Comments : 35

Hello there! Hope your week is off to a wonderful start. Here temps were creeping up and I was loving the 60 degree days, but now its plunged into the 40’s and its back to wearing my winter coat:(? A very busy but productive week so far getting much accomplished on many fronts. Had a stomach bug which threw me off but feeling better today so it’s full steam ahead.

As I periodically do, I share with you snippets of my week (only the good and pretty of course)! So here we go…….



A table set for two at dusk I know I know it looks so romantic but full disclosure….(reality is we sat at the kitchen island and ate Greek takeout)


And have been on a tablesetting binge lately….having fun!


These are scenes from the amazing Juliska warehouse sale (and yes did some damage added onto existing patterns) set for life now and a few shots from their beautiful flagship store~

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A friends beautiful dining room featuring two of my jars!


Scenes from NYC being out and about….

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If you have not seen Matilda…you must, it was fabulous!



Went to the new restaurant The National in Greenwich…loved the decor and colors-

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Love the blue doors at Per Se in NYC…..perfect glossy blue! (thank goodness for stairs and escalators, this was doable)!



Spring is alive and well in my house!



Adorable Mr. Teddy ventured to the backyard on one of our balmy 60 degree days


Got in these gorgeous chinosierie tea cup pillows for a custom order, too bad they need to ship out!


So that is what’s new in my neck of the woods this past week. How about you? What’s new and exciting on your end? Has spring arrived yet? Hope the sun is shining and the birds are chirping wherever you might be. Thank you for stopping in. Wishing you a wonderful day,? until next time…..


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Hi Tina,

Thank you for sharing as always. Just a note, I have noticed that ever since someone posted a comment about there being more to life than pretty things, that you have made numerous veiled references regarding that statement. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing the beauty in your world, that is exactly why I visit your site and you should not feel that you have to now be apologetic for that fact. There are numerous sites for every need one may have. You cannot be everything to everyone and if I want the news I will turn on CNN. Dont change who you are or apologize for what you do. Throughout history, as women we have always tried to make the world a more beautiful place depsite the chaos around us. I am grateful to women like you who remind us that at heart, women have always been keepers of the hearth and it is our love of beauty that makes the world a kindler, gentler place. Thank you so very much for your contribution, you try so very hard, care so much and that is always evident.

Amen Tessa,
I love the pretty things.It’s what gives me pleasure on a dreary day or when I feel down.I feel like I’m visiting a friend.
I got a kick out of the first pic with the romantic table setting.My first thought was “Oh that would be so nice”.Then I laughed at you eating takeout in the kitchen!
Love to Teddy.


Love Greek food! Miss my Yia Yia’s cooking. Love the dishes, so pretty. Would of loved to been there shopping for dishes too. Great weather here in California in the 70’s. Happy Tuesday!

First of all, it makes me feel so much better to think you were eating Greek takeout at the kitchen island and the Juliska sale looks amazing. So want to start the bamboo pattern for the beach! Happy Tuesday!

Enjoying all your posts. Such fun seeing all the pretties. I love doing different table settings.My little granddaughter came to spend the weekend and I did a table setting just for her. She is only 2 1/2 but I like her to have a pretty plate, napkin ring and her sterling dinner set. Not too young to start! –China is my weakness and I can’t seem to stop picking up new pieces to make a fun table. Your table looks beautiful and very inviting.

It seems that you are hard working and lucky – why be concerned about what a few people may think. I enjoy seeing things that I will never be able to afford, and they are beautiful!

Lets keep in mind the woman who made the comment was 75. It’s no excuse, but let’s let it go. If I’m blessed to live to that age I pray that I only see beauty in all things. For today I’m happy to read my TEH email. Thanks for adding beauty to my day, Tina.

Great pics. That warehouse sale made my heart go pitter patter. What fabulous things they had! Always enjoy your photos from NYC. Enjoy your week, Tina!!

I could not agree more …
All comments are apropos !
A visit to Juliska warehouse will be on my travel list .
I’d be in “tablescape heaven” !
Tina… keep the beauty flowing on your fabulous site and, as always,
Merci !!

Thanks Tessa,well said. It is a treat to vicariously see the world thru someone else’s life. I look forward to every post, just like a wonderful novel. Marcia

Your positive attitude, your devotion to friends and family as well as your wonderful photos are inspiring.

Your lovely site is a joy. Tessa said it very well. I enjoy your positive attitude and the beautiful things you share with everyone.

