Comments : 27

Good Sunday morning to you! Hope this finds out well on this August weekend. So its official, I saw back to school supplies and mums at my market. In the eyes of retailers,  summer is well over. Not to me, going to try and savor these last few weeks as much as possible.

We have had a pretty mild summer weather wise and I am not complaining one bit. But its frightening and heartbreaking to see the outbreak of the devastating fires from Greece and Turkey to California and Montana. Really pray for those in the fires path. We are no contest to nature, the wrath can be fierce. I hope they are all under control soon but seeing those images and videos is jarring.

Let’s move along to my post for this Sunday, hope you enjoy it……



1 HELP US FINISH THIS POWDER ROOM!  I love doing edesign and get such satisfaction out of it but it has taken up too much of my time and I felt like I was spreading myself too thin. Sometimes it is really hard to say no to things  that you really love to do, but you also need to. know when you must step away from too full of a plate. And that’s what I am doing (at least for now)

I finished up 2 jobs and my last remaining small job for was for 3 bathrooms (flooring, hardware, mirrors and wallpaper). Finished two and now we are finishing up the powder room. Below is a concept board for a small jewel like powder room.

I came up with a bunch of wallpaper ideas and she narrowed it down to this beautiful wallpaper from Sherle Wagner. She likes all the floors shown and is torn as to which to choose.  I was too but now think I have a favorite. Thought it would be fun to see which is your favorite. Feel free to vote!

2 SOME OF MY  FAVORITE LAMPS These magnificent lamps have not gotten the proper spotlight they so deserve. I LOVE these lamps, they are hand carved out of wood and then hand painted in 3 beautiful colorways (ivory, pale blue and pale green) with an elegant and delicate chinoiserie scene hand painted at the base. They are large candlestick lamps and truly stunning. Wanted to share!

Click here to see them


3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST No theme just all around prettiness this weekend….


4 AN EASY FOOLPROOF WAY TO A BEAUTIFUL CHARCUTERIE BOARD! If there is one thing I think I do fairly well its making a cheese board. I love doing them because I love to eat them:) I could easily forgo meals for appetizers!

There are a few simple “go to’s” I use that always guarantee a beautifully pleasing and delicious board. So here are my tips-

Use a board or tray (even a wood cutting board works great)

Vary your crackers, I have a few favorites that are go to’s and like to include one with some kind of nuts, raisins,apricots,etc..

Use long breadsticks

Go for at least 2-3 cheeses, I like a soft brie, truffle cheese, Boursin is always on my cheese boards and whatever else strikes my fancy

Always have some fresh fruit- grapes, figs, berries

These paremesan crisps from Zabars are amazing

I like using dried apricots and nuts as well

I start in the corners (normally) and work my way in, do you think I should do a quick video on how I put them together?

Start layering, i like starting in the corners and filling in from there

5 MY FLOWER EXPERIMENT When we did a photo shoot 2 weeks ago, we bought a bunch of white flowers for it. You know me and I love to maximize my flowers to the very last nanosecond of their lives!

So I did a little experiment, i put them in the garage refrigerator and wanted to see how long I could get htem to last. Well here is what they looked like day 13. Quite remarkable! I would say 90% of them looks amazing, given they were 2 weeks old.

I was able to make some new arrangements and loved being able to repurposed them when we have guests over! Now I get why a florist can keep flowers for so long:)

Too them out and they looked remarkably great-

Made a new smaller arrangmenet with them

6 A SNEAK PEEK OF SPRING MELAMINE! Hard to believe we are about sold out of two of our current patterns so we are going to be introducing a new pattern for the spring. Getting it done earlier than usual as the manufacturing and transpiration charges are now officially through the roof and want to lock them in now, so the process started a lot earlier this time.

I am so loving the direction of my concept board…and can already visualize setting a table filled with fresh hydrangeas. Wanted to give you  sneak peek, stay tuned!



