Comments : 68

(forewarning this is very text heavy)

Hi there and how are you? Hope you are doing well and that you had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. Ours was busy with a little bit of everything, some fun get togethers, a little pickelball and a little boating.  Monday it rained and  was an unexpected gift…our outdoor plans with friends was canceled and it was a nice day to chill and relax (much needed)! Today’s post is a little bit of this and a bit of that, wedding news, what’s happening on the Enchanted Home front, and home renovation news….

A lot happening on this end. So….we are not having the wedding in June after all. Its for so many reasons, not the least of which is logistically it was shall we say “ambitious” to try and pull off such an event in only four weeks. We could have done it, but it was proving to be extremely challenging and emotionally taxing, loss of sleep, certain people we wanted to use for it were not available, etc….it was a unanimous decision with my son, fiancé, myself and husband.

I think we are all breathing a sigh of relief to be perfectly honest. So, now they are looking at spring of 2025 and possibly looking for a destination wedding as our house will be under renovation (maybe next son haha). This way there is the luxury of time to do things exactly how/where they want to do them. I had such beautiful plans for the tent to be erected in our beautiful formal garden, oh well! To be continued……


On The Enchanted Home front, so many balls in the air. We are at a definite inflection point. We may be partnering with a silent partner who is doing an assessment of the business and who has already been very instrumental in our multi prong warehouse cleanup that is in the process of happening. Truthfully I truly love the creative process, love writing my blog but the day to day office minutia, and the continuous pull that a growing business has drawn me into has started to feel overwhelming and all too time consuming. I feel like I have time for little else and want to create a better balance in my life. So taking on a partner would allow a definite sense of letting go of some/much of the current non creative responsibilities and allow me more time to pursue other things I love to do (like coming up with new ideas and designs) and be able focus on our home renovation without feeling like I am spreading myself too thin.

So right now, the name of the game is getting this warehouse organized! Cleaning up, deep diving and organizing 15,000 chock full feet of merchandise is not an easy feat. So it’s one step at a time. We are making progress though and it feels GREAT! We are moving forward knowing that we will be in even better shape when this is done. So yes, a lot of moving parts here, but I will certainly keep you in the loop!

As I mentioned in a previous post, we were advised to sell off/discontinue some of the categories that are either very seasonal (and taking up too much room) or categories that are not our main focus. I am the first to admit I maybe went a little wild with the products, I saw something I wanted not out there to buy, so I created it lol. So discontinuing any of these items is not easy talking to someone who created all of these things with nothing but her heart and love of bringing pretty things into this world! But I am certainly am agreement that we need to streamline and reorganize which is what we are embarking on!

What is definitely staying and the crux of my business- porcelain, chinoiserie tole, all of our metal goods, all wicker, tabletop and some seasonal items like ornaments, chinoiseries trees, etc…

We have begun with the liquidation of silver and linens a few months ago. The gift wrap we recently announced and as of today all three categories are 50% off starting today through Saturday!

We are getting low on silver and linens but have a lot of gift wrap since this is our least category that we will be doing away with *though I am considering possibly adding/keeping holiday papers only. Either way this is a phenomenal chance to get these three categories at incredible savings.

And, no you are not imagining that months ago I told you we were close to launching our new website. Unfortunately (not uncommonly) we had an issue with the developer, who was not fulfilling my wishes aesthetically so we have switched to a new developer to put the finishing touches on it. It is looking GOOD! I do not want to even mention a date, but I feel confident it will be this summer, so stay tuned:) It will be well worth the wait!

Next to go may be melamine and this one, is a tough pill for me to swallow as I love it so much. In my own home, we use it every single day and I hear this from so many. However when I order it is a minimum of 3000 pieces per style per color per piece! So for even one pattern you are talking several thousands pieces of melamine! So I am debating, I love it so much, its hard to imagine saying goodbye to it (though who I am kidding, I have a lifetime supply in my kitchen)! So would love your opinion and a few others below.

Today’s post is kind of a focus group where I want to pick your brain about a few things and for that time, (which will only take a few minutes at most) I am offering a big box of our gorgeous giftware (assorted rolls) see below.



On the Homefront, we are moving along in our “renovation journey” there was a lot involved in getting our initial approvals, we have one more step then we should be good to go in getting building bids out there. We decided that we will not do anything over the summer, its such a short season and we want to enjoy it so we are looking at early fall. I must admit it feels quite exciting but overwhelming too.

We have never done a renovation before but having built 4 homes, I think we will be OK. Just as you get older, you tend to have a little less patience and though I know it will be very much worth it in the end, I know and am preparing myself that it will be a journey! I absolute cannot wait to have a new kitchen…really miss having a beautiful kitchen and think it will re-inspire me to cook more!


Yes, I must say my kitchen is the room I think I miss the most from our old home! This kitchen will be different but hopefully have a similar, airy feeling and will become a happy space to work in:)

And my bathroom, yes cannot wait for a new bathroom!



