Comments : 11

Hello there, hope you are well. First want to announce the winner of he tole planter giveaway Congratulations goes to-



DONNA says: I so appreciate your humility and concern for your readers. Thank you!

Please email [email protected] to choose ivory or green with your shipping address so your prize can be on the way!


Crazy busy week and an equally busy weekend as well. Not complaining but surely looking forward to a relaxing Sunday today! I want to thank everyone who participated in my poll/survey from last week. I am going to designate a post next week to the results which were interesting and helpful. For now, however, nothing is changing.

We got another 3″ of snow and this is more,  collectively than we have had in the last 3 years so it was a very nice and somewhat overdue treat. I have a few documentaries on my list so plan to try and watch at least a few today, really looking forward to a nice relaxing day at home then an early dinner with our son and gf (very soon to be fiancé!!). Hope whatever you are up to is fun and enjoyable. Onward to my post today….


1 SPRING TEASER Don’t know about you but from my perch, I am looking outside at everything covered in snow. It’s beautiful, make no mistake. But now that I have gotten my fill, I am sooo ready for spring! I even saw some of my tulips starting to come up (just a few inches) so it cannot be far! On the Enchanted Home front, its all spring!

Our eggs and wicker bunnies are on the way and we will hold a presale in about a week or so, definitely one not to be missed. Our gorgeous cabbage plates in 3 new colors will be here mid to late April (pale green, soft pink and blue) . Lots of beauty to look forward to……


2  OUR EPIC GLASS SALE I want to thank everyone for your interest in our epic etched glass blowout last week. Quite honestly we were bowled over by the response, I knew it would be a popular sale but was not prepared for the bombardment of emails and calls. These were being almost given away in some cases at cost. The response was actually a bit overwhelming We were able to fulfill many many orders but not all. We are also still opening up and going through literally hundreds of boxes of etched glass, no exaggeration. So we still have a long way to go…..

There is some good news though, as this warehouse deep dive continues, so too are we finding more etched glass pieces! So we are going to have an encore sale in a week or so and it will be equally as great, I promise! We are still working through some order requests but for anyone who has not yet heard back please know you are in the queue and another sale with the same bargains is on the horizon very soon….


3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Never ever at a loss of beautiful inspiration to share that I have found on Instagram….




4 A BEAUTIFUL HUMAN INTEREST STORY I was so touched reading about Jason Brown, a former NFL player who gave up a 37 million dollar contract to follow his heart in giving back to those in need. He walked away from his contract, bought a huge farm of about 100 acres in North Carolina strarted growing all kinds of things and donates his harvest to the local food pantries. Just  incredible and so incredibly inspiring! These types of stories make me so happy, going to share more of them on a regular basis. There are so many good people out there…just think if every single news outlet ended the last minute of their hourly shows with a “feel good” human interest story, wouldn’t that be a nice way to negate the otherwise sad state of our world!

Click here to read his story, might just be the best thing you have read in a long time.


5  OUR STUNNING NEW WICKER SCALLOPED LATTICE PLANTERS As I mentioned above, we just got in an exceptionally beautiful and I do mean beautiful container of new arrivals. I was like a little kid in a candy shop oohing and ahhing over all the pretty new things. I am so in love with these planters below. We will hold an arrival sale on these very soon.. Among the pretty things, are these incredible scalloped rattan lattice planters.  We got them in two shapes, three sizes and two colors. Got a huge 20″ which is a floor planter and I cannot wait to place a few in Palmetto Bluff. In the meantime brought two of the 10″ home and oh my, I am in love.

Filled them with a bevy of beautiful spring flowers. I could not love these are out more, wish I could freeze them. Haven’t gone out and bought a big bunch of fresh flowers in a long time and it was so cathartic and fun! Best part is these come with a removable liner which makes for super easy peasy arranging, also perfect for boxwoods greenery, etc…



6 OLDIES BUT GOODIES The other day I had a nice unexpected chunk of time in the afternoon and started watching a few tried and true movies. I am a HUGE fan of anything John Grisham, so go back to those a lot. But on this day I watched Erin Brockovich (so good), Steel Magnolias (laughed like a hyena and cried like a baby) and Stepmom (emotional but beautiful, if you haven’t seen it you must).