7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY A simple yes no or maybe. We look back on this last year and a half (still can’t believe its been that long)! there is no doubt that I personally saw some silver linings, a lot more time with my family, was given time to refocus on things that I realized were really important.

It gave me time to pause to enjoy some of the simple things that I enjoy doing but do not carve out enough time for. There are many things that came out of it and I was having this discussion with 2 friends, two of us said yes, it was worth it but the other vehemently said no. Curious what you think?



And that is a wrap for this Sunday. Hope you enjoyed my post. We are finally getting a little rain (much needed) but hope it will clear up as we have friends coming in from out of own and hope to have cocktails outside. I am pooped though, I don’t “do well” with plans 3 nights in a row, how about you? I like to slow it down a little, one or two obligations for one weekend is plenty, 3 is pushing it:) Am I sounding like an old lady yet?

Thanks for stopping by,hope everyone has a great and relaxing Sunday. Until next time…..

PS Today and tomorrow all garden seats are 20%. We just restocked some of our best sellers. Use code pretty

Click here to see our pretty collection

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About lessons learned during Covid and was it worth it. To me, absolutely not. More was lost than gained, and some of it will take years to normalize– the economy and labor, but more tragically, the sheer lives lost.

One, if smart, always learns from adverse situations but we also learn all the time by just being well informed. Why does it have to take something really bad to make us realize what’s important and do what we should have been doing all along? That’s the biggest lesson for me.

The tiles are all outstanding, it was hard for me to pick one but #4 is delicate and delicious. Your blog is always so much fun.

I think many Americans (esp those in the middle or working classes, and those in ‘locked down’ or less open areas) have been adversely affected. Physical and mental health issues, incomes and businesses lost, whole industries decimated, a year+ of education lost and children’s well-being affected… In my mind there is very little positive that could outweigh the collective negative—and I’m a relatively positive/glass-half-full person.

I say this as a SAHM whose day-to-day life was not terribly affected (stable employment for my husband, children able to attend in-person school, our state reopened relatively quickly).

I hate the term ‘privilege’ that is thrown around so much, but it strikes me as incredibly tone deaf and yes, privileged, to think that the sacrifices and losses of so many were ‘worthwhile’ for some lessons learned or getting some extra spare time to putter.

That powder room is going to be beautiful I chose number four, I like how soft and delicate it is.

those lamps💕💕

I am going to try your experiment with the flowers cannot believe they are two weeks old!

From my own personal perspective I would say it was worth it because it gave me a lot of time to spend with my two teenagers that I never would have gotten and I will be eternally grateful for that. my husband and I both worked remotely for about 8 1/2 months and we became closer as a family than we’ve ever been.

Of course that does not diminish the sacrifice that so many made and all of the lives lost, I always try to see the positive in every situation and the positives for us we’re very personal.

So love your blog!

Please sign me up for the melamine!

Being in lockdown allowed me the time to realize a dream and start a small business so for that I will always be grateful!👍

A major positive change here (San Francisco Bay Area/Silicon Valley) was the Work From Home impact on commuting and how our time was spent. It has resulted in permanent changes for the better for many. On a macro scale, due to movement restrictions and a significant slowdown of social and economic activities, air quality has improved in many cities with a reduction in water pollution in different parts of the world. A plus for many more.

Only from my family’s side. I watched my daughter struggle where to place her priorities. Her career or her small son, but a year and a half is a long time. Both sets of grandparents helped out and her husband who owns his own business could only do so in the afternoon which meant she worked to 8/9pm. My grandson sat in front of that laptop like a trooper. He’s 7. I was bored out of my mind. I don’t think he learnt anything, i think the positive is that most kids will not be plugged Into their devices as much as pre Covid. My other daughter, a real estate agent, well you can imagine what she went thru. I consider myself fortunate living in Canada, the majority of people take this very seriously and adhere to closures and gatherings etc. Praying we do not get hit with the next wave but the border is reopening on Monday.

