Tag: New items

Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 15

Hi there and Happy Memorial Day weekend! Hope you are enjoying a great weekend! Yesterday, we started off with some pickle ball then had afternoon cocktails with a group of friends and then dinner. Today more of the same, dinner by the water with a few other couples. Tomorrow, the weather looks like a washout […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 4

Hi friends! First want to announce the winner of the box of goodies, congratulations goes to- CHER says: Looking forward to experiencing your new website. I have enjoyed all my many purchases. Your blue and white porcelain products were my #1 favorites and now your Easter egg collection holds that spot. Now I am seriously […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 10

Hi there, if I am lucky (third times a charm) I will be in PB this weekend and this will post on time! First want to wish all the dads out there a wonderful and happy Father’s Day! I am so grateful for mine, as he has shown me throughout my lifetime, what the meaning […]

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