Comments : 34

Hi everyone, how are you? Hopefully hanging in there. If you are like me and find comic relief to be a great stress reliever then hope you are following me on Instagram where I post a nightly round of funnies…seems to be helping a lot of you to end the day with a little laugher, surely can’t hurt!

Here is a round up of various happenings as seen through my iPhone in the last few weeks.  Most of these were “pre quarantine” as there hasn’t exactly been much going on in the last 8 days. During this we came to Palmetto Bluff for a few reasons. Originally with the idea of bringing my parents here, but it was deemed best for them to remain where they are at home in VA. So we have been here quarantining except to go out for walks and bike rides.

Amazing isn’t it, how life has changed in a mere 8 days. I am trying to stay positive and focus on the future and the good things that will come our way. Surely we will all emerge from this stronger, much better cooks, maybe a few pounds heavier, better read and fed, and likely will have a new perspective on even the smallest things. Always have to look and find those silver linings:)

I am trying to share the beauty and things that inspire me (and hopefully you). I vowed to continue posting uninterrupted  because I think its important to keep as many constants in our life as we possibly can, one of them being my blog. I know how much I enjoy going on Instagram and seeking beautiful things, it’s almost like air at a time when it feels like we are drowning.

We know two people who have Covid-19, both required hospitalization and both were scared out of their minds, saying its the sickest they have been, one was in ICU and just got out 2 days ago. She said the hospital scene was like something out of Armageddon (a NYC hospital). A friend of mines husband is an infectious diseases doctor in the city and some of the stories she has told me had my hair standing on end. This is no joke.

Even in areas where it feels like you have not been affected the way other parts of our country have, I hope you know that can change very fast. Even. here in SC, when we got here there were only about 22 cases, as of yesterday it’s almost at 500. I know many of us are worried about our health, our parents, our families, our jobs and livelihoods but heeding the (often dire) warnings for a few weeks to stay home and stay isolated can make the difference. Please speak to those “young people” in your life too, they are not immune from this as more and more studies are revealing. Everyone has to do their part, we are all in this together and we will come out stronger!

So let’s escape just for a little bit,  here we go with the most recent random musings from NY and. PB…..


Loving my lemon topiaries….put them in the white fretwork planers and love the look~

My little stash above is as good as gold:)

At the beginning of this, I was using rooms in my house we don’t use often… was quite nice

Social distancing at meals:)

How gorgeous is the newest charger and the scalloped flatware!

Such a beautiful set, can’t wait for life to get back to normal so I can host an “out of quarantine” dinner party 🙂

Went on a big silver polishing binge, I find it so cathartic, anyone else?

Pantry is getting a clean out…..

Can’t wait to start using the outdoors again:)

The day before we left I walked outside and saw my first visitor in days…a beauty!

You could say breakfast is becoming serious business around here lately….

First stop at PB was the market, and of course flowers….one thing they were not out of:)

No matter how grim things might be, flowers are always a much needed pick me up, these were bought at the local supermarket

Have some of my favorite books and magazines here to go through….I find something new every time I look at them:)

Thankfully we have bikes!

Even in idyllic Palmetto Bluff, the gravity of the station is felt, everything is closed (you only see dog walkers and bike riders)

Scenes like above and below are nice momentary reprieves from the reality of the situation

Favorite drink  now dubbed the ” Quarantini”, tonic water, grapefruit and rosè vodka with a glass full of ice and lots of fresh lime juice (5pm rule is out the window during quarantine)!

The romantic trees dripping with moss was a sight for weary eyes

Been watching a lot of movies, many oldies but goodies

Taken during a walk….nature never looked so beautiful as it does not, one of the contents that we all need in our lives right now

My beautiful Provence planter and a favorite garden seat….

My happy place


Hope you enjoyed the post and please I hope no one, not even for a minute thinks that this is in any way meant to minimize the gravity and seriousness of what is going on around us. I think thought everyone has different ways of coping and for me, it’s keeping as much of my “normal” as I possibly can and finding beauty and inspiration even in very dark times. I suffer from anxiety and get very nervous in situations like this so having my blog and instagram has been a HUGE help in getting my mind off things.

I hope you are doing well and finding ways to cope as best as possible. Everyone needs to find their “silver lining”  whatever that may be. I also read this article which I found very comforting over at the Deepak Chopra’s website on how to find happiness in tough times. Click here to read


I know these are really scary, uncertain times for everyone. The only thing we can focus on are the things we can control. The wellbeing of ourselves and our families, doing our part by listening to what the experts are telling us to do,  and practicing self care. We are all the better to take care of others when we are first taking care of ourselves.

Be well, stay healthy, stay safe and stay vigilant. I love hearing from you so please leave a comment and tell me how you are doing, if you have any questions you want to ask or just want to say hi. Until next time…….

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Hi Tina, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this post, everything is so beautiful and like you said it was a fantastic diversion! You were smart to go to Palmetto, where I’m sure it’s much calmer and certainly peaceful. We went there for the first time last year, it is so beautiful!
My husband is an emergency room physician and needless to say, we have hardly seen him the last two weeks. We live in the Atlanta area which is starting to feel a surge. The hospitals are already very overwhelmed . I am most worried about my elderly parents who are both in their late 80s.
I could not agree with you more that, even though this is a very frightening for our entire world, we have to try and find things to keep us calm, levelheaded and little things that bring us joy. Your blog is most definitely one of them, so thank you.

