Month: January 2017

Random musings as seen through my iPhone

Random musings as seen through my iPhone
Comments : 25

Happy Thursday afternoon. Hope all is well with you….this week is flying by. It’s been a busy and productive one and we are working away on the blog just as fast as possible. Really hope to have a lot of work done by the weekend. I am so happy to hear from so many you […]

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Provence planters, chargers and a giveaway!

Provence planters, chargers and a giveaway!
Comments : 259

Hello, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Ours was relaxing and bittersweet with our son having gone back to college. The house feels quiet again and will require a week or so to adjust as it always does. Another busy week ahead over here as we tidy up the blog and finish the work to […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 28

Hello and Happy Sunday. Well this is one week I was happy to see end. The stress level was high and I really needed the weekend to “decompress”. Launching a new site is exciting but nerve wrecking. Thank you for all of your very kind comments and emails…..they were so great to read and very […]

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