I love seeing all the beauty that surrounds you! Thank you for sharing them. I most certainly appreciate the emails I receive from you. I believe it’s important as other readers have mentioned to surround ourselves with beauty.

I agree one hundred percent to surround ourselves with beauty. It sure makes dealing with the not-so-pretty a bit easier when we have a happy place. Thank you, Tina, for all that you share with us!!! Have a great day!

I always look forward to each & every post you make! Don’t change a thing! I’ve gotten my sisters addicted as well……please keep on doing what you do…….

What a beautiful post. I laughed when you said that yeah, the table at dusk was pretty but you really ate Greek takeout in the kitchen! Thank you for the smile πŸ™‚ Spring is such a tease, one day she’s here and the nest, it’s bitter winter again. Here the grass is all green and needs to be mowed, and the daffodils are all up and smiling! I wish there was a Juliska outlet sale here, I would go crazy. I’m collecting on eBay…hey, I like the hunt. I hope you have a beautiful day and a lovely week full of sunshine, good health and happiness in the small moments of the day.

You can escape to Palmetto when it is cold and rainy up there. Can’t wait for you to get started on your new home! We are not far from S.C. just next door. Weatherman said 81 today and 70’s all week , can’t believe it ! Our Dogwoods are starting to bloom and the Daffodils are up it is beautiful, but alas it is going to drop Friday, gotta take the good with the bad lol! Look forward to you joining us . Thank you for your beautiful website !!!!!

Love, Love, love the teapot pillows … and everything else you share on your blog. It is always a bright spot in my day when I see “Enchanted Home” in my email inbox! Do you think you will ever carry the teapot pillows in your store? πŸ™‚

Your beautiful “table for two” just gave me a fabulous idea. My husband returns from a long business trip this week and I think dining at a beautifully laid table in special part of our home (not usually used for dining) is a perfect welcome home. Thank you for your wonderful posts. I always look forward to seeing “The Enchanted Home” in my inbox!

Tessa said it more eloquently than I ever could. 100% agree with everything she said!

I love your posts Tina!

Where was the Juliska sale? Very interested, My favorite and my daughter just registered for the blue basket patten with some of the toile for her wedding. Love your blog

I sent you the following email on March 8th but haven’t heard back from you. I wonder if it’s in your spam folder.

I would like to purchase this item – Item # 2 – Room spray/perfume- $25.00.


Thank you

I agree with Tessa, and I love beautiful things! I so look forward to your posts, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to share such beauty and style with us!

I for one enjoy viewing all the beauty your site has to offer, in my opinion there can never be enough beauty, I’m loving those tea pillows,how beautiful…that goes for your table setting for two…..

Tessa summed up my thoughts beautifully. I go to your sight to lift my spirits and see beautiful things. Don’t stop sharing all things lovely , exquisite and transforming.

Tessa needs to run for President of the United States! Well said, girlfriend! I too, look forward to Tina’s blog and love seeing all the beautiful things and getting great decorating ideas!

Tina, your first photo made me laugh out loud! You ask why? You photo was “romantic” but my husband and I had just eaten Greek take out the night before, in front of the television! Our time in Naples, Florida is coming to a close too soon; we go home at the end of the month! I’ve enjoyed enjoyed everything being green and will go back to the Lake of the Ozarks, where spring has not “sprung” yet:(

Enjoyed seeing Teddy getting outside. Our dog, Asia, has certainly enjoyed Naples’ weather. In fact, sometimes the weather has been too hot and she goes out and comes right back inside. Poor thing, she is 11 years old, and was having a panic attack day. I stayed with her and finally gave her a pill the vet ordered, and she calmed down, after an hour! What we do for our “hairy” children!

So funny about the Greek take out, ha! and I’m jealous that I missed that Juliska event Tina!! Gorgeous pieces and I’m sure you picked up some beautiful pieces. I enjoyed your NY photos. My 27 year old son moved to Brooklyn in January to work with a start up company for about 6 months. He’s now planning to move to Manhattan and will stay in some new apartment housing for young entrepreneurs. I’m happy for him but also a little sad that he is liking it :\ It was time for him to get out of Seattle and I know this is best for him.

I think speak for all your regulars—We love seeing your beautiful home, decor and seasonal changes and everything. Please don’t stop . When I first started following you, you were taking us through your home as it was completed and that is what first attracted me to your blog. Hugs, Kathy

Hi Tessa,well said. It is a treat to vicariously see the world thru someone else?s life. I look forward to every post, just like a wonderful novel. You always come up with interesting stuff to read.

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