Comments : 17

Hi friends and Happy July 4th weekend! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend wherever you might be. We are in Palmetto Bluff and enjoying the much. needed away time. So peaceful and though there are still Covid related restrictions in place, something about being in the “low country” brings down my stress level several notches.

Have a few get togethers planned but my favorite part are the simple pleasure, like having coffee or a glass of wine on my porch and my long bike rides. I cannot wait to start playing tennis again, have a partially torn ACL so have not been able to play for a while, but they have a beautiful tennis center here and I am itching to start playing again. One day! Onwards to this weeks Seven on Sunday….



1 LOVE BLUE AND WHITE? This was such a great article in one of my new favorite magazines, Fowler Magazine geared towards the blue and white lover. Beautifully put together with some wonderful new resources. Click here to read


2 NEW ITEMS! Lately it’s been feeling like Christmas with all the new items that were held up since March. Loving it! We also have many amazing new things in the pipeline which we are super excited about. As always you are the first to see them!

So you have seen the pink/white garden seat here is the gorgeous jar (coming in about 5 weeks)

And how pretty is the green/white version!

And we are getting in a magnificent shipment of our gorgeous sold out etched hurricanes

New wastepaper basket and tissue design, so love this. Will be offered in pale pink, pale blue and pale green-

3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Such a bounty of beauty with a heavy emphasis on the July 4th holiday…of course!!


4 A FABULOUS SUMMER PASTA RECIPE I had a lemon pasta from a while ago but could not find the recipe so started going over a bunch of others and came up with my own. Well, let me tell you this was a winner. Everyone loved it and it’s also such a pretty dish. Always extras for pretty. It was light and super flavorful. Could stand alone easily as a meal but I served it with a chicken dish, a big salad and sauteed Broccoli Rabe. Here is how I made the pasta-


  • Your favorite fresh or boxed pasta
  • About 1.5 cups of fresh peas (fresh is ideal)
  • 2 good sized zucchinis sliced and then halved
  • Generous cluster of fresh basil finely chopped
  • Olive oil
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (I have used more at times depends how lemon-y you like it)
  • Lemon rind
  • Garlic
  • 3 TBSP half and half
  • Fresh parmigiana
  • Sea salt and pepper


Boil pasta in salted water until al dente (should have a slight bite) Drain and put in large mixing bowl

Meanwhile in sautee pan, heat olive oil, cook garlic and then add all lemon juice, and then half and half,  stir gently and add a handful of the chopped basil.

In another pan use a little olive oil, saute zucchini and peas for about 6 minutes.

Gently fold peas and zucchini into the pasta that has sat at room temp.

Then add olive oil/lemon mixture into the pasta, gently stirring.

Add finely chopped basil and sea salt and pepper to taste.

Last add freshly grated parmigiana and lemon vest, mix on last time. Garnish with a little basil and enjoy!


5 HAMPTONS HIGHLIGHTS I was out in the Hamptons last week celebrating a special friends birthday. It was so nice to take the day off and just totally unwind. After an extremely busy work week, it was just what the doctor ordered and what I needed. Here are a few pretty pictures from the day-


6 A FEEL GOOD STORY. I need more of these so find myself seeking them out…inspiring stories about the kindness and goodness that is out there even in the smallest packages. This story is so sweet and shows the good side of humanity that sometimes we need small reminders of.


7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY  This is a “which would you do” question. I was in the bakery the other day and there were two others there. One lady walked in without a face mask, two others immediately said something to her. One customer was upset with the girl working at the bakery as she was very timid in confronting the lady, despite a big sign upon entering and in the bakery stating that all patrons needed to wear a mask. It got a little heated and a bit ugly.

In theory they were right, here in NY you do have to wear a mask and literally almost every place of business I have walked into has a sign. I totally understand the person doing the questioning though she was off the bat very aggressive in her posture. Someone not wearing one is potentially putting someone else at risk. Curious if you would be one to speak up if someone walked in without a mask or would you look the other way and of course walk away to keep even further distance:)


And that is a wrap for this Sunday’s post. Hope you enjoyed, anything here in particular get your attention? Hope everyone is having a wonderful and safe holiday weekend. Hope the sun is shining and those birds are chirping, it is nice to have some “down time” which was sorely needed. Thanks for stopping in, until next time…..

PS In celebration of July 4th, the entire shop is 20% off ends tonight! Use code America




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The lemon pasta recipe sounds delicious, but did you know you said two slices and I think you meant two whole ones. Thanks

Always love and always try your recipes.
Wish there was a way to just tap on the recipe and send to the printer to print instead of having to write each one down…
Something else to work on!

