Month: August 2024

Need your input and a fun giveaway!!

Comments : 192

Hello and happy Friday afternoon! Yes, posting at a different time, variety is the spice of life:)  Hope this finds you well and like me, happy that the weekend is just about here. Crazy how these summer weeks are going by so fast and Labor Day will be upon us in just a few weeks! […]

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Guess I really am easily influenced…..

Comments : 13

Hi there!  I am going to start doing posts every couple weeks which will be more of a creative writing experience on a whole host of random subjects. I cannot tell you how often things pop into my head that I think could be great subjects to share with you. Then life happens, I forget […]

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Our epic warehouse sale is on!

Our epic warehouse sale is on!
Comments : 3

Hi, hope this finds you well. Sometimes our warehouse (nearly 15,000 sq ft) feels like a bottomless pit. The more we “unearth” every corner, the more surprises we find.  We are at a crossroads where we are discontinuing certain lines/pieces and trying to streamline our product line. Especially since we will soon be unveiling our […]

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