Comments : 9

Good Sunday morning to you. First I want to announce the winner of the gift wrap giveaway! Congratulations goes to-

#13 Nancy

WOW! You hit this paper shipment out of the park. Stunning coordinating patterns and collection! So hard to pick a favorite. Perfection.

Please send your full name and address to [email protected] as well as your choice of 4 rolls so it can be on it’s way!


Hope this finds you well! Things are moving along…not much changed. The one silver lining is being able to get to my warehouse/office one or two times a week for a few hours. We are able to keep up with orders, but of course things are still lagging a few days behind and we appreciate your patience! Believe me, we are very busy little elves behind the scenes and doing our absolute best to get things out as fast as humanly possible while adhering to the restrictions in place.

The long awaited Staffordshire dogs (pastel collection is arriving Monday) so we will be busy going through that shipment while we work hard to get out shop orders to be there in time for Mother’s Day.  Also if you missed our Mother’s Day guide click here…..might give you a few ideas.

We only go in for a few hours so it’s matter of making every minute count in terms of productivity! Thankfully I have a wonderful team.  Lots of exciting things happening and that is most definitely a bright spot for me on the horizon. Otherwise it’s being home, watching too many movies, fiddling around, eating when I am not hungry….sound familiar:)

OK let’s move onto this Sunday’s post!



1 GORGEOUS LILAC  The smell of lilac literally takes my breath away, not to overshadow how pretty they are as well! Cut branches do not last that long but for the duration that they do, they are quite spectacular in blue and white porcelain. I cut some of the last blooming lilac that we have in our yard, yesterday and even did a little photo session with my beautifully wrapped gifts with our gift wrap that I am pretty obsessed with right now:) Click here for our arrival sale on gift wrap (ends tonight)


2 THE CHARMIN FOREVER ROLL  Admittedly, whenever I heard about the giant Charmin roll, I actually thought this was a joke, but it’s not! Never thought I would be discussing toiler paper here on my blog but hey, it’s a whole new norm!

A friend ordered it but then when I went on they were sold out, apparently it sporadically becomes available. Genius! I will continue to check back. Did everyone already know about this and I am late to the game? Ha, thought this was seriously a joke, little did I know. Click here to sign up to be notified when they become available again.

3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Never at a loss of beautiful Instagrams to share with you all. A random round up, hope you enjoy because I sure did, they are always a highlight of my week!

4. A FEW EXCITING NEW PRODUCTS ON THE HORIZON. There are very slight cracks of light starting to be seen with regard to so many orders that we had on hold. We were so thrilled to get in a few shipments and have 4 big ones coming within the next 3-4 weeks. Alas, there is light at the end of the tunnel!

A few things we are very excited about here, how fabulous are these incredible new garden seats that match our best selling solid colored cherry blossom jars! These will be here in about 4 weeks (will hold a presale for them)

And then of course our incredible pink/white village scene tulipieres and garden seats are already en route (will hold a presale in next 2 weeks) due here in about 3 weeks,  I want to plan a party just around these!!

One exciting thing this past week was receiving our shipment of our incredible pleated shades, both lampshades and sconce shades. ADORE them. They are now online under new arrivals, click here to see them under new arrivals.

And the highlight of the week is our amazing Staffordshire pastel dog collection, soooo beautiful!!!! Our arrival sale will be held later this coming week so check back but here is a sneak peek!  I don’t think they could be any more beautiful…just love them and so excited they finally made it!

5. TWO DRESS LINES I ABSOLUTELY LOVE. If you love beautiful cotton, soft summery, billowy dresses then I have two lines that you will just love if you don’t know of them already.  With the warm weather are our doorstep these are two lines you want to know about!

Sue Sartor

How  stunning are these hand blocked print dresses that are all the rage from Sue Sartor. Love these patterns, and these are the kinds of dresses that can take you day to night with just a quick change of shoes.I am so lucky to own one and the quality is fabulous, even prettier in person, the easy styling fits almost every size.  So chic, love that they have a flouncy bottom and pockets (a huge plus)!! Their super chic selection of dresses,caftans, tunics and more is hard to beat. A must have for summer:)  Click here to visit Sue Sartor and her wonderful world of these gorgeous dresses!

Sheridan French

And how pretty are these frocks from Sheridan French! Like a breath of fresh spring air. Adore the fun, crisp prints and beautiful styling of the Sheridan French line of dresses, tunics and tops! These are the kinds of dresses I could live in all summer long (and now that I own one, I will)! As perfect for a summer lunch as they are a cocktail party or dinner, these are so stylish and feminine.  Dresses, fun tunics and coverups! Click here to visit the site and enjoy a super special 30% savings!!

