Comments : 31

Good Sunday morning to you, hope this finds you doing well. Another very quiet weekend, but I am getting lots of little projects done inside the house, a silver lining to be sure. And finding longer stretches of free time on the weekend to do things like play with flowers and rearrange things around the house:)  Got pretty much all Christmas decor down but the tree remains, I am no rush to take it down. I love seeing it and it’s surely not hurting anyone.

Sunday has turned into a stay at home and cook day. I love it because either my boys will come to us or we will go to them (with dinner)! Since the pasta fagiole soup is everyone’s fave I have made it 3 Sundays in a row and it always is a home run (click here for recipe). So toady making it the 4th Sunday in a row and am also going to make a big salad with some kind of a protein.

We have so much happening at Enchanted Home including a very exciting collaboration, once things are definite I will announce it. Tons of beautiful new things coming in,  it feels like Christmas in January.

One perk of the pandemic was giving me plenty of “think time” to dream up all kinds of new pretty things. I couldn’t be more pleased with how it is all turning out and look forward to sharing every bit of it with you. Tues. we will hold our first tabletop arrival sale for the container that just arrived and this one is truly exceptional, as in showstopping, you will not be disappointed:) Onward we go to this weeks Seven on Sunday



1 BREAKFAST IN BED, ANYONE? So I have been on the hunt for a great wicker breakfast tray. I found two but they were “antique” aka used and ratty looking so I did what I often do and set out to create my own! Who doesn’t love a good breakfast tray afterall:)

Maybe to some its old fashioned, but to me, its a timeless classic that needs to be kept alive! So we will be in introducing this in 4 colors and I am already planning my first meal in bed:) Here is a picture taken at the warehouse of the first sample, the tray is removable and there is storage on either side for magazines, a book, remote, etc…..cannot wait:)


2 A MOVIE WE CANNOT WAIT TO SEE! We are watching this tonight and I have been anticipating this movie for a while. It’s a new release and in theaters but can be seen on Apple TV which is of course what we will be doing love that this is now an option!

Since I know I was most definitely born int he wrong era, being able to “go back” and escape into these kinds of movies is for the ultimate (especially now)!

This is such a “me” movie with two supremely talented actors headlining, Jeremy Irons and Dev Patel. I will be sure to report back, have a feeling I will love it!

3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Such a stunning round up this weekend and let’s face it I think we all need to see and find the beauty and inspiration wherever we can find it, given the almost surreal turmoil of our world right now. Enjoy!

4 OUR AMAZING HOUSE AND NOW PET TRAYS. These continue to be a huge huge hit and with good reason, they are so incredible special. Such a beautiful gift and yes, to yourself too:) We have one customer who is a broker and this is her move in gift to her clients, such a special gift!

We are now offering your favorite pets to be painted, as a special pet artist has been added to this talented group of artisans creating these!

These are, due to the increase in metal going up $20 on Feb. 1st,  so if you have had your eye on one, its a great time to order! We are holding a special sale on them which ends tonight. Click here for details.

I mean look at the workmanship, amazing!!


5 A PEREFCT GALENTINE LUNCHEON! This makes me so wish Covid was a distant memory, I would totally copy this and invite 4 or 5 close friends over for a luncheon to celebrate Valentines Day with my favorite gals:) Makes me so miss entertaining and setting a pretty table! This is so elegant and looks like the kind of small intimate meal that allows for hours and hour so of lively conversation, laughter and creating special memories. Click here to read more over at Flower Magazine.


6 FLOWER POWER You know my insatiable love for flowers, few things make me as happy when I have a little extra time and pretty flowers! Stopped by my local market and found beautiful tulips and had a little flower “session”. Experimented with them a few ways and just love the way they look in our new mini blue and white vases, a real pick me up!

My front seat never looked so pretty:)

I really wanted to fill our fabulous new wicker hexagonal planter with these and attempted an arrangement however didn’t have oasis and the flowers were not cooperating, yet there was something perfectly imperfect about how this looked,  I liked that it kind of took a life of it’s own.