One lucky Enchanted Home reader/customer will win a box of our gorgeous gift wrap for taking part in the polls and commenting on today’s post. Leave a comment about anything in particular that interested you on this post. I will announce a winner on Friday!


And starting today, all silver, gift wrap and linens are a whopping 50% off until Friday! 

Use code deal

Click here for silver

Click here for gift wrap

Click here for linens


Yes, my days are full, very full and a goal of mine is to create a better balance. I am taking positive steps to do that and recognize like many things, it is a process. Nothing happens over night. I don’t want to look back when I am too old and say I feel like I didn’t have time to do things like more time with friends and family’s,  more fun outings, more traveling, etc…..its all about balance! So you will continue to hear more as things evolve:) Thanks for stopping by, wishing everyone a wonderful day. Until next time….

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Thanks for sharing your candid thoughts about your business and process to create balance while doing what you love. Blessings for the journey ahead.

As a young girl I worked in a department store in gift wrap my love affair began there , almost 50 years ago. To this day I love beautifully wrapped presents and the smile it puts on the recipient’s face, It warms my heart . Your paper is breathtaking!

I’m looking forward to vicariously participating in your remodel. With your exquisite taste and talent I just know the end result will be extraordinary. Can’t wait…..

Tina—I so admire so much about you. Your taste is exquisite and I love seeing how you manage your business, your home life and the way you let yourself be vulnerable with your customers. Keep it up and stay healthy and safe in this crazy world.

Love your blog. Glad you are looking for a way to make more time for your top interests.

While this is a time for transitioning to new opportunities, always know that you have inspired many and will continue to do so. I read very few blogs, but I always open yours!

Yes, time to enjoy life! Loved the old Enchanted Home blog and finding pretty things for the home. Not necessarily having to sell something but to share!

Love following you – so much excitement to come.

Never ordered the wrapping paper but would love to be a winner.

Enjoy reading your blogs and seeing the new items , especially the blue and white porcelains !

As a retired business owner, I love the fact that you keep your customers in the loop on your business plans

Love your decorating style! Enjoy reading about your renovation journey, and look forward to the future posts!

Much enjoyed the article on your home renovation journey… and look forward to your future renovation posts!

Looking forward to the renovation and seeing how you decorate your lovely home. And good for you for taking stock, recognizing what needs to change so you can move forward and enjoy your wonderful Enchanted Home shop! Thank you for helping us all bring beauty to our homes!

Goodness, you have a full plate. I am new to your blog and have been enjoying it for the past couple months. Sounds like you are making some thoughtful and wise decisions for The Enchanted Home’s business side so that we can enjoy more of your creative side. Looking forward to seeing your renovations. Best of luck.

You have a lot on your plate right now! Thank you for keeping your readers updated and in the loop. You could very easily make changes/discontinuations without your readers’ input, but you don’t. You appreciate us as much as we appreciate you. Hopefully you can enjoy your summer without too many disruptions.

Looking forward to your renovation. You have such a beautiful home and I’m sure it will be amazing when you finish!!! I love that you have a picture of your Mom at the bottom of each post.

Transitions are hard! Bravo for recognizing your needs and how you want to spend your time. All will work out.

I love everything you do Tina. I have read your blog from the very beginning. Thru all the building of your beautiful French Home and all the setting up of your store. All your ups and downs. Thru sadness and happiness! You are my go to blog when I am down and jewelry to my eyes with all that you do. I look forward to all the new projects and all the renovations to your new home. I am a retired designer, but I live through your projects and I feel like I am designing again. Thank you Tina for all that you do!!

Wow. Lots of changes going on. Breathe! And smart to delay the wedding, but I was looking forward to the wedding creation at your home… you inspire me always. But like you said maybe the next son.

Your gift wrap is so beautiful and I understand you having to cut out some of your other products but I would think the gift wrap would take less room than other items so wonder if maybe you should give a second thought to eliminating them.
Good luck with whatever you decide.

Haha, my comment in the message box was how I will miss gift wrap! Also very intrigued with the roll-out of the new website, whenever it may happen.

I was so looking forward to your son’s June wedding at your beautiful home. Not a fan of destination weddings. Your home and gardens would have been perfect. Yes, you have a lot on your plate. With taking on a silent partner, I hope it doesn’t change, Your style is so unique.
Wishing you all the best. Enjoy the summer!

Over the years I have seen you take on more and more projects with your business and can understand why you are interested in taking on a partner and reducing some of the work/stress. I wish you the very best and continued success. (Anxiously awaiting the renovations!)

I applaud you in realizing you need more balance in your life. I’m sure it was a hard decision to let go of some things, but I’m sure in the long term, you’ll be happier.

Good for you Tina! Life is so short and there is so much out there to enjoy, Family and friends to love and share yourself with. So many places to explore and discover. Life needs to be a balance. Time to slow down and smell the roses and stay healthy!

