Comments : 29

Hello! First want to announce the winner of the Holiday gift wrap contest. Congrats goes to-


I love the green and blue topiaries. But they are all lovely and would make quite a statement under a tree

Please email [email protected] to provide your name and shipping address so that your assorted box of gift wrap can be on it’s way.



Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Ours has been very nice,  a great mix of fun with a little work thrown in as the unofficial holiday season has most certainly kicked off. Was in the city, attended part of a small birthday lunch, went to the flower market, came home met friends for drinks and then we had dinner plans.

I like having those kinds of super busy days once in a while, but couldn’t handle it every weekend! as I was pooped by 10pm!  The weather was spectacular, as good as fall gets. Today  preparing for a luncheon at my home tomorrow so today busy getting those details in order. And yes, you can bet I will be taking notes and pictures to include on a future Entertaining Diaries post!

Fall weather is here and I am loving it, have slowly started to put away the last few items of summer and transitioning into dressing for my favorites season of all. OK onward to my Seven on Sunday, lots to share today so sit back and grab a second cup of coffee:)


1 CUSTOMERS AMAZING HOMES I so love getting your pictures, wanted to share a recent batch I got in. Gives me such a thrill to see my items in your beautiful homes, on your tables or beautiful events! If you have one to share please send to [email protected]

Loved seeing some of our silver pieces at this incredible event!

How fabulous does our pagoda lantern look in this beautiful space!

How gorgeous is this front door, our Provence planters are peeking out flanking that beautiful blue door!

Love seeing our small Staffordshire dogs all wrapped up in gingham

Love the magnolia and greens in our large village scene bowl!

Our beautiful silver mini table lamps and chargers

The framed ginger jars look right at home in this beautiful blue and white loving home

I have to share how brilliant this customer is (from Instagram) her name is The Ironlantern, click here to follow her. Can you believe the works of art she created using my chioniserie paper! The pumpkins are AMAZING and how about the giant Easter Eggs she created for her spring table? Inspired!!


2 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Loads of fall appropriate Instagram with some other pretty pictures thrown in:)

And this had me laughing, one thing in blue and white, I do not own…..a blue and white charm bracelet!

3 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED DESIGN BOOKS! I have received a number of books lately and a few are sensational as in “do not hesitate to order” kinds of books.

This book by Alex Hitz is AMAZING. Filled with so many fantastic recipes, pictures and entertaining ideas. This could be akin to an entertaining bible for that hostess always looking to step up her game. Several of his recipes are on my radar to try soon. A home run of a book! Click here to see on Amazon

Adore this book from Tom Scheerer, so much so that I actually gave one to a friend for her birthday. I own his first book and this is like a gorgeous sequel! Chock full of beautiful an inspiring interiors. A wonderful addition to any serial coffee table book collector like myself:) Click here to see it on Amazon


Now this is diverting away from what I typically read and collect but come on.…who didn’t dream of being a ballerina when they were little! I sure did and when I wasn’t floating through the air like an elegant swan by the third lesson I was done with ballet:) However this book is soooo beautiful. Filled with one breathtaking a picture after another of this incredible art form. I know one young aspiring ballerina who will be getting this for her room fro Christmas:)

Click here to view on Amazon

This was kind of unexpected in terms of being a book I thoroughly enjoyed going through. I think it is the exotic beauty of Tangier that got my attention. I mean you think of Morocco and how mysterious and extraordinary of a place it is.

Going back to the 5th century, it is steeped in traditional and culture and rich culture with many influences woven in. These homes and gardens reflect that beautifully. This book is like taking a mini exotic trip to Tangier, fascinating! Great gift idea for a world travel/architecture enthusiast  too as this is one beautiful book.

Click here to see on Amazon


4 SOME EXCITING PRESS! I had three exciting things happen last week, one was House Beautiful featured two tablescapes in their latest issue with our beautiful silver pieces. Silver mint juleps, our gorgeous reeded ball flatware and salt and peppers were used on two beautiful tablescapes, always exciting seeing my products on the glossy pages of a popular home magazine, thanks House Beautiful!


And Weston Farms, the premier sources for all things magnolia set up their usual spectacular booth at High Point but this time featured a bunch of my blue and whites as well as silver. They even did a beautiful write up about me and using blue and whites along with the magnolia. It was a thrill so thank you Weston Farms!

And finally remember my beautiful design job in NYC? Well the library made the cover of the beautiful new Safavieh Style! I was so excited and flattered to find out that the editor of Wainscott Media choose this picture for the front cover. I must say I think it looks pretty dazzling:) A true thrill!



5 INSPIRING STORY OF THE WEEK This is not really a story but a video that my dad sent me. I must admit when I first saw it, I was rushing to get somewhere and nearly passed over it but something told me to take 2 minutes and watch it and was I so happy I did. It starts off show but I think that’s the purpose, to get you “in the zone”.

There is a profound and simple lesson here, something we all know but I think we need to be reminded of. I think this is beautifully done and if anything it reminds us to sometimes to stop what we are doing, focus and be grateful for the things we are often too busy to notice, it is kind of like pressing a little reset button . I am so happy I did not miss this. Thanks Dad!

6 ONE TALENTED ARTIST  I love and have admired for a while, the work of talented Stephanie Fishwick. She is an artist and  calligrapher. Her work is exquisite and i love how it has even translated onto things like a beautiful silk pillow. I swear if I was young bride, I would have such a hard time making a decision about the invitations… many incredible choices today! Here is a look at her work, click here for follow her on Instagram.

7  SUNDAY’S SURVEY I love getting your opinion on a wide range of subjects. So this has to do with when you are starting to feel like you are getting sick and unfortunately we all know that feeling..yuck! Or when you are actually sick. I will admit, call me a big baby or a drama queen, but the minute I feel sick I hunker down and do not budge.