This fabulous new wicker planter is now as of today online (click here)

So then I took the tulips out, and replaced it with an orchid and it was a perfect pairing-


Then in the end, decided to put them in a bunch of our new mini blue bud vases and just couldn’t have loved the end result more:)

Added them to my dining room mantle and they looked perfect-

Click here to see our five piece collection of mini vases

Lastly do not underestimate the power of simple daisies. These are TWO weeks old and still going strong! Adore them in our large Mimi vase and in our silver mint juleps

Click here to see our Mimi vase

7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY Since last March our lives have been impacted in so many profound ways, some of us more than others. Some I realize have lost loved ones due to Covid and others have had to watch those they love suffer with this terrible disease. It is funny how your perspective changes on things over time. When you can’t do something anymore, it makes the longing for that said “thing” that much deeper. There are a number of things I miss- travel, socializing with friends and family, weddings, parties, dinners, going to restaurants,even the human touch of greeting a friend with hug.

The other day one of my favorite french songs came on the radio, La Vie En Rose and I immediately got teary eyed (I often react this way to certain songs when it triggers a special memory) and was taken back to the last time my husband and I were in Paris and what fun we had exploring the antique markets, visiting with relatives, driving to Avignon, it now seems like a lifetime ago. Things were so much calmer, more peaceful and certainly our world was healthier! It made me realize travel is one thing I think I actuality miss the most. So here is my question to you, which two things do you miss the most since Covid invaded our lives?


Well this was a fun post to put together, hope you enjoyed it. Anything in particular resonate? Hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing Sunday. I am gearing up for a super busy week ahead so going to enjoy a relaxing day at home and can’t wait to watch The Man Who Knew Infinity tonight! Thanks for stopping in and  making TEH part of your Sunday routine. Until next time…..

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Good Morning Tina. That is a “Me” movie as well. That preview was spectacular. I don’t have Apple TV, I’ll have to figure out how to watch it, I won’t be at a movie theater either. What a story. I need more depth and less fluff (unless its Hallmark movies🤭) in movies. Wicker bed tray, say no more I love it and I want it. I just said I’d have to settle on these faux wood bed trays from Amazon. Patience. Have a good week💕🌷

I am so excited for your wicker breakfast tray, have you thought of making a glass or hard top for the tray so glasses, etc will sit straight and not wobble? I love this tradition-had one in my college dorm room that I used for “studying,” it came with me when I got married and was upgraded to it’s real purpose of breakfast use on romantic holidays and then when we had children it was pulled out when they were sick or needed a little extra TLC (nothing says TLC like breakfast in bed!). Needless to say mine now looks like one of those “antique” ones so I will be ordering yours…probably in every color! Cannot. Wait!

Glorious read…luv’d “the trailer!” With “no guests” to query…”why is your Christmas tree still up??!!??”…it is…and I’m enjoying every nite…it IS STILL magical! franki

I couldn’t take the survey because in South Dakota we are not restricted in our freedom to take care of our health as free people should be able to do. There is an area of life in which some of our residents have been on lock down, and those dear ones are being rescued by family members by bringing them home from the nursing homes. Our lives have not changed significantly, but my home value has increased tremendously as people from all walks of life are moving here month after month to escape the draconian measures of their own state governments. We have a saying here in South Dakota: When people stop playing the game, the game will stop.

Thank you so much for the “heads up” on The Man Who Knew Infinity. I hadn’t heard of it but now that I’ve watched the trailer I’m keen to see it. Thank you for including the link to the trailer in your post! Also . . . those wicker planters :).

The bed trays are so perfect! Another brilliant idea from The Enchanted Home. I miss seeing and hugging my very young grand nieces and nephews who are growing so fast – hated missing their birthdays, the Holidays, and all the little milestones in a child’s life. Yet I am so grateful that we all followed the rules, no one in my extended family got sick, and now with the vaccine roll out, we are getting a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel! Stay well, Tina.

That movie looks amazing, thank you for the recommendation. Just love your blog and it is a highlight of every Sunday!

Tina, your products are so beautiful, you have such a talent and I’m so happy to see you are not wasting it! Own many of your products and constantly get compliments on everything.

Definitely need that breakfast tray and that wicker planter! Agree bed trays are very hard to find other than cheap ugly ones!

Can’t wait for the breakfast tray!!! I have been searching for one exactly like the one pictured for years!

