Comments : 10

Hi everyone! The site has been down for about 36 hours due to maintenance and having to update the SSL certificate. So sorry for any inconvenience, I too was having withdrawals:)  All the work is complete and we are back to business! Better late than never, here is my Seven on Sunday…

Good Sunday morning to you. Hope you are having a marvelous weekend. Here the weather is amazingly beautiful, maybe a drop warmer than I would like but I am not complaining:)  That to me, means fall has really arrived. Hope you are enjoying fall wherever you might be, let’s move along to my Seven on Sunday….




1 EXCITING NEW SHOP HAPPENINGS. Got one of each size dog bowl in and let me tell you, they are even prettier in person. They are due here between Nov. 15-22nd and all presale orders will ship the minute they hit our warehouse. These are of course bittersweet as they were originally designed with Teddy in mind which is why they are called affectionately, the “Teddy” bowl. They are available for presale, click here to the presale category to  order yours!



Feast your eyes on these spectacular new chinoiserie tole pieces soon heading this way. I will hold a presale on them in about 2-3 weeks so stay tuned. Need one of each 🙂

And how about the newest style Provence planters in these stunning new colors!


The gift wrap presale was a huge success….I cannot wait for it to come in and to get busy wrapping up holiday gits. It is now available for presale on the shop site, if you missed it click here

2. THE DESIGNER SHOWHOUSE IN NEWPORT If you are a blue and white lover you will adore this idea house in Newport, Rhode Island. Spearheaded by Mark Sikes, it is a blue and white lovers dream. Wish I could have scheduled a quick trip up there but with busy weeks around here and being in the pre holiday mode, I have to schedule my getaways very strategically. So for now, I will enjoy it via these beautiful pictures from Coastal Living. Click here to see the entire home and learn more…..


3. INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Fall is alive and well this weekend. Many of my picks this Sunday center around fall and why not, it’s the most beautiful season of all. Of course,  I added in a few mouth watering food pics too…sorry!

And my most favorite  this week is this beautiful picture because besides being one of my most favorite Instagram accounts, this picture just sums up the beauty of. fall in every way!


4. A FAVORITE SOUP Nothing like a big pot of piping hot soup as the days get colder. I am a serious connoisseur of soup, my mother in law used to refer to me as the “soup queen”. Tried this a few months ago and must say it is DELISH! I love the tang of the lemon and this is also guilty free which makes it extra tasty! Add a loaf of crusty french bread and you have yourself one delicious meal.  Found at Cooking Classy, click here for the fantastic recipe.

  • 1 lb boneless , skinless chicken breasts
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 1/2 Tbsp olive oil , divided
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped carrots (about 3 large)
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped celery (about 3 stalks)
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped yellow onion (1 medium)
  • 5 cloves garlic , minced
  • 7 cups chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/2 tsp each dried basil , dried thyme, and dried rosemary  (I used fresh basil)
  • 1 cup (5.8 oz) dried orzo pasta
  • 1 parmesan rind , plus shredded parmesan for serving
  • 1 1/2 tsp lemon zest
  • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 5 oz (5 packed cups) fresh spinach, roughly chopped (I used about 3 packed cups)
  1. Place chicken on a cutting board, cover with plastic wrap and pound evenly to about 1/2-inch thickness. Season chicken with salt and pepper on both sides. Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil a large enameled cast iron pot over medium-high heat. Add chicken and sear on both sides until browned, about 2 – 3 minutes per side. Transfer chicken to plate leaving oil in pan. Add an additional 1/2 Tbsp olive oil to pan then add carrots, celery and onion and saute 3 minutes. Move veggies to the side, add garlic and saute 1 minute. Pour in chicken broth, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary and season with salt and pepper to taste. Return chicken to pot and bring to a simmer. Add orzo and parmesan rind, reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer stirring occasionally, about 8 – 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through (it should register 165 degrees in center on an instant read thermometer). Remove parmesan rind and chicken and transfer chicken to a cutting board. Let chicken rest 5 minutes then cut into very small cubes, about the length of the orzo. Meanwhile continue to cook soup, covered. while chicken is resting.
  2. Return chicken to soup along with lemon juice, lemon zest and spinach and heat through. Serve warm with parmesan cheese. Note that as soup rests the pasta will absorb the broth so you can as a little more broth as desired.
  3. Recipe source: Cooking Classy



5. IF YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO LIVE IN CALIFORNIA!  This is so cute and what a great idea for any event, wedding or party! A mobile bar, hummm…wonder if I can keep it permanently in my driveway;) Really cute idea, hope it catches on and makes its way to NY! Right now looks like it’s only in Southern California…cheers to a great idea! Click on video to see it in action-


6. MOVIES! We saw American Made and much to my surprise ti was a fascinating and really exciting story, the fact that it is true makes it even more exciting. I am not the biggest Tom Cruise fan but must admit,  he was really good. A few others coming up that look promising…finally!!

