Its spa time!

Comments : 43

Good morning! Hope everyone had a wonderful and restful weekend. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I am craving a vacation, not just a quick weekend jaunt either but a full blown minimum week somewhere wonderful! With the stress level being high as of late, a spa vacation sounds like its in order. […]

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Chapter 1- Paint and wallpaper diaries

Comments : 54

You will likely be hearing a lot from me about paint and wallpaper over the coming months (possibly stretching into years) so consider this a forewarning! We are just beginning and its a long, tricky and treacherous road but when you get it just right, its unbelievably rewarding too! So there will likely be many […]

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Chapter 1- Paint and wallpaper diaries

Comments : 53

You will likely be hearing a lot from me about paint and wallpaper over the coming months (possibly stretching into years) so consider this a forewarning! We are just beginning and its a long, tricky and treacherous road but when you get it just right, its unbelievably rewarding too! So there will likely be many […]

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