Things I am loving Thursdays and house update!

Comments : 36

Happy Thursday! I don’t know about you but I cannot believe we are in June. Where is 2011 going!! As I do on almost every Thursday post, I have included a few house updates. Things are definitely moving along, lots of finishing going on particularly upstairs, wood floors are finally totally done! Doors are hung, […]

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Calgon take me away!!

Comments : 38

And a happy Tuesday morning to you! Hope everyone has recovered from their Memorial day weekends and that they were enjoyable. The sun ended up coming out here after all and we had such a great time at our friends house, I wish I had taken my camera! She did such an amazing job…and her […]

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Calgon take me away!!

Comments : 38

And a happy Tuesday morning to you! Hope everyone has recovered from their Memorial day weekends and that they were enjoyable. The sun ended up coming out here after all and we had such a great time at our friends house, I wish I had taken my camera! She did such an amazing job…and her […]

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