Comments : 21

Hello! Happy Sunday to you….hope you are having a wonderful weekend. We are in Montreal this weekend for a wedding, so this is scheduled to post on Sunday morning. Fingers crossed it will. Is it me or is summer suddenly feeling like it’s in fast forward? To be celebrating July 4th weekend already is a bit crazy and scary. It’s going too fast!

In celebration of my wonderful new and improved site, I am going to be offering a series of special discounts on various categories from my online shop throughout the coming weeks. Sunday will begin a discount on all silver for an extra 20% which will be for two days only. A great time to take advantage of something you might have had your eye on!

Also all subscription issues appear to be fixed. So please let us know by Monday if you are not receiving our email posts…your feedback is always so valuable.

Anyway hope you are having a wonderful weekend, let’s get started with my Seven on Sunday….


1 A WONDERFUL POST ON MY HOME. I love hearing from my readers and customers, I get to know so many people from all over the world and it is truly one of the greatest gifts of blogging! I was contacted by a reader in Poland who has a blog, Simply Interiors, who  asked if she could do a post on my home. It is always so flattering to get these requests. I was impressed when I saw her post and wanted to share it with you as there are a number of pictures even I forgot about! Click here to see it.



2 LE SIRENUSE My son is graduating form college next May. Cannot believe it! We told him we want to plan a family trip to celebrate his graduation. He wants to go to Italy and I. know his insatiable love of pasta and all things Italian is a big part of that. He surely doesn’t have to twist my arm! With luck we will start in Rome, head to Tuscany then move onto the Amalfi Coast.

I. know my trust travel adviser Sandy of You May Be Wandering will set us up and do her magic as she does so well. If you need a fabulous agent,  I highly recommend her. One “must stay” hotel for me is Le Sirenuse, never been which is a shame but cannot wait to go.  Have many friends who. have been  and promise I will just love it. I. mean really what’s not to love! Check it out and click here to find out more.


3  MY LITTLE GARDEN AND SUMMER PASTA . This year I was late out of the starting gate with the garden so planted only tomatos, cucumbers, basil and a few other herbs. To me one of the greatest pleasures in life is being able to walk out into your own garden, pick fresh produce, walk inside and whip up a meal. A luxury!

Last week I had come from my office, really exhausted and not sure what to make for my husband. So I walked out, picked a bunch of the cherry tomatos that were practically bursting off the vine, grabbed , a huge handful of basil, walked in and made his favorite pasta. What a treat!


About a cup of juicy ripe red tomatoes

A large cluster of fresh basil (must be fresh)

About 7-8 whole garlic cloves

Olive oil

2 TBSP heavy cream

Fresh Parmesan

Salt and pepper

Thin spaghetti cooked to al dente

Simply saute the garlic in oil. When done add your cut (or whole cherry tomato) an about 5 large basil leaves. Saute for about 15 min until tomatoes are total sauteed. Season with salt and pepper, add cream and then remove garlic cloves. Simmer and and at end, add the rest of the basil. I mix in the pasta until it is mixed well together. I season with fresh Parmesan and a few cut strips of fresh basil….yum!


4 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST And the beauty continues, what a breath of fresh air this batch is. Enjoy!


ITEM 5. AMAZING DEALS ON EVENING CLOTHES. Leave it to Last Call to feature so many amazing deals on tons of great evening cocktail dresses and gowns. We have a number of things to go to over the next few months so I was lucky and scored some amazing deals.

The caveat is they only have a handful in each size, so sometimes you just get lucky! The deals certainly make it worth trying so if you are in the market for a dressy outfit, it’s worth checking out. Click here to see them all.


6. A VACATION CENTERED AROUND FOOD. OK there is a disclaimer here. I am not responsible for a certain urge to book a flight to Italy  and enroll in a cooking course….sorry! This is most definitely on my bucket list! I mean, come on a vacation solely centered around cooking and dining…where do I sign up! Click here to find out  more about Edible Destinations…..mangia!



7. SUNDAY’S SURVEY. Common courtesy is the subject today. The other day I was at the post office waiting in line. Someone walks up behind me talking very loudly on her phone. She has the entire conversation on speaker phone to boot. It was so loud it sounded like it was on an amplifier! I turned around as a knee jerk reaction because I wasn’t sure what I was hearing (as did everyone else in line).

She didn’t budge but just kept right on talking. I guess to talk on her phone is not the end of the world but to have the conversation on speaker! It was so rude to me, because it affected everyone around her. We were being forced to listen to her conversation and it was a major distraction. I so wanted to say something but didn’t. You would have thought the many stares and constant turn around would have sent a signal loud and clear but no! So what do you think?


So there you have my Seven on Sunday, anything pique your interest? I always love hearing from you and so happy you include The Enchanted Home in your Sunday mornings. Wishing everyone a wonderful day and end to your weekend (or beginning of your holiday weekend)! Until next time…..


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Coming up this week-

Bluff Diaries

One enchanted evening…

Which would you choose







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Tina, your home is MAGICAL ! Your love for it too shines through as you can tell that every corner of it is thoughtfully styled.. Blessings.

