Month: August 2024

Random musings as seen through my iPhone…

Random musings as seen through my iPhone…
Comments : 16

Hello and happy Friday. Today is a post on life lately. And two major events have happened….our renovation has officially started as I shared last week and Baby Phillip is here. He’s 9 days old day and I have had the great fortune to see him every single day. He is the bright spot in […]

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Our stupendous porcelain presale is on!

Our stupendous porcelain presale is on!
Comments : 55

Hello! I call this a presale but its almost an arrival sale as this shipment is due here Sept 4th (that week) so its almost instant gratification:) This is an exceptional container because we are not only finally getting in many of our long sold out best sellers but we have some incredible new items […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 38

Hello there! Are we really near the end of August! Crazy to think next week is Labor Day…it’s gone by awfully fast! The back to school displays and fall clothes are making their way on the sales flo0rs which have been continuous reminders that fall is near. And you know what? I am all for […]

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