Love your Sunday posts. I look forward to them each week.
Love love your new melanin.
The bath floor I chose was 2, but would have liked to know cabinet finish to make a definite choice.
I do a lot of evening get togethers and charcuterie boards are always a go to for me. Love seeing someone else’s take and how to’s.

We live a couple hours from the kids and in different areas of mind set about masking etc. The pandemic was rough to not be able to see family for such long time. It also brought the end to my job earlier than I had hoped but all and all I like to think all things happen for a reason and I keep finding new ways to make it positive. I do wish it had been handled much different from the beginning and think we could be much farther down the toad now had it been, much rear view mirrors are only helpful when backing up!

Love your charcuterie board! When I make them, I use a large rectangular plate with raised edges, That way, my guests and I don’t have to worry about items falling off the plate when we cut a slice of cheese or take a cracker for ourselves.

Absolutely adore the candlestick lamps. So pretty; love the wallpaper and the reflection through the mirror looking at the drapers. Gorgeous Decor! Great job on the CHARCUTERIE BOARD! Your selections look Yummy!

One or two obligations in a weekend would do me in, so I don’t think you’re an old lady at all. You have so much energy!! Thanks for the Sunday morning beauty. Always much needed. PS Can you tell us which floor tile you like? Just for fun? Have a wonderful week!

I don’t think that everyone learned a lesson or gained a perspective during the pandemic. I believe that there were too many factors involved to determine how we were affected. One’s age, type of job, financial situation, size of family and friends, lifestyle, personality, attitude, etc. The poll results–42% voted no way was not surprising.

I would really enjoy watching a video on putting together a charcuterie board! Yours always look very inviting and full of choices. I mean to get figs every time I shop just because yours look so good! Like you, I could do appetizers and little bites all the time –
Please! Do tell us the choice you made for the powder room. I saw #4 as the best match especially for a small space, but all were good choices.
THANKS for another happy Seven on Sunday! Made my day brighter.

Please what is the wallpaper pattern and manufacturer shown in the hall picture with your pretty white lamps????

Hi Tina,
Your Spring 2022 melamine pieces with the hydrangeas are beautiful!
Quick tip – to make hydrangeas last longer in an arrangement – dip the cut flower in Alum, you can find it in the spices at the grocery store by McCormick. It really works!

My nephew is in the hospital fighting for his life…my life continued on but I have my had on straight and live alone, retired so I have had more control. My heart goes out to the health care workers and people who had to work in uncertain conditions as well as the children whose education and future has been diminished by this awful pandemic. Lastly, to the teachers, who work their tails off, trying to teach over the internet. It’s like trying to watch a movie on a flashlight. God bless those who are in their lives, still working and struggling.

I love the new melamine pattern. It is so elegant and could be used for everyday. I would combine two of the tile choices. Do a border and inset. The wallpaper is gorgeous.

Do you know the name of the beige & cream chinoiserie wallpaper in the pictures with your lamps? It is gorgeous yet simple. I use touches of chinoiserie, but in a “normal” size home it can become overpowering quickly. I always look for chinoiserie wall paper with a neutral pallet so I am not locked into one color family as I like to change accent colors with the Seasons.

Tina, as you know I love your Seven on Sunday. Regarding the poll, it’s hard to think of the positive lessons learned when this pandemic has divided the world, increased depression and the suicide rate and caused many people to lose members of their families and close their businesses. Now the cancel culture is trying to divide us more by labeling those who are either vaccinated or not. I find it all so disturbing. And the media is behind it all…..that is why I have literally stopped watching anything related to news on television. What should be happening instead is teaching our population how to live a more healthy lifestyle and take responsibility for building our immune systems. People who are at risk need to stay home, but isolating us further is not healthy. We need to hug, shake hands and share germs. It’s how a civilization survives. Personally, I have continued to fly and entertain, while doing it responsibly and safely. I refuse to live my life in fear. It works for me and I certainly don’t expect everyone to do what doesn’t make them feel comfortable. It’s the whole passing of judgement thing that is just flat our wrong. Happy Sunday

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