Month: August 2012

30 MORE reasons why blue and white ginger jars rock!

Comments : 40

Good morning …..finally a beautiful less humid day over here!! How was your weekend? Finally the horribly humid weather broke yesterday and we had a spectacular day. Started it off by going on a walk with a few friends, then hit a local farm for some fresh fruit and veges, I got basil the size […]

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30 MORE reasons why blue and white ginger jars rock!

Comments : 9

Good morning …..finally a beautiful less humid day over here!! How was your weekend? Finally the horribly humid weather broke yesterday and we had a spectacular day. Started it off by going on a walk with a few friends, then hit a local farm for some fresh fruit and veges, I got basil the size […]

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End of the week musings…..

Comments : 52

Hi there, how are you doing? Boy its hard to believe we are about to enter the second week of August! Scary or what…….when I am being inundated with back to school promotions, saying goodbye to summer sales and a first sighting of fall clothes…I know the end is near:( I have to say as […]

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