Month: September 2024

Let’s talk…….

Comments : 26

Good morning,  so remember last time I told you I was going to start doing things a bit out of the box and occasionally writing about random topics that were top of mind. Case in point, my a visit to Target made me cry (click here if you missed it) Well today is another one. […]

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Our epic warehouse sale continues…

Our epic warehouse sale continues…
Comments : 4

Hi there, as we continue on with our warehouse cleanup, we have lots to unload (amazing how much we have found). Some new finds which has been fun, all marked down at incredible prices. So if you love the thrill of a deal but don’t want to necessarily have to leave your house to find […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 13

Hi there! Hope everyone is having a great weekend, can you believe we are already in Sept! Enjoying a nice weekend here, the weather has been sublime. We were supposed to go to Palmetto Bluff, think this is the longest it’s been since I have not been there and really miss it but something came […]

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