6 A FEW INSPIRING AND “FEEL GOOD” STORIES. We could all use some good news, don’t you think!  I know for me, I latch onto happy and positive stores like white on rice. With such dismal news at every turn, it restores my faith that everything will be OK when I hear stories like the ones below. Makes me smile and they are very much worth sharing..don’t you think!

And this is sooo good,you must watch this rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody on the Coronviarus by talented Raùl Irabién, so clever!!

7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY So, I fully understand the pandemic  vastly different in various parts of our country. New York is no Montana and vice versa. But I have been thinking, given we are already in the first week of May, is summer  going to be “normal” or not. I wonder how back to “regular life” we will get (at least here in NY). I have spoken to a few friends lately and we have all concurred that it will not be fully normal (here in NY) which of course makes me a bit sad…’s such a short season to begin with!

I am curious as to what you think, if you think things will just go back, or go back to a new normal or if we will still feel the looming pandemic effects spilling into our every day life. I am hoping we will all get to enjoy a relaxing summer. Maybe it won’t mean traveling the way we would have otherwise done it, or going to crowded restaurants and attending  concerts but I would like to think simple every day outings will be possible. Curious as to what you think……it’s always interesting to see what my readers are thinking. Your turn, select all that apply.



And that wraps up this Sunday’s post. Hope you enjoyed it and mostly I hope this finds you doing well, safe and healthy. That is the name of the game right now!

By the way if you want to earn a quick $10 off you next order (shop order or flash sale/arrival sale order, applies to all) click here to leave a review (look to the right and click on leave a review) Once done just email us to let us know at [email protected].

Onwards to a new week and hopefully just a wee bit closer to getting back to work, which I never thought I could miss as much as I do. Wishing everyone a good day, stay safe:) Until next time…….


Our Tabletop Love contest begins

Arrival sale on the pastel Staffordshire dog collection!

PS Remember our Mother’s Day sale is on 20% site wide, applies to EVERYTHING (ends tonight)!! Click here to visit shop

PPS And it’s the last day of our spectacular gift wrap sale, then they will go online next week to the shop. Click here for sale, just in time to wrap Mother’s Day gifts!

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Sheridan French has come a long way…I followed her blog “years ago!” She is a “stay with it gal!!” franki

Good morning Tina, I love your lilacs! I have not been able to find them here and they are one of my favorites of Spring. Love the new gift wrap, the lamp shade and the garden benches. Off to follow your links. Have a great day.

So much to comment on here, I love your pictures that you took with the lilac what kind of camera do you use it’s so beautiful and the quality is so crisp.

Lovely Instagram says always and I’m in love with the two dress designers that you featured, very much my style. Celebrating a 45th birthday in July and hoping that the birthday dinner we have planned will be able to happen if so I would love one of these dresses for that occasion thank you for sharing this great resource!

Can’t wait for the pastel dogs!

Love this post and your beautiful feel-good stories, the world needs to hear a lot more positive stories I agree.

Such beautiful new products that you have coming in and I’m so happy personally that you’re bringing pink because it’s very hard to fine and happens to be one of my favorite colors plus I have to be daughters?

Beautiful dresses, let’s hope that by summer things will start feeling a little more back to normal so we have somewhere to go or we can wear those beautiful dresses!

I personally think summer is going to be a bit different but like you said it largely depends upon what area of the country you’re in, stay healthy!

Tina you are so right it is very different in Montana , the county I live in has only had 16 cases and we are the capital.
My niece is a front line nurse in NY and my granddaughter a frontline nurse in California I spend a lot of time praying.
Our Governor opened the State with phase one outline we know a lot of states will be watching , I am not ready to go
to a restaurant yet.
Although I am totally ready for the hairdresser !

Today you mentioned your wonderful team and you are right-I want to give a shout out to Courtney who kept in touch with me about an order I placed and was unfailingly gracious and helpful every time. I really appreciated it and HER-she’s wonderful. Thank you and I got my order and LOVE it.

That song made my family laugh! Thanks for the beauty. I’m jealous your lilacs bloom longer than NY. We get one week here if we are lucky, and I love lilacs. My childhood memories are filled with the scent from my grandmother’s lilac bushes, with me running through the sheets hanging on the line to dry in the sunshine. Sigh. Thx for beauty and the memories.

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