Month: December 2012

By Invitation Only….an old fashioned Christmas!

Comments : 58

Before I begin, just want to mention again that I am guest posting over at TG Interiors. I was asked to speak  about my blog, how and why I got started, what’s happened since and about my online store. I think you might find it interesting! I was honored to be asked to guest at […]

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By Invitation Only….an old fashioned Christmas!

Comments : 5

Before I begin, just want to mention again that I am guest posting over at TG Interiors. I was asked to speak? about my blog, how and why I got started, what’s happened since and about my online store. I think you might find it interesting! I was honored to be asked to guest at […]

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Guest posting today at TG Interiors!

Comments : 12

Good evening!  I am back, and had such a GREAT time in gorgeous jewel like Palm Beach. Three full days just wasn’t enough which means I must go back and soon! I  took as many pictures as I could without looking like an obsessed tourist (which I was). And will share with you later in […]

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