!

I have so enjoyed all the snow pictures on my face book and I was hoping you would also have pictures to share with us. Just beautiful! Teddy was really enjoying it too :). Living in the D.C. area we had quite the blizzard but I was totally prepared. Snowed in making soup and enjoying cocktails by the fire with my husband. What could be better? πŸ™‚

Thanks Tina

Hi Tina,

Those pictures put a smile on my face. Last week we lost out 10 yr old cockapoo CODY. He was the best and cutest dog in the world. We are devastated. He also loved the snow. It was great to see Teddy playing as he would have..Thanks for brightening up a somber day as always….

way to make a blizzard look like a gorgeous iced cake, all magic and delicious. thanks especially for all the pics of teddy enjoying the season. hope things get milder as the winter progresses though! peace to you, friend.

26 inches???? Holy guacamole!!! Teddy loves the snow as much as Chow. Chili just likes to eat it. I think (hope) that it’s suppose to get warmer so it will all melt. Enjoy your week!

Oh my that IS a lot of snow!! I’m like you . . . I think snow is beautiful . . . but it gets old very quickly. The pictures of your home during the storm are absolutely gorgeous! If I lived close to you I would forget ever ounce of manners my mother ever taught me and invite myself over for a tour and a cup of tea!! So happy the roads are clear and you can get out again. FREEDOM!!! Can’t wait to hear more details about your beautiful new Southern home! Blessings my friend!

Oh Tina how I wish you lived closer! I say that ll the time- Be Careful what you wish for! Like California needed rain then they got drenched, we wished for snow then we got snowed in! THe universe is a funny thing! Hope you are all dug out and warm! xo K

Tina, your photos of the storm are nothing short of INCREDIBLE!! I must say that your beautiful house and grounds where it well. Thank you so much for braving the cc-cold to allow us to vicariously enjoy!

Did mean that your beautiful house and ground WEAR the snow well and not “where” as I mistyped. I’m still on my first cup of coffee here πŸ˜‰

Beautiful images, but the best images are of your sweet fur baby rolling around in the snow……..if I took my sweet fur babies out I would never find them again till all the snow melts, they are small….
Stay warm…..

Beautiful pictures of virgin snow. Especially love the shots of Teddy! But I understand his hesitancy. I wouldn’t want my dingle to dangle in snow that deep either.
In the far northwest Chicago area, our Golden Cassie makes snow angel dogs. Our Cassie girl loves it! ( A grooming brush helps with the clumps left in the fur instead of melting down in the kitchen…..)

Crikey you had a lot of snow.Your photos are beautiful! Apparently we are getting the tail end of your storm here in England in the form of heavy rain & high winds. Unfortunately that might mean more flooding for those poor people already hit over Christmas.Take care.

Your house looks beautiful in the snow. 18″ here in south jersey! My little bichon/poodle ran outside and then right back in. The snow was waaay too deep for her!

Love the snow pictures of Teddy! When we occasionally get snow here in the Ozark mountains my inside cat Thomas begs to go out. He’s a snow bunny.

I noticed all of your white flowers. Beautiful. From New Years eve through all of January I have fresh white flowers in the house. It’s become a tradition with me.
Enjoy the snow!

We had slightly less than you, Tina, but quite a bit just the same and our dogs aren’t half as adventurous as your Teddy. We just so happy the storm came on a weekend so that we had time to dig out – the kids are sad they didn’t get a snow day, though! Stay safe and warm.
C + C

Your pictures are gorgeous! I wanted the big snow but we didn’t get one flake of snow here in Cincinnati. Maybe next winter, because I’m with you?bring on spring! I was just going to ask about Teddy and then I saw all the pics of him. Adorable! Looks like he was rolling in it.
Thanks for sharing, I love how you take so many pics. A feast for the eyes.

wow! So much snow!!! I am sure you are sick of it about now! It’s all fun and pretty… for a few hours. That doesn’t look like it’s going to melt anytime soon! Pretty pictures though, thanks for sharing with us all!

glad your a john grisham fan too! my husband made 12 walnut boxes for his movie crew. the movie, mickey, was ultimately shelved but they did keep all the boxes. we know him personally and his lovely wife. enjoyed the snow pictures and teddy.

Hi Tina

Nice to enjoy “your snow”

We have beach sand “white as snow”


Dear Tina,
Your pictures are gorgeous!
I am envious because we don’t get any real “weather” in So. CA! I don’t have to look at the weather report to know what the weather is like on the East Coast. The hotter it is in So Ca the colder it is in your neck of the woods. Right now it is 80 here. When we had “cold” weather for a short while, earlier this winter, (by colder I mean 60 in the daytime and 46 at night), the East Coast had warm weather. So I hope that you warm up so we can cool down, because I like winter to seem like winter! Thank you for the lovely pictures.
I love your winter wonderland!
Laura Marec

Gorgeous pictures. Your home looks stunning and Teddy looks like he’s having a great time. Enjoy the snow and stay warm?

I am amazed from both last year’s snow and with this snowfall. You get way more snow than we do – and I live in Canada. People always think we get tons of snow here, but the eastern seaboard of the U.S. gets walloped compared to us.
Teddy is cute doing his best panda bear routine.

That’s a lot of snow. We had enough here about 3 inches it crippled Southern Virginia. My son had 6 inches in Williamsburg, Va. My husband works in DC and Maryland 26 inches and 30 inches. Some places are not even plowed so he is staying home. Crazy weather. No more ! Hope you are doing great and have electricity. Love you sweet dog enjoying the snow. It is good you have a tall dog.

Amazing photos of the snow, so hard to imagine the cold when it is so hot here in Australia !! It looks so pretty. Love the photos of Teddy in the snow, what a beautiful dog !! What intrigues me is you don’t seem to have curtains at the windows except for one in those photos. I would have thought they would help insulate from the cold. Just me being curious πŸ™‚

Ah, the simple joys of life experienced through the eyes of our pets! Beautiful pictures. I love seeing them from a DISATANCE πŸ™‚ I grew up in the midwest and now live in Houston. Don’t think I could survive a true winter any more. Thank you for sharing πŸ™‚

My favorite winter days are those with a fresh layer of snow on the ground (maybe not 26 inches, though) and a bright blue sky. I guess it is that blue and white combo that we love so much!

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