Love reading your post every day. Having something lovely to look at gives a refocus from the gloom. Thanks for the bright spot!?

If I had your big, beautiful home…..I would be happily quarantined asI know you are – Just take in all the fruits of your labor and enjoy. Everything is truly a feast for the eyes. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Your blog and Instagram posts are both wonderful, uplifting and encouraging! Please keep them coming…We all need encouragement and laughter but especially now! Stay safe and well, and thank you!!!

Hi Tina,
Thank you for this post. We do need beauty in our lives even more now! I love seeing your latest floral arrangements and the buck in your NY yard was fun, too. PB looks so soothing. Glad you are there enjoying it. I’m in a northern suburb of Atlanta, and we are doing a bit better than the city. Both my design and antiques businesses are closed for awhile. Instead of fretting about the businesses, I am SO grateful it’s Spring. I find solace in nature and being in my garden. Seeing the new life of tree buds and flowers starting to come up from the earth reminds me that there is hope. I urge everyone to get outside as much as possible. Just a thought – can we please use the phrase Physical Distancing because we need social interaction for our emotional health……… just 6 feet away 🙂 Take care and stay well. Looking forward to more of your beautiful posts.

Thanks, your postings are inspiring and uplifting!
Question: The large glass hurricanes NOW have a small glass liner at the bottom for the hurricane to sit on as well as providing a place for a candle. Any chance those of us who previously purchased hurricanes which were offered without the bottom liner
could purchase liners separately?

Thank you so very much for the beauty you share with us Stressful times for sure I work every day and am in contact with many people Have to work or don’t get paid so stress there On top of all this I am in process of renovating a house in new York without being able to be there.
I will just throw this out there but any advice on a good white color for walls
Keep posting !!!


Thank you for the beautiful post! I found it uncanny that I too was polishing my silver this morning! We all need to get out and enjoy this spring weather and try to forget for a while what is going on in the world!

I was recently in Palmetto Bluff and agree completely how calming it is. Thank you for sharing.

What do you use to polish silver that is heavily filigreed or patterned—I’ve used a toothbrush but am not usually happy with the less-than-even shine.

Love, love, love your tabletop sized white fretwork planters. An idea – how about selling a seasonal insert, both with the planter
and without so we could switch out foliage/flowers/décor for the seasons or holidays?

Hi Tina…everything I want to say to you has been said succinctly in previous posts.
Your lovely notes and photos remind us of the beauty in our lives that is there if we let go of stress and anxiety and go out and find it. Nature and the emergence of spring reminds us that there is new life and beauty everywhere if we seek it out. We live on an island outside Seattle, the epicenter of this crisis and the generosity, care and concern that people on our island have expressed for one another is beyond anything I have ever experienced. As is said, “we are all in this together” and I hope we emerge from this with the clarity and kindness we have found in this crisis.
Palmetto Bluffs is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Stay safe and healthy and thank you so very much for the daily sunshine you bring to us all.

Your posts are perfectly composed to combine the seriousness and the levity so needed right now. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. The health AND financial situation is way too much to handle. We need perspective and humor as much as heeding the medical warnings. I am over 60 with underlying issues but I still gave blood. I needed to do something to actively help and there is such a shortage. Glad you left NY for now. Stay well

Tina, what a beautiful post. I can’t thank you enough for cheering me with your comforting words and beautiful photos. Blessings to you and your family.

Thank you for sharing your positivism. Thank you for sharing beauty! God Bless you and God Bless America!

Keep posting…… looking at beautiful images ,wherever they may be, is comforting for a moment or two.

Hi Tina…. I would like to know what is the name of your Gorgeous scalloped flatware? That you highlighted… everything is so gorgeous… thanks for your beautiful pictures as we are in lock down and have to shelter in.. it’s just nice to close our eyes and believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel… dreamy

Tina. Thank you for the beautiful post! Just like people during wartime flock to movie theaters for an escape, you provide a beautiful escape in pictures for your readers!

My 63 year old husband is a hospital based doc returning to work Monday after a few weeks of vacation. Supposed to be retiring in 6 months- I hope he makes it- I am very afraid. Your photos are soothing-

Hi Tina. Hope you are having a peaceful time in PB. I don’t think asking all of us to stay home is such a sacrifice, right?, considering we could be in a lot worse off places. Let’s all put it in perspective. Asking us to stay home for the greater good of our country is not a sacrifice, and especially for maybe only a couple of months. Fighting in the trenches, that’s where the sacrifices are happening. When we look at it from that direction , we are doing ok. As long as we do our part, we are helping tremendously. And looks like you have made all the right decisions. Especially keeping your parents in their own home. Good luck & we will all come out on the other side of the apex better people. Thank you & try to have peaceful thoughts.

Enjoying your lovely post during this crazy and scary time. We are all enjoying our homes and cooking up a storm. ❤️

Hi Tina, I, too, am blessed to have a place at the beach where I can go and see God’s glory in the wide open skies and beautiful blue water. But, I try each and every day to remember those who are working hard to keep others safe and to remember those who are not able to get out into the sunshine and nature. We are blessed indeed!!!

Dear Tina,

Your posts are always lovely but this one is special. You gave us a tour of your beautiful home and took us on a stroll through your favorite places. All were so inspiring nad make me go into my rooms and move things around. Stay safe, happy, healthy and home.

I enjoyed looking at all your beautiful pictures. Your house is a “Knockout “

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