I am always amazed at some people who are able to push through and do whatever might be on their calendar, but for me that is not an option. When I get sick I surrender, get into my pjs, have my ipad charged and prepare for serious Netflix marathons. Not everyone is this way and my friends know this about me, and I am wondering how much company I have?

What made me thing of this was of a recent situation. My husband I were invited to a dinner party not long ago, I was feeling sick that day, not full blown flu by any stretch but something was brewing and I was dragging. He wanted to me to push ahead and go though I physically could have willed myself to do it, I just didn’t have it in me and frankly wanted nothing more than just to relax and rest.

Call me a couch potato, it’s OK I accept it:)  My husband is one who tends to push through to the best of his ability. Then I wondered it it’s a “guy thing” but I have a few friends who do the same. I grew up with a mom who believed in listening to your body and knowing when to stop and give it a rest.  Oh and by the way we did not go! OK your turn to weigh in……


And that is a wrap! Hope you enjoyed my post this Sunday. Love to hear from you and what might have gotten your attention. Thank you for stopping by, wishing you a wonderful day and great end to your weekend. Until next time…….

PS Last day of our beautiful  holiday candle sale! We are nearly sold out. Click here to visit the sale



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Tina, first congratulations on those wonderful features how exciting, well deserved !
Thank you for the book suggestions our entire family are both people so I’m always looking for new and interesting book titles especially around the holidays .
And on your survey I am very much like you, when I know I’m getting sick I always stop and take care of myself because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound In feeling well!

Another beautiful post, cannot get over those blue and white pumpkins that your customer did!
How exciting to have your first cover, congratulations!

I so enjoy seeing all the beautiful autumn photos! It is my favorite season of all with spring coming in as a close second. I’m sort of a “home and hearth” type of person, and I almost checked the box that I’ll make up any excuse to stay home.” That’s how much I love my home. 🙂

In response to your poll, I think it is rude to expose others to their sickness. They should stay home unless it is absolutely necessary.

Lovely Sunday morning reading your blog and easing into the upcoming season’s. Love all of your suggestions. I too try to listen to what my body is telling me and always consider other people who might be at the event who could have a compromised immune system . As the hostess I always appreciate the consideration from others.

The “interview with God” brought me to tears….Just beautiful images, and the contents thought provoking. Thank you for sharing this.

Thank you for the info on the magnolias. I was at High Point but missed this resource. Loved the article featuring YOU! Happy Sunday! JoAnne

Thanks so much for the wonderful gift idea of The Ballerina book! Look forward to your posts , but especially the Sunday ones. I’m a big believer in staying home and hunkering down when feeling puny.

I just watched the Interview with God. So beautiful. I immediately forwarded it to my loved ones. Love the expression on Teddys face …… thanks for this wonderful post

As always, love your features, especially the video. Congrats on the publicity! It’s nice to know someone else who savors a slice of pretty!


Congratulations on those features! You look beautiful and I love seeing that gorgeous library on the cover..

thanks for that video what a beautiful video which I will also be sharing. Thanks for sharing it!

loved seeing your readers homes filled with your wares, all very inspiring. Thanks Tina

“Interview With God” made me take the time to think how life’s problems really have simple, uncomplicated answers.
Thanks for sharing this video with us.

Thank you, Tina’s Dad, for the lovely visual reminder to slow our hearts and minds so we can live and love and feel closer to God in the present moment.
If you think you’re coming down with something but don’t feel too bad yet, you are probably at your most contagious! The caring response by staying home benefits everyone – the sick person and all those adversely affected by contact. If you have the option, please stay home.

Many congratulations on your magazine features. That must be thrilling! I also enjoyed the video, very heartwarming. Thank you to your dad for sharing it. I am one of those people that pushes thru and never stops despite being sick. Yesterday was one of those days, as I have a terrible cold but had an interior installation that had to get done on a clients job. Watching that video reminded me that I should be more like you, as life is too short to shorten it further by making ourselves sick with work. I think you have it right.

Tina — you left something out of your survey…if you feel sick, please don’t push through and spread your germs! I really get irritated if someone comes to work dripping of illness or is standing behind me in line coughing up a storm. I will try not to infect you if I am sick and would appreciate the same amount of consideration. So thanks for staying home if you are under the weather!

Love everything on your post today Tina, but especially the precious picture of Teddy.

Don’t push yourself to go and be with people when you could expose others. Take care of you! Here is only one of you!

I’m so glad you allowed us to see the video your dad sent you. Now I need to remind myself when life gets hard that HE is always there for me. As usual your Sunday post is a great gift to us and today’s was extravagant .

Enjoyed seeing the wonderful recognition you have received for your work, you are very talented and it’s well deserved. You look so beautiful and very young!
The interview with God was so touching, one I will most definitely be sharing with my family. Thank you so much for posting this today, I feel like I needed to watch that.

I am so glad to finally see a picture of you! You’re just as pretty as I thought you would be!

I love your daily posts, but look forward to your Seven on Sunday the most. Congratulations on your decorating project on the magazine cover and the article with Weston Farms. It must give you so much pleasure and you must feel so must pride in having your accomplishments lauded in that way.. You are one talented lady!

ok im sticking my nose out,,,,,love all you do we are on exact page with design and accessories have some things hurricane lamp large to die for in my re ding room ,,, overth moon, so here it come i miss your dog for you ,i know it tough with your scedule,,, i really do but i would love to see the completion of what you do and whats in your heart two new babies…… your world and your tribe will expand to the moon… just a thought……. ill be quiet now, i lost my lab my heart was ripped to the core………. but against all that was holy i did a redo and so not sorry,,,!!!!!!! but you are busy,,, but you have help,,,, all the difference in th e world, think now tina

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