Comments : 10

Hi there, if I am lucky (third times a charm) I will be in PB this weekend and this will post on time! First want to wish all the dads out there a wonderful and happy Father’s Day! I am so grateful for mine, as he has shown me throughout my lifetime, what the meaning of a “great father” is ( as has my husband). I feel especially blessed to have two special dads in our lives, who lead by example.

My dad will not be with us today but coming in on Wed. so we look forward to a belated birthday and Fathers Day celebration with him. Hope you have something fun and enjoyable planned for the dads in your life. Onward to my post….


1 NEW ARRIVALS I AM SMITTEN WITH! Got in not one but two incredible containers this week. The first one was loaded with all new things and I was truly like a kid in a candy shop. I couldn’t stop oohing and ahhing!

Calling all lovers of chinoiserie and gardening. I could not love our new garden caddies (2 sizes) with their matching tools any more! How fabulous are these. Of course I put them to use immediately:) They are not online yet but will be part of our newest arrivals sale which starts Tues at 9am. One you will not want to miss!

Got in more of our fabulous large trellis floor planters and promptly planted them and put them on my patio…,love them! (part of the planter sale)

Finally got a restock of our incredible cast aluminum footed lattice planters and how I love them so, added the 20″ pair to my 16″ by my front door (also part of the planters sale!)


Feast your eyes on these! One of the items I am doing backflips over are our new cast iron small planters, obsessed with these!! Came in on Friday, in 5 colors and 2 sizes. These will be part of our arrival sale on Tues. SO fabulous!!

Set up a table with all the new restocks and of course our incredible new wicker stackable chair

Love our 18″ cane hurricanes, new wicker beverage holder, and newest mossy green porcelain pagoda, makes quite a table

And last but certainly not least our colored scalloped wicker consoles came in!!!! I snagged a white one right away which is going straight down to Palmetto Bluff, I have just the spot for it. These will also be part of our Tues newest arrivals sale! What a beauty!

2. MARTHA AND HER GARDENS! Say what you will about Martha Stewart but one thing she knows how to do and do extraordinarily well is gardening. And she has a new monthly series with Roku called Martha Gardens. I have watched three episodes so far and they are fabulous, very user/beginner friendly and beautiful done. Loaded with good information too.

You can click here for more info or to even watch them online.


3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Such a pretty roundup of all kinds of beauty that caught my eye this past week….

4 MY GARDEN PROGRESS Really coming along! We have 2 gardens, once in enclosed the other is not. I am looking to have the garden without fencing ended in soon as I so afraid the animal swill come and invade like the did last era. I have so many tomatoes on the vine, just can’t risk it

Been adding some floors na more herbs to my garden

Cut my first hydrangea of the season!


The tomatoes re really starting to take off…..

Inside my greenhouse all kinds of things are happening,  sometimes a place to use as a staging area for ne product until I know where they are going and my gardenia tress are coming back!

5 MY CORAL AND SHELL COLLECTION! I had a really bad day last Monday where literally everything went wrong and I do mean everything, until the Fedex driver showed up and changed the trajectory of my day! He arrived with several boxes of more coral and shells, couldn’t open them up fast enough. I quickly put them on the shelves but with no real rhyme or reason, just wanted them up there! Even though we will be packing up yet again in a few months while we have to move out for the renovation, I figured life is too short to not enjoy them even for a few months until they go into storage.

The other piece of great news is that these are from a huge supplier who I had been in contact with a few years ago. And now we are partnering and going to offer an incredible 3 day popup  coral/shell sale!! We will hold this within the next 2 weeks so stay tuned. Many who saw these on Instagram emailed me about them. I promise this sale is worth the wait!!


 6 MY INCREDIBLE TALENTED CUSTOMERS! I always love oohing and aching over the lates photos sent from our customers. It just makes me so darn proud!


7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY So summer is here and already going by awfully quick! Curious if you will be traveling out of the country, traveling within the U.S. or maybe not at all. We were/somewhat are still planning on taking a trip abroad late summer but even the travel agent warned us agains going to Italy July/August as she said the crowds are record breaking and in her option, take away from the experience.

Last time we were there we were in Verona and Lake Como and it was heaven. Not sure where we are headed but hopefully somewhere that is not crazy busy, I don’t do well in crowds and if it means possibly waiting until Sept. we may consider that too. And, how about you?



And that is a wrap! I do hope you enjoyed my post and are off to enjoy a special day with the dads in your life. We will be just returning from PB so plan on a relaxing day with a little boating and a BBQ with our sons. Sounds like a perfect day to me. Until next time……

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Since the world’s coral reefs are so endangered, how are these collected and does the source verify?

I have been a subscriber following your weekly blog for several years. Something has happened to your site as I no longer receive it in my email. I have not changed any criteria on my part but for a few months, I have had to google your blog site just to send it to myself. I have repeatedly re-subscribed again and again only to find your blog link is broken. Please help to reestablish my email on your blog list. Thank you!


Life is short. No promises for tomorrow, you know? Don’t miss an opportunity while you wait for the perfect time. Go to Italy if you want to go. You’re from NY—you can figure out quiet spaces even w/lots of people around! And you can still take in the beauty while sharing it w/others.
Just sayin……

All the new goodiesare incredible!!! I cannot wait for them to become available and love the coral and shells as well. LOVE the gardening items and white table.
You have such a beautiful timeless style.
We are traveling to France and Italy in July and then to Australia to see our daughter in Sept. We only live once!
Tina, love your blog and your amazing pictures and writing talent….you are much appreciated.

We went to Scotland in the offseason and it was the best thing we could have done! Edinburgh was still full of people, so we enjoyed sitting outside at cafes (while wearing layers) and walked everywhere, and the countryside was just starting to green up and blossom. I loved every minute of our time there, so maybe you could take a trip in September or even October. It is so worth it, and the crowds are gone.

Many of the coral pieces available for sale are actually better reproductions. Not sure if real coral is even allowed past US Customs, Heck, in some states you’re out of luck if you’ve purchased an antique Nantucket basket with whalebone scrimshaw and want it shipped home to you!
The Evolution Store (.com) has a nice collection of shells for sale.

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