Do you tend to go back to old movies and watch them over? I have a rotation of at least 12 or more that I have seen let’s say “several” times. They take me back to another time in life, both in own life but the world at large. Today’s productions are becoming more and more AI generated, filled with crazy special effects, often futuristic and frankly just not my cup of tea. They just don’t make them (in my opinion) like they used to!


7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY Are you a planner? I tend to think of myself as one but I think it’s relative. I have a friend who I would say is a super duper planner and then some. She called me about a group dinner in…….July! I kid you not, I thought she was kidding. This wasn’t a big save the date for a big event it was a group dinner for 8. I barely know what I am doing two weeks from now:) I do plan, but nothing remotely like that. I have another friend how likes to “wing it” she is not at all a planner and thrives on spontanaeity , also for this friend not a surprise to hear she is taking off for a far away vacation with 2 days notice/planning, haha.

Dinner dates with friends, having people for dinner, a small party, etc..yes typically plan a few weeks in advance but not months ahead. But I feel like as I get older, I like and kind of thrive on being a bit more spontaneous, maybe just for that reason, I am getting older and want to hang on to that spontaneity that once was a big part of my younger self. Curious if you consider yourself a planner for socially related things….


PS We sent out our mailer on Thursday  to everyone who wanted  info on the custom lattice bar.

If you put your name on the mailing list but did not get the mailer please email [email protected] and put “bar” on the subject line, we will get it sent out today.

And today only to kick off President’s day weekend, we have a 30% off all wicker! Great time to start stocking up on fun wicker pieces for both indoor and outdoor entertaining…newly restocked on a bunch of best sellers!

Click here


And that’s my Sunday post for this weekend. Hope you enjoyed it. Always love to hear from you and hear what you have to say about any of the above. Thank you as always for stopping in, wishing everyone a fabulous day! Until. next time…..

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Old movies I go back to – do you know the movie “I Remember Mama”. I know you are missing your dear mother. This is just the sweetest movie.

I am a huge fan of the old movies. I think its sad that today many of the movies being made do no longer know how to handle well various topics as the old movies did where you immediately get the message without being openly sexual or crass in any way as they seemed to excel at humor and making great love scenes without going totally nude..Remember “Gone With the Wind?” etc etc…They threw the baby out with the bath water…lol ( I am hardly a prude either growing up in the Arts i was drawing nudes by the age of 8 and put in Classical Ballet at 3 yrs old…Now modesty has flown out the window…We have gone from one extreme to another in movie land….

I constantly re-watch movies! My favorite movie on rewind is “Almost Famous.” They are like old friends! I love to plan and research events, trips, and activities. Sometimes I think the planning of an event or activity is the best part of the whole experience. Thank you for the link about the inspirational Jason Brown. I have forwarded to family and friends who need a spark of GOOD in their day. Great post today! Have a lovely week.

I always look forward to your Sunday posts ! I’ve been “saving myself” for the forthcoming pastel cabbage ware and I’m So Excited that it’s coming SOON ! Thanks for the update ! Hoping your Sunday is just what you want & need !

Tina, my husband & I happened upon one of these movies that checked every box! About Time 2013. Charming, Imaginative & Romantic. The cabbage dinnerware is beautiful!!

Awhile back you posted about an easy “Banana’s Foster” recipe that you said you would share, but I have never seen it posted. Would love it, if when you have the time, you would post it. Thanks!

Exciting news about your son and girlfriend. That’s what you have always waited for, one of your sons getting married. I plan, just a few week’s in advance.

Love old movies or as I call them ‘ classics’ – just re-watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s again with Audrey Hepburn.

I like watching the older movies. I am not a planner…do everything spur of the moment. It has been difficult because everyone I know likes to plan at least 2 weeks ahead. I do alot alone while everyone is making plans.

Get Britbox and Acorn. British films and television are so much more complex and entertaining than American! No comparison! Did you watch One Day on Netflix? I’m still aching from it. So incredibly good.

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