Comments : 25

Hello friends, hope this finds you doing well on this Sunday morning. Here, we have had a very pleasant and relaxing weekend and I was looking forward to even possibly doing some spring planting today. however we may get into the 40’s tonight so guess that is not happening! Had a fun NYC day yesterday, a little work and a bit of play and then dinner with friends.

So nice for spring to be here and really am enjoying the mild weather (most of the time though yesterday was back to needing my jacket)  not having to wear a heavy jacket, putting away my boots but  mostly excited over it being  flower season!  Anyway, let’s get started with this weeks Seven on Sunday-


1 FLOWER SEASON! I left my office early one day last week and went to one of my happy places, my favorite nursery. I love going to nurseries and could spend all day there daydreaming and taking in all the beauty and spring is the best when its brimming with all the gorgeous new spring flowers. Here are some highlights from my little excursion-

Not unusual for my trunk to look this way come spring

Added these potted hydrangeas in the most beautiful purple to my large silver beverage tub (click here just got them back in) and it was an instant arrangement!

2 A FRENCH MANOR TO SWOON OVER!  Sit down as you may want to run for the nearest airport and hop on a flight to France (the effect almost anything in France has on me personally) when you see this gloriously restored home belonging to Chris Burch (as in ex husband to Tory Burch). Yes,I could move in this tomorrow and never look back! Seen on Arch Digest, click here to read and see more.

3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST This weekends round up screams spring, flowers and warm weather with a little humor thrown in and I am loving every minute. Hope you will too!

4 INSPIRING STORY OF THE WEEK Always enjoy finding great stories to share and this weeks is incredibly inspiring and uplifting. I think we all need to hear stories like this more often, don’t you agree? This is what a real hero looks like to me, I always get so emotional watching veterans and their often inspiring and heroic stories.

Sargent Franz is no exception, to hear that kid of faith and positivity after all he has gone through is incredible. Watching this 3 minute video might just be teh best 3 minutes of your day today:)

 5 A JEWELRY SALE FOR THE AGES. Christie’s is about to put on sale (June 19th) one of the most exquisite collections of jewelry I have seen in a long time. It is aptly called The Maharaja and Mughal collection.  Talk about opulent!

This incredible collection boasting over 400 magnificent pieces is part of the the Al Thani collection, some dating back to the Mughal Dynasty.   Just feast your eyes on some of the offerings. Click here to be taken to Christie’s site to learn more about this sale.


6 MY GORGEOUS CHINOISERIE TOLE LAMPS ARE COMING! So excited that these beauties are on their way!! We are almost completely wiped out on lamps so this huge shipment is anxiously anticipated. They will be here in about 3-4 weeks and we will holding a presale on these, so stay tuned! Plus a few other exciting tidbits-


Also in about 5 weeks we will be getting these amazing pagoda hurricanes! I love them as they are perfect for tabletops, both indoors and out, even on a mantle! Stay tuned:)

7  SUNDAY’S SURVEY So this should be interesting to take the pulse of what you all think on this subject. I have been reading a lot lately about how young kids are getting who are getting their first cell phone and/or iPhone. Some as early as 2 and 3 as insane as that sounds.

I was out to lunch with a friend the other day in the city and sure enough at a table right next to us was a mother, her daughter and another mom. Her daughter at the most was 4, and this pint sized force had her own cell phone (we knew this because the mom was bragging to her friend that she had just gotten it for the day before).

I know if I had a young kid there is no way my kindergartner would be trotting off to school with a his/her own cell phone, even if every other kid had one. I think that is outrageously inappropriate. I get that some will not agree and we can respectfully disagree.

So……..very curious to think what age you think is appropriate for a child to get his/her own cell phone (given the age we live in). I understand things are happening earlier, and “get it”. But a kid at 4 or 5 with a phone seems preposterous! This should be interesting:)


And that’s  a wrap for this Sunday. Hope you enjoyed the post, always love to hear what you think so feel free to weigh in on any topic shared today. Thanks for stopping by. The porcelain container is coming in either Monday or Tues and we have our sleeves rolled up and ready! Wishing you a great Sunday, until next time…………


Last day of our incredible presale/arrival sale on our fabulous etched glass pieces and then newest wicker hurricanes!  Click here to see the sale

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Everything is so beautiful! I am so excited about my hurricane and cake dome order. I cannot wait to get these, they are beautiful!
Love your flowers and new products and I am with you on all things France, what a beautiful home. Have a nice day Tina.