Tina great Sunday post. So much better than reading the paper or watching the news ha ha

Love all the new products and your flower arranging skills are phenomenal

Please consider doing a video for those of us who are not so talented I would be forever grateful!

Agree with you on travel, we miss it so much and believe it or not I have already planned two trips for 2022!

What’s going on with the comment section? Other people’s names and addresses showing up where mine usually does! Technical difficulties?

I just bought a new electric tea kettle and just couldn’t find a cute chinoiserie style. I got a cute one on Victorian type website (floral) but think you should manufacture one!

Hey Tina. Another great post – thank you! Loved the Instagram picture of the woman holding an umbrella of flowers followed by your charming, organic arrangement which was perfect. The survey needed an additional button: All of the Above. Have a great week!

Barbara Morris – Thank God for people like you and the governors that protect your state and its citizens. I fear as a country we are rapidly heading towards fascism. And, because the communists/Marxists/socialists/fascists took over the media and our education system many have their heads in the sand. I could never understand how Germany fell to the Nazis; however, now I am beginning to understand.

On another note, the beautiful items on this website along with the items that have made it in to our home, giving such a sense of elegance and beauty, offer respite.

Yes. Very well said Nancy Morris. Now governors and mayors are saying it’s time to open up. 🤔. 120 deaths n Illinois yesterday. So very interesting

Tina, I too could have checked a lot more than two. I love the Wicker bed tray and would buy it in black or maybe a cheery Coral.
With the side pockets, could a rounded beverage holder be incorporated?, not asking for a lot (haha). Another idea would be if there was a way to elevate the tray at an angle so you could view something on your iPad. OK that is asking for a lot. Love your Sunday

I love the breakfast bed tray and was wondering when you anticipate having it available, what colors and pricing. It’s a must have!

Hi Tina love your posts and your beautiful take on life, your positive energy is felt all the way here in Pasadena California.

People like Barbara above from SD scare me, if she doesn’t feel the need to socially distance and wear masks because they don’t have an issue with Covid she should consider herself very lucky but most of the country is not so lucky.

This is not a matter of the government trying to dictate how we should live our lives it’s a matter of the government helping us to help our fellow man from dying! Why does everyone have to try and make this political!

400,000 DEAD so far. There is no way to trivialize this!

On a much brighter note the new products are absolutely beautiful! Sign me up for a wicker tray! what colors are you doing?

LOVE the bed tray!!! And your flower creations are incredible.

I wish people would leave politics off your beautiful blog page!

What do I miss most? Fun parties, events and travel oh and civility!

I am so sad to see that you didn’t list “Worshipping together in church again” on your survey because, for millions of us, that is currently a huge hole in our lives that impacts us in so many ways. Not just regular services but also baptisms, weddings, celebrations of religious holidays and, definitely, funerals.

On your survey, I honestly could not check anything. My family and I have not given up our freedom to enjoy the things we’ve always done such as go to restaurants, go shopping leisurely, get together with friends, etc. We live in a free country-the reason America was formed. Yes, we have a few in our community who have/have had Covid, but what isn’t released is that every one of them also had pneumonia before/with a covid diagnosis. It pains me to see people so miserable with their lives, especially due to government orders. My prayer is that it (the government) will soon let go of this.

I really think you would love watching the YouTube channel, ‘Chateau Diaries’. It’s France, blue and white lovers, food, charming people, travel. All that you love. Watch it in order, from the beginning. Also, you might like ‘Nicki in Positano’. Which is the same, but Positano. I have been hooked on these since March!

Cannot what to watch the movie selection that you posted! I love the little square wicker planters for the table, I hope that you still have some!
Would you share furniture mfg. that makes the beautiful; powder blue console that is in the picture with the mini vases?

Tina ~ I wish the poll included “feeling relaxed and comfortable when out in public”. Besides being able to lean in close proximity during conversation and hugging and touching close friends, just being able to feel relaxed when being out in the world, without the concern of contracting and/or spreading covid ~ for the fear of that to be gone, would be the ultimate. Thank you for always having insightful, informative, fun and BEAUTIFUL posts. Wishing you a lovely week. TJF

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