I took notes on your Summer Pasta, which sounds delicious. But then I clicked on Edible Destinations and they showed a recipe for Summer Pasta. The big difference is that they said to add the basil at the END, whereas you add it to the tomatoes and saute.
Which is better? Also, is your recipe for a pound of pasta?

Thanks Rina, again, for your wonderful posts. You’re always an inspiration….I’ll be trying your summer pasta recipe this week!!! Safe travels !

Hi Tina,
I never get tired of seeing pictures of your gorgeous home! It is a masterpiece of perfection in every way. I do not recognize the round, or oval, dining table with upholstered white chairs. I think I have missed a room! *As if I have actually been there, but you so generously share it with all of us it almost seems that way.* Have a wonderful 4th and safe travels.

The funniest response I have heard, where someone was forced to publicly overhear a private cell phone conversation, was the person (victim) in an airport who loudly joined in on the conversation and responded quite clearly to each thing said by the person on the phone. The ‘phone’ person responded by giving quizzical looks and frowns, but this guy just kept it up until the ‘phone’ person finished her call. Not sure I would have had the nerve to do that, but it did sound humorous and somewhat appropriate.

I was married in old Montreal at Notre Dame Cathedral. Such a beautiful city with great culture and great people. I am lucky to live only an hour south in New York State.

I am not receiving your posts anymore and when I try to subscribe again it doesn’t work. Help!!

You must be Italian!
I am 100 percent!
Everything you showed of Italy was beautiful! It’s the only place I want to visit again!
The one shot in the video of the cooking school brought back a flood of great memories of my grandmother teaching me how to make pasta. It was the mound of flour with the hole in the middle for the eggs! We also had so much fun making ravioli and other pasta.
I still have her ravioli cutter.

Our post office actually has signs that say cell phones are prohibited.

Love your garden! Looks like you are doing a Square Foot Garden. You will have to try lettuce-the ultimate luxury of cooking from your garden. I thought rabbits would bother the lettuce, but with planting seeds of nasturtium (flowers and leaves also good in salad) adjacent have not had any issues. Can plant lettuce seeds very 3weeks for continuous supply. The Romaine Paris Island is our favorite- more tender than what you get at store. Paris Island will always be in my garden!

Actually, regarding the rude speaker phone in public, I’d probably tell (not ask) her to please leave the premises until her conversation was completed.” I’m surprised the postal clerks failed to respond with something appropriate.

As for your epicurean travels in Italy ~ YUM!!!! I enjoyed this segment.

Wow, I can be packed and ready in a second if given the chance to take a trip fantastic to Le Sirenuse. Who would ever want to leave?

Tina..La Sirenuse!!!!!! I have heard about this hotel for ages as I have a friend in N.Y. who is a very tony travel age nt and she has recommended very highly over the years but I have never seen it and am thrilled to do so..It is just exquisite..thank you so much for featuring it this week! Italy is such an antidote to a certain spareness in modern life There is another one there also that is excellent -perhaps slightly more expensive but supposed to be beyond fabulous as well but I cannot remember the name of it…thank you so much for this post!!!!

Dear Tina, I haven’t been receiving your blog since the new site came down a few weeks ago. I’ve subscribed a couple of times with no results. Today had a hard time finding Seven on Seven. Help!

Thank you Tina! It was a real pleasure to write about your beautiful home! <3 I'm glad you like the post. I hope to stay in touch! Have a nice day! Kasia

“He wants to go to Italy and I. know his insatiable love of pasta and all things Italian is a big part of that”. You’d assume a love of all things Italian night be behind a desire to go and visit, haha.
But don’t let a travel agent – why not organise it yourself? Travel agents are rather out of date these days – book you that route: you’ll be double-backing on yourself. Florence-Rome-Naples is the way. Or the reverse.

Hi Tina;
I’m Trish, from Victoria BC, and originally from Montreal QC. You spent Canada Day in my home town? I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed all that Montreal has to offer. It’s a beautiful city and I truly do miss it. Victoria is also beautiful and now that I’ve been her for 17 years I don’t see myself moving again. One cross country move was enough!
I’m afraid I’m not receiving your emails either. It used to be so easy, just went through Katie’s blog friends at Preppy Empty Nester and clicked. Now that she’s going on hiatus for the rest of the summer it’s going to be a little more difficult. Hope this issue gets fixed soon!
Loved your Seven on Sunday, as always, but this time I noticed something I’ve missed before. When I clicked on a link it took me away from your blog. Could have your tech person fix it so that when you offer us a link it opens in a new tab? It just makes it so much easier for us to stay on your page while enjoying what you’ve directed us to.
Loved LOVED looking at the pictures in Kasia’s blog and even copied her text into google translates to see what she had to say.
Looking forward to hearing more from you, hope the email notification issue is resolved soon!

I can’t believe it has taken me all week to get to your Seven on Sunday! Thanks for the shout out – I can personally vouch for the stunning beauty of Le Sirenuse – one of the most beautiful places EVER. Hope you have a great weekend!!! xoxo

As always your post are fabulous. I was not getting them for the past week or so, therefore I missed the silver sale. Hope you will have another one soon. I did resubscribe, but for some reason I am not getting them. I have to go to the browser to get it. I will resubscribe again so that I can resume getting your post daily.

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