Gorgeous as always, love sitting down on Sunday mornings with my coffee and your blog:-) I found so many good Instagram accounts through you. My niece works for Christie’s so always sends us the info on all the upcoming sales. I love the way you put those purple hydrangea in the big silver planter, just beautiful.

Spring flowers are the best! What kind of plant was the one with the white bloom in your car?

Happy Sunday. I am nursery envious, how lucky you are to have such great plant shopping. I got home from Europe to find Spring had finally arrived but I’m also afraid it might be fleeting and am afraid to plant before Mother’s Day.

Happy Sunday. I just wanted to say, with your wonderful ideas this week, tablesettings, flowers, spring shopping etc. You have inspired me! Thank you ?

The Instagram photos are precious. Love the little white dog with the pigtails.
Thank you Sgt. Franz for your service and to your late brother and to the men and women who have lost their lives for our freedom. May God Bless you all and hold you in the palm of His hands.

That hotel, now home in France……just WOW! If walls could talk, oh the history of that place!

Hey. Have bought several things recently. Very pleased. Are the Greek key hurricanes still a possibility. Waiting on news of them. Jim

Those lamps and pagodas!!! Can’t wait. Need to order mine now!! This was one of my favorite posts. Thanks!

if a young person can pay for their own phone then I would think about it. It seems to be more of a status thing than a necessity for children and young people.

Those lamps are amazing Tina! Also love the pagodas and the picture of your flower filled trunk is so good, could make a cute ad!

Enjoy your posts so much- always something to be in awe of (your products) be inspired by (the sargents story) and yearn for (the jewels haha)

I think it depends on the circumstances of your family when a child should get a cell phone. I never would have imagined my first grader having one but than we moved to Tokyo and her bus ride home from school could be anywhere from 1 hour to 1 1/2. So she would call me at a certain point so I could meet her at the bus stop. Also the only thing her phone did was make phone calls. She did have her game boy though.

Thought this 7 especially enchanting. Loved the vet story, the flowers, the Frence Burch sharing. Thank you, Tina.

I look forward to reading Seven on Sundays! Loved the barefootfive and sarcastic mommy posts!!
Also, the clips on human interest stories help to keep us grounded and reminds us of the true meaning of humility.

I don’t think I would let my child have a phone, but I think it would depend on the circumstances. We have a friend who’s child has a phone, only for security reasons: It can only dial the parents numbers and 911, and can only receive the parents numbers.
Yours is my very favorite blog, Tina. I’m living vicariously through you! Love love love the Palmetto Bluff series especially. Keep those coming!

Tina, could not agree with you more. The truly sad thing about the very young child you observed with the iPhone is that it wasn’t for her. You overheard exactly who it was for: the mother—so she could brag about it. Having kids should not be to indulge one’s own sense of superiority. So glad the survey showed “over 12”! as the preferred response!

Good morning Tina! It is always fun to see what you are up too on Sundays. I love your new lamps! They are gorgeous. The house is France is fabulous, I have a friend that has a beautiful family estate in Senlis and find that little town charming and an easy drive from Paris. I love the craftsmanship and artistry of the jewelry for sale at Christies, I perused the catalog a few days ago. They do not make jewelry like that any more.

As for the cell phone, children are too young to be exposed to all of this technology! I have many friends that refuse to let their children have phones, or social media accounts until they are 16. Tim Cook the CEO of Apple just mentioned in an interview the dangers of technology and how it is worse than a peeping tom. What the heck does a 4 year old need with a phone.

Have a great week Tina, thank you for coming to visit! It is always nice to “see” you in bloggy land.

I teach high school and I cannot explain how detrimental cell phone culture is to our youth. I am so passionate about it that I have become an advocate for creating policies that would ban cell phones on campus. Children are inundated by social media nearly 24 hours a day. Children are struggling with insomnia, anxiety, depression, and mental health problems at younger and younger ages due to cellphone addiction. I do not allow my children to use phones or tablets at all because it is the responsible thing to do as a parent concerned with their mental health above their popularity. I wish more people would take this issue seriously. It is debilitating the mind and psyche of these precious young people.

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