Regarding masks – a little information to ponder and think about –
When a person is diagnosed with TB, they are told to wear a mask and self quarantine;
no one else is expected to.

Also, regarding stores requiring a mask. People need to know that it may or may not be the personal preference of
the owner or management. It is more likely to be compliance with state regulations. They may lose their business
license and pay a fine if they don’t comply with posting signage on the front door/window that states the request. Also, in today’s world of busybodies and those who are fearful of catching the virus (those people should just stay home in my opinion), people are turning businesses in if there appear to be any violation of the rules. One of my friends
owns flower/gift retail shop and was in the store office doing book work. He had six complaints he had to respond
to because someone saw his car parked out front and mistakenly thought his shop was open.

So, put your personal opinions aside when you shop and obey the wearing the mask rules. We want our favorite shops to stay open and thrive.

My tears, after watching the two little boys, made it difficult to read the survey section! Thank you for sharing this touching story!

We might also try to remember that some people cannot wear masks due to asthma or related breathing problems. Try not to judge other people until you know the full story. A good rule of thumb is to always assume that the other person is acting from good intentions until and unless you actually learn otherwise.

Loved all the blue and white you shared from Flower Magazine. Wonderful publication. Thank you Tina.

I faithfully read your Seven on Sunday each week. I hope everyone is well in your family. Regarding the mask question, some people cannot wear them for whatever reason. I don’t know how someone with hearing aids keeps a mask on. I have found that we’ve become so judgmental and I guess, I am trusting that this person without a mask has a reason and doesn’t need to be assaulted by others. Maybe that’s too kind of a path to take, but I won’t allow myself to get upset over someone’s behavior. I always have the option to remove myself from the situation. Plus there are now new reports that say that wearing a mask doesn’t protect you anyway. It’s hard to know what is true and what is not. We are all responsible for our own personal safety and if someone is angry about someone else not wearing a mask, well maybe they should stay home..?

Regarding masks, in the small shop example I’d just leave. As someone else said, it’s possible there are compelling reasons that are none of my business for someone not wearing one, and I don’t have the right to confront them. For those who believe people concerned about catching the virus should just stay home… well, I would if I could. We live in a rural area without grocery delivery or many other services. My mother is 89 and has a history of serious lung problems. She doesn’t drive. I’m her lifeline for food and medical care. I don’t have the option to just stay home. What a contemptible dismissal.

Absolutely love the story of the two little boys’ friendship. We take so much for granted. Amazing how two young kids can be so Smart and have so much knowledge.
P.S. Wear a mask and slow the spread.

I find it interesting that I would be told to just stay home if I didn’t like that someone refused or didn’t wear a mask.

I understand there may be reasons someone can’t wear a mask, but I highly doubt everyone I see without one has a health issue (for example I watched entire families or groups of young people enter the grocery store not wearing masks). Our state has a mandatory mask order and I would say most people are following the rules. But as someone (age 57) with a high risk underlying health condition, and someone with a daughter who is a doctor working with Covid patients, I get so upset when I see people not caring enough about others to put on a mask for the short amount of time they are in a public place of business. I try my best to distance myself from others not wearing masks, which can be extremely difficult in a grocery store aisle. But in my experience those not wearing masks make no effort to distance themselves from me. If you are a non-mask wearer, at the very least, be considerate. If you approach someone wearing a mask and you are not wearing one, give them plenty of space. People, please just be kind. Wear a mask. The scientific evidence proves, they work.

Pasta sounds light and delicious! Would it be possible to add a recipe menu tab to your site? You could have all your great recipes you share with us in one easy to find location. Hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend!

Tina, thank you for always posting so much beauty. I have followed you from the start and I am amazed at your generosity of spirit. I don’t usually post anything but I felt compelled to tell you that I am grateful for everything that you do. You are a bright light in a world that has plenty of dark corners.

At this time when so much is happening all around us what an inspiration these two young boys are to ALL of us!! Friendships and our loved ones are so valuable to have in our lives.

On another note “This mask situation needs to end”!!! Not soon but NOW.. It is the One of the biggest farce we have dealt with here in America.

Hi Tina,

How can I find your recipes on your website? I was interested in your recipes for summer entertaining. Thank you!

Hi I love your blog, I like the cristal glasses with metal on the buttom, can you send me the brand house?

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