Such a heartfelt post! Your exquisite taste and product discontinuation is a tough growing pain and will be missed. Hopefully, you will find a happy place with all your endeavors! Best wishes for continued success!

I am so excited for your new home renovation and cannot wait for updates for each stage of the renovation. Home renovation is definitely a trying process but so absolutely worth it in the end!! Good luck and keep us posted!! 🙂

Just wanted to let you know, because I’ve thought this many times, how nice it is that you ask your readers their thoughts with your Surveys. It speaks to the person you are and makes us feel valued. Many thanks.

I love the wrapping paper. I have several patterns right now and use it for those special people in my life. The quality is awesome!

Brilliant that you recognize when you need a partner for the business—one who can provide different skill set. It is the sign of true leadership to know when to pull back.

I always enjoy seeing your decorating ideas; i.e. choice of wallpaper, rugs, mirrors, lighting etc. It will be fun to watch your renovation!

Loved reading about all the updates and totally respect your decision for balance in your life. I’m understanding that too in my life as I’m in my mid-60’s. I’ve never heard anyone complain about spending too much time with family and loved ones. Cheers to all of your wonderful plans.

I find it interesting to hear of all the renovation projects. Look forward to following along.

Reading your blog is a calm oasis in my day. Taking stock of one’s business and being able to pivot to achieve new goals is a great thing. Looking forward to reading about your renovations.

Tina read every word at this post and admire you now more than ever. I have always thought that besides being incredibly blessed in life, you are also a very humble and kind person. I have seen that demonstrated many many times.

The fact that you care enough to ask your customers and readers about our opinions means more than you might know. Many top business leaders could follow your lead about involving the very people that support them. !

I am very excited to watch your house renovation. I know it is going to be unbelievable. I am a very big fan of all your products and have many. I hope you won’t discontinue the melamine because I really love it.
You are smart to consider taking on a partner to allow yourself to spend more time doing things you love, none of us are getting any younger and very few people look back on life and say they wish they worked more!! Good for you!

Thank you for the update post, lots of exciting things going on! So glad you are working on a balance, so important!

I think you’re smart to focus on your work life balance. I don’t think we do enough of it in the US.

I LOVE my melamine and in fact used it last night for a gathering of girlfriends and received numerous compliments! Your designs are more beautiful and unique in my opinion compared to what’s out there on the market. Good luck with all that you have on your “plate”!!!

Lovely post, I appreciate your desire for customer input and you actually listen. Thank you

Having a better balance is so important. Good for you for moving forward!
I love your silver entertainment ideas.

Thank you for being so open about the changes within enchanted home.
Please keep going with your blog- love it
Get so many ideas and have made a few of your recipes
Can’t wait for information on your kitchen remodel – our last room to do
Thank you for all the thoughts / pictures-truly inspiring!

I Love your blog! It’s the only one I read and I read it faithfully. You are so talented, kind and caring and I love living vicariously through all of your adventures – especially the building and remodeling.

However, I think everyone would understand if you took a step back from the frenetic pace of the business end of things. life is short! In the near future, I hope you allow yourself the privilege of spending more time with the people you love and less time working. I don’t think you will ever regret it.


I absolutely understand the need for balance in my life. As I have gotten older, the need to slow down, cut out outside things and concentrate more on my family and close friends and just spend more time at home has definitely become more of a priority. Life is too short !!

So much to look forward to and as you say you don’t want to look back with regrets, you’re making changes in the right direction Tina. Xx

I admire your work ethic..its clear you pour your heart and soul into your business…your products are exceptional. I enjoy seeing your home being transformed…its beautiful …and I must say my favorite part is the tribute to your Mom as you close each blog entry …I miss my Mom too 💖

I’m looking forward to the renovation and all the updates. I will miss the wrapping paper.

I enjoy your posts and look forward to seeing your renovations. It’s fun to see how you create and design spaces in your homes.

Stay focused on your goals, Tina. You won’t regret it! Life is short. Take time to enjoy all of the moments! 🙂

Hi Tina,

Thank you for the beautiful post! Wish you the best on everything! And looking forward to what is next for you!

I will miss the wrapping paper. I love it so much! It makes the gift stand out from all the rest. I have even given a roll of wrapping paper as a gift. People love it and then I referred them to the Enchanted Home.
Maybe that could be a seasonal thing. Thanks again for all you do!

I think you are wise to downsize your business a little bit…….take more time with your family and enjoy a slower pace. As it is said, “the days may be long but the years just fly by”.

Hope you have a wonderful summer and can’t wait to see the Reno once you get started. Sure it will be beautiful when you are all done.

Thank you for continuing to keep your blog up and running. It’s a bright spot in my day.

I am so looking forward to watching the progress on your renovation! Your former kitchen is absolutely an inspiration. I love your beautiful, timeless taste.

Good luck with all the changes! I’ve been a long time blog reader and I love it. Change is always hard, but a silent partner could be a very good thing.

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