This looks really good and like a real tear jerkier, normally again not my favorite genre but this all star cast and movie look really poignant and a reminder of the tremendous sacrifice and sometimes lasting effects that these servicemen and women give for their country


I missed this but will make a point to see it when it comes out on Netflix or DVD, this looks like one of Sally Hawkin’s  best performances-

And really looking forward to seeing All The Money In The World about the Getty’s


7. SUNDAY’S SURVEY So this has to do with dinner parties. I love to host in my home but admittedly don’t do it nearly enough. Normally our plans with friends revolve around choosing a favorite restaurant and making reservations. On rare occasions I have hosted a dinner party and you know what? I loved it and wondered why I don’t do it more often.

So I was having a conversation with a friend who lives in Boston (and who loves to cook and is darn good at it) and she said that she and her friends have started having a dinner club where every six weeks or so one of them hosts a dinner party. I love that idea! We started talking about how the idea of a dinner party has fallen out of favor and reservations have taken it’s place, kind of sad in a way.

So wondering what your thoughts are on the. matter. I wonder too if it is a regional thing, depending on where you live it’s more or less common. If I were to guess I would think in the South it’s more common….(just another reason to love the south:)

OK your turn to weigh in-



PS Brand new flash sale on Antica Farmacista starting Monday afternoon, click here to visit

Thanks for stopping in. Wishing you a wonderful and relaxing day, and a great end to your weekend. Until next time….

Coming up this week-

My fiesta party recap

Bluff Diaries

Random musings as seen through my iPhone


















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I would love to be part of a dinner club as I have always been comfortable hosting dinners, yet it truly has fallen from favor and I don’t know many folks who still enjoy them! The mobile bar has my entrepreneurial mind working overtime…brilliant! Happy Monday, friend. xox

With regards to entertaining in your home, sometimes I find that I tried to make it too complicated which can be a deterrent. I need to keep in mind that hospitality is all about great food, great conversation, and great warmth. Great warmth is about making creating an environment to insure your guests are comfortable and welcomed well. These three things do not necessarily take a lot of money or time but rather just thoughtful preparation. Having people over for dinner is a wonderful tradition to reinstate.

Happy you are back up and working as my Sundays are not complete without your posts and now I get to enjoy it on a Monday Love all the new items and always enjoy the instagram picks. We also saw American Made and thought it was well done, and surely proof that the government is not as squeaky clean as some believe. I saw Maudie and really enjoyed it, she deserves an Oscar in my opinion.
I love attending a dinner party though we don’t go to many but I would be way too nervous to throw one, in our family my husband is the cook:-)

I am fortunate to live close to my sisters and brother, so once a month we get together for a family dinner. We take turns, and it’s great to stay in touch and catch up on what’s been happening in each other’s lives. I entertain every chance I get!

Tina, happy Monday to you! I am a Southern girl, and want to relate a fun idea. Some years back, our church, which was very large, introduced a supper club concept called “Salt and Pepper.” Couples were assigned to groups of 5 or more, maybe 6. Every other month, one couple in the group would host dinner in their home, providing the main entree. The others would provide side dishes. The next time, couple two would host, again providing the main course, the rest providing sides. It was such a marvelous way to get to know one another on a more personal and meaningful way. And the food? Fabulous! Once the supper club had run the circuit so to speak, all couples’ names were thrown back in the pot, and new assignments were made for the upcoming year. One of my favorite things of all time. Thank you for your beautiful blog! I am such a fan!!!!!

So glad to see that you are back on line. My computer said there was an error and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Can’t wait to get my Christmas wrapping paper. It would be nice to have “To/From” tags that match for the packages.

I started a ladies book club/dinner club in my neighborhood a few years ago. It’s great. We each serve as hostess once a year. We’ve had all kinds of great dinners, often ‘themed’ depending on the time of year. And, we discuss favorite books. Can’t wait to try your soup recipe. It looks delicious!

I love to make soup, too, and have dozens of recipes I rotate through our chilly months. (Which isn’t that chilly here in Redondo Beach California, but we pretend!) My family loves it – so delicious,comforting, and nourishing, yet surprisingly easy and economical!

I am home sick today and sure could use a pot of that delicious looking soup. I love the Teddy bowls and will definitely be ordering one. Your ideas are not only beautiful but very unique.
I love fall and entertaining at home but really must admit I do not do it very often. I do like the idea a lot of a dinner party and rotating in peoples homes, sounds like a fun idea. I do find that in the colder months I like having people more, guess it’s going into hibernation!

I used to entertain quite a bit, but have slowed down. I still do the annual Holiday dinner for 60 and really enjoy it as do my guest and they all look forward to it every year. It’s a lot of planning and preparation but it’s a lot of fun. I can say that we do eat out more than entertain in.?

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